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The present model concentrates on entropy generation on a steady incompressible flow of a Casson liquid past a permeable stretching curve surface through chemical reaction and magnetic field effects. The exponential space-dependent heat source cum heat and mass convective boundary conditions are accounted for. The resulting nonlinear boundary layer model is simplified by the transformation of similarity. Chebyshev spectral technique is involved for obtaining numerical results of the converted system of the mathematical models. Behavior of the determining thermo-physical parameters on the profiles of velocity, temperature, concentration, skin friction, heat, mass transfer rate, rate of entropy generation, and finally the Bejan number are presented. The major point of the present investigation show that the curvature term weakens the mass transfer profile as the fluid temperature reduces all over the diffusion regime. A decrease in heat generation strengthens the species molecular bond, which prevents free Casson particle diffusion. Furthermore, the mass transfer field diminishes in suction and injection flow medium.  相似文献   
This study investigated the potential application of an active biocatalyst from pawpaw (Carica papaya) trunk for the direct microwave irradiation-aided transesterification of kariya (Hildegardia barteri) seed oil (KSO) with methanol to obtain biodiesel. The transesterification process involved was modeled, and the effects of the essential process input variables on the kariya seed oil methyl ester (KSOME) yield were examined, followed by the optimization of the input variables to maximize the KSOME yield, using the Taguchi orthogonal array design method. The biocatalyst was produced with a calcination process in a muffle furnace at 200–1000 °C, and each sample obtained was characterized by a scanning electron microscope equipped with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM–EDX) to determine the best temperature. The calcined pawpaw trunk ash (CPTA) produced at the best temperature of 400 °C was further characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and physisorption analyses. The CPTA at 400 °C produced a strong catalytic activity due to its morphology, metallic composition (K (23.85%), and Ca (15.40%)), crystalline structure, the average pore size of 32.2 nm, and a surface area of 0.64 m2 g−1. The best operating conditions established for the transesterification process were a methanol / KSO molar ratio of 10.5:1, CPTA loading of 0.5 wt%, microwave heating power of 300 W, and reaction time of 2 min, with a maximum KSOME yield of 98.50 ± 0.60 wt%. The quality of the KSOME produced satisfied the American standard specifications for biodiesel. Both KSO and pawpaw trunk could serve as inexpensive feedstock for sustainable and renewable production of biodiesel. The intensification of the transesterification process using microwave irradiation drastically shortened the reaction time needed for maximum biodiesel yield. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   
In this paper, a level-crossing analog-to-digital converter is described. It can convert audio bandwidth signals with high resolution using few threshold levels and digital interpolation. Samples are generated at nonuniform time intervals and then interpolated to produce uniformly spaced output samples. A periodic triangular dither signal added to the input ensures that low-amplitude or slowly varying signals are sampled and converted accurately. The dither is estimated and removed digitally before interpolation. Simulations show that greater than 10-bit resolution can be achieved with only seven comparators when using a sixth-order polynomial interpolator.  相似文献   
This paper proposes an efficient combination of algorithms for the automated localization of the optic disc and macula in retinal fundus images. There is in fact no reason to assume that a single algorithm would be optimal. An ensemble of algorithms based on different principles can be more accurate than any of its individual members if the individual algorithms are doing better than random guessing. We aim to obtain an improved optic disc and macula detector by combining the prediction of multiple algorithms, benefiting from their strength and compensating their weaknesses. The location with maximum number of detectors’ outputs is formally the hotspot and is used to find the optic disc or macula center. An assessment of the performance of integrated system and detectors working separately is also presented. Our proposed combination of detectors achieved overall highest performance in detecting optic disc and fovea closest to the manually center chosen by the retinal specialist.  相似文献   
This paper contributes to the ebb and flow of innovations in decision support system design by presenting the MODDE methodology (Model Of Decision support system Design and Evaluation). It utilizes a simple conceptualisation of the software engineering process, and aims to provide computer consultants with guidance to the way they may include consideration of three qualitative dimensions of high level autonomous decision making. These three dimensions--discretion, consistency and resolution--have arisen directly from work in an applied legal domain. MODDE facilitates systematic attention to these dimensions in a way not previously done and thus complements existing software and requirements engineering practices.  相似文献   
Samples of eggs from two breeds (White-breasted and Pearl) of guinea hens which were housed either on deep litter or in layer cages were analysed for their content of amino acids. The protein content of whole eggs ranged from 482 to 494 mg g?1, with a mean of 487 mg g?1. Concentrations of the various amino acids in the egg ranged from 118 mg (tryptophan) to 752 mg (glutamic acid) per g N. The mean concentration of total sulphur amino acids was 395 mg per g N. Overall the amino acid composition of guineafowl egg was not affected by either breed or housing system.  相似文献   
This investigation focuses on the influence of thermal radiation on the magnetohydrodynamic flow of a Williamson nanofluid over a stretching sheet with chemical reaction. The phenomena at the stretching wall assume convective heat and mass exchange. The novelty of the present study is the thermodynamic analysis in the nonlinear convective flow of a Williamson nanofluid. The resulting set of the differential equations are solved by the homotopy analysis method. We explored the impacts of the emerging parameters on flow, heat, and mass characteristics, including the rate of entropy generation and the Bejan number through graphs, and extensive discussions are provided. The expressions for skin friction, Nusselt and the Sherwood numbers are also analyzed and explored through tables. It is concluded that the rate of mass transfer may be maximized with the variation of the Williamson and chemical reaction parameters. Moreover, the entropy generation rate and the Bejan number are augmented via increasing the Williamson parameter.  相似文献   
Food insecurity and coping strategies in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State in the south-western part of Nigeria were studied by means of a multistage sampling technique. Data were collected from 80 households, consisting of 321 members, with the aid of a well-structured questionnaire, and were analysed using a Food Insecurity Index. The overall incidence of food insecurity was 58.8 % while the depth of food insecurity, expressed as the average percent increase in calories required to meet the recommended daily requirement, was 19.5 %. Thus, the study confirmed the widespread existence of household food insecurity but with mild severity. Food insecurity indices declined with higher levels of income and educational attainment but increased with household size and number of dependants. Incidence of food insecurity was slightly higher among female headed than male headed households but the depth and severity were lower. Eating less expensive and less preferred food and reducing portion sizes were the three most common coping strategies for combating short-term food shortages. Policies that would enhance income earning capacity of household members and their access to higher education, well-focused gender specific interventions and promotion of backyard farming are advocated.  相似文献   
In this study, two distinct nanoparticles: aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and copper (Cu) are chosen as nanomaterials to examine the effects of nonlinear electrically conducting magnetohydrodynamic radiation on the flow of tangential hyperbolic hybrid nanofluid across a nonlinearly stretched sheet with convective boundary conditions. The equations that regulate fluid flow are represented as partial differential equations. These equations are reduced to their equivalent ordinary differential equations, which are solved using the homotopy analysis approach with the help of similarity variables. The effect of essential physical factors on fluid velocity, temperature, skin friction coefficient, and local Nusselt number is investigated and discussed. Results ascertain that the heat transfer rate of Cu/H2O nanofluid becomes high when equated to Cu–Al2O3/H2O nanofluid. Furthermore, the temperature distribution enhances with the rise in solid volume fraction while it diminishes with improved magnetic field for both nanofluid and hybrid nanofluid.  相似文献   
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