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A combiner for a frequency-hopped binary frequency-shift keyed (FH/BFSK) system, called the product-combining receiver (PCR), is introduced. The performance of the PCR is evaluated for the cases of an on/off partial-band noise with optimum-jamming fraction, and worst-case, partial-band tone jamming. The performance of PCR is shown to be comparable to that of the clipper receiver. The effect of diversity combining, along with convolutional coding and ratio-threshold technique, is analyzed. Whereas the clipper requires the knowledge of signal-to-noise ratio for threshold adjustments, the PCR does not require this knowledge for this operation  相似文献   
The behavior of the superconducting transition temperature T c of singlecrystal and polycrystalline V3Si was investigated as a function of low-fluence neutron irradiation. It is found that the initial degradation of T c is sample-dependent, some specimens showing no degradation in T c up to a fluence of 2 × 1018 n/cm2. This and many other earlier observations on low-fluence behavior are explained in terms of a recently proposed model of radiation damage in A-15 compounds.Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration.  相似文献   
R. Viswanathan  B.C. Johnson  J.E. McGrath   《Polymer》1984,25(12):1827-1836
The classical route for the synthesis of this family of macromolecules is via nucleophilic aromatic substitution of 4,4′-dichlorodiphenyl sulphone with bisphenates using dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) and aqueous sodium hydroxide. High molecular weight homopolymers can be synthesized in a relatively short time. However, hydrolytic side reactions can limit its scope for the synthesis of both homopolymers derived from insoluble bisphenates and for copolymers. An alternate route is discussed herein that uses potassium carbonate/dimethylacetamide as base and aprotic dipolar solvent, respectively, for the synthesis of several homopolymers and copolymers derived from various bisphenols. In this system, excess potassium carbonate, unlike aqueous caustic, does not prevent the synthesis of high molecular weight macromolecules. Investigations of the kinetics and mechanism of this process were conducted. These studies demonstrated that this route deviates from the relatively simple second order kinetics previously observed for the aqueous sodium hydroxide/DMSO system. This deviation has been rationalized as resulting from the partially heterogeneous nature of the potassium carbonate.  相似文献   
All results to date on the question of persistency of excitation depend on the model being minimal. Thus the results do not apply to systems having purely deterministic disturbances since these automatically give rise to uncontrollable modes on the unil circle. This note presents new results on persistency of excitation applicable to nonminimal models of systems having purely deterministic disturbances.  相似文献   
A semiquantitative three-dimensional analysis of the electrolytic degradation of solid electrolytes is presented. This analysis leads to critical current densities that are in accord with experimental observations in contrast with the two-dimensional models which lead to a discrepancy of three orders of magnitude. The effect of microstructure has also been incorporated into the analysis.  相似文献   
It is shown by low-temperature heat capacity measurements using ac technique that martensitic transformation in small samples of V3Ga and Nb3A1 can be prevented by covering them nearly completely with copper plating.  相似文献   
A novel photocatalyst comprises of ZrO2TiO2 immobilized on reduced graphene oxide (rGO) – a ternary heterojunction (ZrO2TiO2/rGO) was synthesized by using facile chemical method. The nanocomposite was prepared with a strategy to achieve better utilization of excitons for catalytic reactions by channelizing from metal oxide surfaces to rGO support. TEM and XRD analysis results revealed the heterojunction formed between ZrO2 and single crystalline anatase TiO2. The mesoporous structure of ZrO2TiO2 was confirmed using BET analysis. The red shift in absorption edge position of ZrO2TiO2/rGO photocatalyst was characterized by using diffuse reflectance UV–Visible spectra. ZrO2TiO2/rGO showed greater interfacial charge transfer efficiency than ZrO2TiO2, which was evidenced by well suppressed PL intensity and high photocurrent of ZrO2TiO2/rGO. The suitable band gap of 1.0 wt% ZrO2TiO2/rGO facilitated the utilization of solar light in a wide range by responding to the light of energy equal to as well as greater than 2.95 eV by the additional formation of excited high-energy electrons (HEEs). ZrO2TiO2/rGO showed the enhanced H2 production than TiO2/rGO, which revealed the role of ZrO2 for the effective charge separation at the heterojunction and the solar light response. The optimum loading of 1.0 wt% of ZrO2 and rGO on TiO2 showed the highest photocatalytic performance (7773 μmolh?1gcat?1) for hydrogen (H2) production under direct solar light irradiation.  相似文献   
Garlic is a popular spice added to several edible preparations and is a remedy for a variety of ailments. Epidemeological as well as laboratory studies have shown that garlic consumption reduces certain cancer incidences in the stomach, colon, mammary, cervical, etc. This article focuses on the general chemistry, metabolism, anticarcinogenic properties, mechanism of action behind the anticarcinogenic effects, functional foods based on garlic; and future areas of research. Garlic has been shown to metabolized into N-aceryl-S-allyl cysteine, allyl mercaptan, diallyl disulfide, diallyl sulfide, diallyl sulfoxide, diallyl sulfone, and allyl methyl sulfide. Garlic has been thought to bring about its anticarcinogenic effect through a number of mechanisms, such as the scavenging of radicals, increasing gluathione levels, increasing the activities of enzymes such as glutathione S-transferase, catalase, inhibition of cytochrome p4502E1, DNA repair mechanisms, prevention of chromosomal damage etc. Future research should standardize the dosage of garlic and type, ie., whether it should be taken fresh, cooked, or aged. The formulation of odorless functional foods with the retention of anticarcinogenic activity should be further studied.  相似文献   
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