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An immunochemical approach was employed as a direct test for functional activities of isozymes of methylcobamide:coenzyme M methyltransferase (MT2-M and MT2-A) in the metabolic pathways of methane formation from: methanol, acetate, monomethylamine, dimethylamine, and trimethylamine. Specific removal of the MT2 isozymes from buffer soluble cell extracts of Methanosarcina barkeri was accomplished by use of immobilized, affinity-purified, ovine polyclonal antibodies. Extracts of methanol-grown cells depleted of MT2-M lost entirely the ability to carry out conversion of methanol to 2-(methylthio)ethanesulfonate (methyl-CoM). Methanol:CoM methyl transfer activity was completely restored by addition of purified MT2-M, but no activity was recovered by addition of MT2-A. In contrast, the activity of trimethylamine-grown cell extracts to convert monomethylamine and dimethylamine to methyl-CoM was lost almost entirely by immunosorptive removal of MT2-A. Addition of purified MT2-A, but not MT2-M, to the MT2-A-depleted extract fully reconstituted methyl-CoM formation from both mono- and dimethylamine. Interestingly, in extracts resolved of MT2-A, trimethylamine-dependent methylation of coenzyme M was observed at approximately 20% of the rate of controls not treated with antibody. Furthermore, both isozymes were effective in full restoration of trimethylamine conversion. Tests indicated that neither of the two MT2 isozymes are involved in methane formation from acetate. The results establish that MT2-A plays a specific role in metabolism of methylated amine substrates, whereas, MT2-M functions in methane formation from trimethylamine and methanol.  相似文献   
Alternative hypotheses in higher-level marsupial systematics have different implications for marsupial origins, character evolution, and biogeography. Resolving the position of the South American monito del monte (Order Microbiotheria) is of particular importance in that alternate hypotheses posit sister-group relationships between microbiotheres and taxa with disparate temporal and geographic distributions: pediomyids; didelphids; dasyuromorphians; diprotodontians; all other australidelphians; and all other marsupials. Among Australasian marsupials, the placement of bandicoots is critical; competing views associate bandicoots with particular Australasian taxa (diprotodontians, dasyuromorphians) or outside of a clade that includes all other Australasian forms and microbiotheres. Affinities of the marsupial mole are also unclear. The mole is placed in its own order (Notoryctemorphia) and sister-group relationships have been postulated between it and each of the other Australasian orders. We investigated relationships among marsupial orders by using a data set that included mitochondrial and nuclear genes. Phylogenetic analyses provide support for the association of microbiotheres with Australasian marsupials and an association of the marsupial mole with dasyuromorphs. Statistical tests reject the association of diprotodontians and bandicoots together as well as the monophyly of Australasian marsupials. The origin of the paraphyletic Australasian marsupial fauna may be accounted for by (i) multiple entries of australidelphians into Australia or (ii) bidirectional dispersal of australidelphians between Antarctica and Australia.  相似文献   
The accessibility of objects in mental spatial frameworks depends on their relation to the spatial axes of the world and people's typical interactions with space. The current study investigated perception of space. Subjects viewed either a physical model of a person surrounded by objects (Exp. 1) or diagrams of scenes (Exp. 2). Subjects named objects at directions from their own external perspective. For physical scenes, subjects were faster to name objects at Above/Below locations, followed by Front/Behind locations, followed by Left/Right locations. This finding indicates that subjects used spatial frameworks to locate objects perceptually. For diagrams, response times to name objects did not conform to this pattern, perhaps because the spatial axes of a diagram do not correspond to stable spatial axes of the world.  相似文献   
This study assessed three in vitro techniques designed to measure the thrombogenicity of vascular grafts. All techniques immersed vascular grafts in rotating blood. In the gravimetric analysis, the weight of adherent thrombi was recorded at 2 min intervals for 20 min. In the torque analysis, a microviscometer continuously recorded the amount of torque developed as the graft rotated for 20 min. In the thrombin analysis, the blood sample was analyzed for fibrinopeptide A production indicating fibrinogen cleavage. Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene grafts were treated by removal of air nuclei (denucleation), binding of heparin, or binding of polyethylene oxide (PEO). The gravimetric analysis determined that the time at which each group experienced clot initiation was as follows: control after 6 min, denucleation after 14 min, heparin after 18 min, and PEO after 10 min. Similarly, in the torque analysis all treatment groups significantly delayed the initial increase in torque from 8.0 min for control to 12.5 min for denucleation (P < .01), > 20 min for heparin (P < .01), and 12 min for PEO (p < .05). The thrombin analysis determined that coagulation activity was reduced relative to control at 12 min with the denucleation group (P < .05) and heparin group (P < .01) and at 18 min with all treatment groups (P < .01). The similarity of results among the techniques increases confidence that each measurement accurately predicts in vitro thrombogenicity.  相似文献   
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