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The present study investigated taste preferences in a sample of 1705 children aged 6 to 9 years from survey centres in Italy, Estonia, Cyprus, Belgium, Sweden, Germany, Hungary, and Spain and aimed to identify factors correlated with taste preference. Children’s preferences for varying levels of sucrose (sweet) in apple juice and fat, sodium chloride (salt) and monosodium glutamate (umami) in crackers were assessed using paired-comparison tests. Socio-demographics (age, sex, parental education), early feeding practises (breastfeeding, introduction of fruits), parenting behaviour (TV viewing, using food as a reward) and taste threshold sensitivity for sucrose (sweet), sodium chloride (salt), caffeine (bitter) and monosodium glutamate (umami) were investigated as possible correlates of taste preferences. Parents reported on socio-demographics, early feeding and parenting behaviour. Taste thresholds were determined via a paired-comparison staircase method. Country of residence was the strongest factor related to preferences for all four tastes. Taste preferences also differed by age. Preference for sugar and salt increased between 6 and 9 years of age while preference for monosodium glutamate decreased. The age differences remained significant even after adjustment for sex, country of residence, parental education and early feeding habits. Sex, parental education, early feeding habits, TV viewing, using food as a reward and taste thresholds were not consistently related to taste preferences among the survey centres. In summary, the results highlight the importance of culture and age in taste preferences in children younger than 10 years of age.  相似文献   
An unknown red dye was discovered in a sumac spice sample during routine analysis for Sudan dyes. LC-DAD and LC-MS/MS did not reveal the identity of the red substance. Nevertheless, using LC-high-resolution MS and isotope ratio comparisons the structure was identified as Basic Red 46. The identity of the dye was further confirmed by comparison with a commercial hair-staining product and two textile dye formulations containing Basic Red 46. Analogous to the Sudan dyes, Basic Red 46 is an azo dye. However, some of the sample clean-up methodology utilised for the analysis of Sudan dyes in food prevents its successful detection. In contrast to the Sudan dyes, Basic Red 46 is a cation. Its cationic properties make it bind strongly to gel permeation columns and silica solid-phase extraction cartridges and prevent elution with standard eluents. This is the first report of Basic Red 46 in food. The structure elucidation of this compound as well as the disadvantages of analytical methods focusing on a narrow group of targeted analytes are discussed.  相似文献   
Wheat bran is multi-layered and consists of different cell types with different chemical compositions. The relatively high content of protein as well as the small amount of lignin is the key differentiator to other lignocellulose containing biomasses. Following the classical route of a biorefinery, bran may be disintegrated to a high extent and separated into fractions of high purity in order to build up new chemicals which serve as precursors for higher polymerized compounds. Secondly, bran contains substances that are per se valuables, but need to be further separated and purified.  相似文献   
Wheat, together with maize and rice, accounts to about 90% of the world's cereal production. During the milling process, wheat bran, besides other valuable compounds such as wheat germ and parts of the endosperm, remains as major by-product. Wheat bran is composed of various histological cell layers, called the pericarp, testa, hyaline and aleurone layer and its weight ratio to milled wheat is about 25%. Annually, over 650 million tons of wheat are produced in the world, of which more than 69% are used for food. The thereby accruing biomass of wheat bran can be estimated as 150 million tons, which are basically used in the feed industry. Even if numerous studies have investigated potential health benefits of consuming more whole grain foods, the addition of bran to existing food systems may confer difficulties in terms of processing, nutrition or sensory acceptance by consumers. This review will summarize state-of-the-art technological approaches such as mechanical, thermal or enzymatic treatment used to modify the functional properties of wheat bran and coincidently describe the impact on the food system.  相似文献   
描述了热压预缩机的应用范围和作用.很久以来,热压预缩就已经成为平幅和筒状针织物常规的整理工艺.这个最后的整理步骤再一次降低剩余缩水率并且改善了手感,增加了织物体积.讨论了热压预缩机的最佳张力控制、稳定性和可重复性问题.  相似文献   
