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2010~2011年度引水与往年比较,献县至十二孔闸段引水流量损失较大。本文主要分析了引起本次引水流量损失较大的可能因素,并提出了相应的解决方法,以提高引水效率,减少引水成本。  相似文献   
将P系统引入到图像阈值分割中,提出了一种基于P系统的图像阈值分割方法。采用一个两层膜的组织型P系统作为其计算框架,每个膜作为独立的并行计算单元,速度一位置模型作为进化规则,同时采用同向/反向转运规则交换和共享膜之间的对象。实验结果表明,这个基于P系统框架的阈值分割方法具有可用性和有效性,能为图像寻找最优的分割阈值。  相似文献   
在现代控制理论的基础上,根据火力发电厂单元机组的结构,结合各个参数之间的动态关系,在前人研究成果的基础上,给出了一种普遍意义下火电单元机组数学模型的参数估计方法,并试着给出对其数学模型平衡点的分析方法,最后以实例证明了此方法的可靠性与实用性.  相似文献   
该文设计了一种单通道TD-SCDMA射频拉远单元。首先根据系统要达到的性能指标要求,设计了系统拓扑结构,接着从该系统拓扑结构出发,分析了整个系统的设计思路及实现方案,选择相应的电路模块。测试结果表明设计的系统达到了预期的指标,临近通道功率比小于-40.64 dBc和误差向量幅度为5.08%rms。  相似文献   
Shreekant Gayaka  Lu Lu  Bin Yao 《Automatica》2012,48(7):1389-1396
In this article, we solve the problem of global stabilization for a chain of integrators in the presence of input saturation and disturbances. A novel and elegant approach to solve this problem, in the absence of disturbances, was proposed by Teel (1992) using saturation functions and coordinate transformation. With Teel’s work as a foundation, many results have been proposed to improve the performance of controllers for a chain of integrators. Naturally, all such approaches also inherited the limitations of Teel’s approach. Most importantly, in the presence of uncertainties and disturbances, the transformation introduced in Teel (1992) would considerably shrink the region where the controller is unsaturated and, severely limit the level of uncertainties and disturbances which can be tolerated. In order to overcome these difficulties, a conceptually different approach which does not rely on the coordinate transformation is presented in this work. Specifically, modified saturation functions are directly applied to the tracking error of actual states as opposed to transformed fictitious states to develop a globally stable controller. The proposed controller is less conservative in terms of the level of uncertainties and disturbances which can be handled. In addition, arbitrarily good disturbance rejection in the unsaturated region can be achieved theoretically. Comparative simulation studies performed on a third order integrator chain verified the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   
互动在语言教学中由来已久,随着多媒体网络技术的迅猛发展,多元互动教学模式的可行性和优越性日益凸显出来。本文详细阐述了多元互动教学模式在综合英语教学中的建构,着重探讨了基于多媒体网络的综合英语多元互动的教学实践,旨在探讨如何通过有效的教学互动以达到优化教学效果的目的。  相似文献   
With the development of Compressive Sensing theory in recent years, many new algorithms have been introduced to this field. But still, these algorithms tend to judge the probability of the nonzero signal in each position of the sparse domain as the same, which is in fact not true. In this topic we discuss orthogonal coefficient distribution and divide the whole sparse domain into different parts using probability. With the method called Sparse domain Division using Probability (SDP), the reconstructed speed would increase 20~60 times without producing any negative effect on image quality at the same sampling rate.  相似文献   
提出了一种在保持一定流动性风险的情况下构建国债套利组合的方法,应用线性规划技术,将国债的持有期风险因素引入到约束条件中,进而求解出实现最大期初套利的国债投资组合。通过对我国上交所25种债券的实证检验,发现套利收益与组合的持有期风险成正比,与流动性指标成反比,这证明了在考虑债券流动性风险的情况下,进行债券套利操作不一定会带来可观的收益。  相似文献   
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Recently, there has been a dramatic increase in research on data mining on social networks and social media. Theubiquitous nature of Web-enabled devices, including desktops,  相似文献   
用超临界二氧化碳法制备超强吸水剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以N,N’-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺(BIS)为交联剂,研究了疏水性单体丙烯酸十八酯(OA)与亲水性单体丙烯酸(AA)在超临界二氧化碳中的聚合反应,制备了超强吸水剂。结果表明,65℃、压力大于13MPa时,制备的产物都为白色固体粉末。用超临界二氧化碳萃取技术可以对产物进行纯化,50℃、20MPa下,产物经超临界二氧化碳萃取2次后纯度可大于95%,4次后单体残留率为0.28%。该超强吸水剂的吸水率有一定下降,然而保水率却得到提高。  相似文献   
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