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本文介绍了一个在IBM PC机上设计和实现的带有语义理解的芟译汉保姆机器人规划系统。当用户输入一句英语祈使句,命令机器人干某项家务活如搬运东西或开电视机时,机器人理解其意后,就产生动作序列,进行动画仿真执行并显著中文译文。  相似文献   
Camera calibration with distortion models and accuracy evaluation   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
A camera model that accounts for major sources of camera distortion, namely, radial, decentering, and thin prism distortions is presented. The proposed calibration procedure consists of two steps: (1) the calibration parameters are estimated using a closed-form solution based on a distribution-free camera model; and (2) the parameters estimated in the first step are improved iteratively through a nonlinear optimization, taking into account camera distortions. According to minimum variance estimation, the objective function to be minimized is the mean-square discrepancy between the observed image points and their inferred image projections computed with the estimated calibration parameters. The authors introduce a type of measure that can be used to directly evaluate the performance of calibration and compare calibrations among different systems. The validity and performance of the calibration procedure are tested with both synthetic data and real images taken by tele- and wide-angle lenses  相似文献   
为提高计算机专业学生的Java开发能力,研究探索了Java应用型人才的培养模式,包括设置基于需求导向的Java应用开发专业方向,建立面向应用的课程体系,实施五位一体的实践教学环节等.实践证明,该模式对提升学生的Java编程技能和就业能力具有显著的成效.  相似文献   
如何有效控制不矧安全域之间的信息流向以及信息的访问控制是分级保护的一个工作重点。该系统利用Windows内核的驱动框架,通过嵌入在I/O管理器和文件系统驱动模块之间的文件过滤驱动模块向信息头部写入密级标,并结合管理中心分发的密钥,实现信息的动态透明加/解密,使涉密文件只能被有相应权限的用户所访问;信息控制引擎结合访问控制策略,实现信息流向控制,杜绝高密级信息向低密级域流动。  相似文献   
Unstable power/flow oscillation of a nuclear power reactor core is one of the main reasons that cause minor core damage. Stability analysis to determine system’s decay ratio needs to be performed at each core reload design to prevent core instability events from happening. Making use of LAPUR5 and SIMULATE-3 codes, we have established a methodology to conduct such analysis. Comparisons made with vendor’s STAIF results indicated close agreements, within acceptable ±0.2 in decay ratios, for Kuosheng NPP Unit2 Cycle 17 reloads design. Sensitivity studies have shown that density reactivity coefficient, delayed-neutron fractions (β) and decay constants (λ), total core flow, and core power axial shape are the most important parameters that might affect the accuracy of decay ratios. We have also found that core conditions at EOC result in larger decay ratios than those at BOC.  相似文献   
文章简述了在视窗或 DOS下运行的数据采集和控制软件包虚拟仪器现状 ,并介绍了用一般的 I/O板开发利用虚拟仪器系统 ,用了 Visual C编写用户自己的 DL L 动态链接库  相似文献   
本文采用透射电镜手段研究了Cu在高磁感取向硅钢Hi-B中的作用。结果发现,加Cu Hi-B钢在热轧过程中形成大量(Cu,Mn)1.8S和(Mn,Cu)S质点,前者较后者更加细小。随着硫化物质点尺寸的减小,质点中Cu相对于Mn的比例不断提高。由此证明,加Cu起到了提高硫化物析出量,减小硫化物质点尺寸的作用。同时发现,热轧时形成的硫化物质点经1120℃高温常化后发生了明显粗化。另外,在常化及脱碳板中,  相似文献   
Rabbits were eyeblink conditioned while their accessory abducens nucleus (ACC), facial nucleus ( FN), and surrounding reticular formation (RF) were temporarily inactivated with microinjections of muscimol to determine whether these structures are critically involved in acquisition of the conditioned eyeblink response (CR). Rabbits performed no CRs or unconditioned responses (URs) during inactivation training. Training was continued without inactivation and rabbits performed the CR at asymptotic levels from the start of training without inactivation. They had fully learned the CR while their ACC, FN, and RF were inactivated, despite performing no CRs or URs at all during inactivation. These results rule out any critical role for neurons within the ACC, FN, or surrounding RF in acquisition of the classically conditioned eyeblink response. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
着重介绍了GSM/WCDMA双模手机测试软件(DOLLY)PC部分的设计,详细描述了该软件PC端的相关线程,并对各线程之间的数据交换方式作了说明.该软件用于手机待机状态(idle mode)的信号测试,项目已进入系统调试阶段,与以往的测试方法和手段相比,其测试性能得到了较大的提高.  相似文献   
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