Crystallization with additives is developed on milk samples from different processing treatments. Performance tests are carried out based on structure analysis of the crystallization patterns. Crystallization with milk as additive is applied following changes in milk after different processing treatments. When an aqueous cupric chloride dihydrate solution crystallizes in the presence of milk as additive, specific patterns emerge, which can be evaluated by image analysis. Milk samples were heated and homogenized in a pilot plant and characterized by various parameters. Furthermore, milk samples from the market were tested. Patterns from milk after heat treatment and homogenization are significantly different from those derived from untreated milk. The experiments could be reproduced for other milk samples, on different days and in another laboratory.  相似文献   
Application of a comparative aroma extract dilution analysis on the volatiles isolated from five different hops (Hallertau Perle, Hallertau Hersbrucker Spät, Slowenian Golding, Hallertau Smaragd, US Cascade) revealed linalool and myrcene with the highest Flavour Dilution (FD)-factors in all varieties, followed by 2-isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazine, 3-methylbutanoic acid and geraniol. Some odourants, however, showed high FD-factors only in certain varieties, for example, (5Z)-octa-1,5-dien-3-one and germacrene B in Hersbrucker Spät, (3E,5Z)-undeca-1,3,5-triene in Hersbrucker Spät and Cascade and nonanal in Cascade. The overall odour profile of the Cascade sample clearly differed from the other varietes, and was dominated by a black currant like odour note. The identification experiments revealed 4-methyl-4-sulfanylpentan-2-one, so far unknown as hop constituent, as key contributor to this odour. In addition, an odour-active undecatetraene was present, in particular, in Perle and Cascade. Synthesis and structural assignment of the four stereoisomers of (3E)-undeca-1,3,5,9-tetraene allowed the identification of the fresh, pineapple-like smelling compound as (3E,5Z,9E)-undeca-1,3,5,9-tetraene. Among the four isomers synthesised, this compound showed by far the lowest odour threshold of 0.01 ng/L in air.  相似文献   
介绍了Voith造纸技术控股股份有限公司近期研发的新技术和新装备,包括CompactPulper 损纸碎浆机,经过优化设计的回收浆车间废渣处理系统,适合于所有纸种脱水的靴式压榨技术--NipcoFlex和TissueFlex,PrintFlex P压榨毛布,VTT真空引纸系统,Duoshake摇振器,Strato系列橡胶包覆层新品种等.  相似文献   
Contribution to the Biosynthesis of High-amylose Pea Starches Biosynthesis of starch is a complex process but few details are still unknown. This paper describes an investigation upon pea starch biosynthesis. Peas as a source of starch offer two qualities, a pea starch with 40% amylose content (smooth pea starch) and a pea starch with more than 60% amylose content (wrinkled pea starch). Samples for analysis were taken during growth. According to the quantitative determination of starch and amylose the accuracy of amylose detection was tested. Furthermore a qualitative analysis was carried out by molecular weight estimation of the starch. Both kinds of peas showed a high amylose synthesis during the last few days of growth, whereas amylopectin synthesis was highly in earlier stages. Wrinkled peas have shown only little synthesis activity of amylopectin during maturity. Therefore the amylose content of these peas was higher, instead of equal amylose synthesis quotas of both smooth and wrinkled peas.  相似文献   
SEM and UV-microscopic investigation of glue lines in Parallam® PSL   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
? PSL were investigated using scanning electron- and UV-microscopy. In the SEM it was found that resin penetrates predominantly through cut open tracheids and rays. Bordered pits block the flow of resin from cell to cell whereas simple pits are only a minor obstacle. UV-absorbance spectra of cells from the glue line area indicated the presence of phenol-formaldehyde resin in the wood cell wall. Compared to the pattern of absorbance of pure cell wall substance, spectra of cells embedded in the glue showed significant differences which were attributed to the penetration of phenol-formaldehyde resin during the process of gluing.
? PSL wurden mit dem Rasterelektronenmikroskop und dem UV-Mikroskop untersucht. Im REM zeigte sich, da? Leim vor allem in angeschnittene Tracheiden und in Holzstrahlen eindringt. Ein Flie?en durch Hoftüpfel konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden, wohingegen einfache Tüpfel ein geringeres Hindernis darstellen. UV-Absorptionsspektren von Holzzellen aus dem Leimfugenbereich deuteten auf das Vorhandensein von Phenol-Formaldehydharz in der Zellwand hin. Die Spektren dieser Zellen wiesen im Vergleich zum Absorptionsverhalten der reinen Zellwandsubstanz deutliche Unterschiede auf, die auf das Eindringen von Phenol-Formaldehydharz w?hrend des Verleimvorganges schlie?en lie?en.
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