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研究了一种矩形截面气升式环流反应器,用幂律τ=η_ογ~n(n<1)来表示流体流变学特性的变化.在这类反应器中,假塑性非牛顿流体的气含率ε_g与传质系数K_La的变化规律可用半经验关联式表示ε_g=0.2535(η_ο5000~(n-1))~(-0.161)(1+A_d/A_r)~(-0.434)u_(gr)~(0.856-0.161n)K_La=0.0192(η_ο5000~(n-1))~(-0.902)(1+A_d/A_r)~(-1.228)u_(gr)~(1.955-0.902n)并讨论了该类反应器结构及运行状况,流体性质变化时,反应器传质动力学特性、流动特性和操作弹性变化的规律.  相似文献   
The use of floating drug‐delivery systems is one method that is used to achieve prolonged gastric residence times. We developed a novel, multiple‐unit, floating drug‐delivery system of microspheres with microballoons inside from xanthan gum (XG) and gelatin (GA) by a water‐in‐oil method. With theophylline as the model drug, four formulations (FI–FIV) with different ratios of the two polymers were prepared. The size distribution, drug‐encapsulation efficiency, floating behavior, release characteristics, and morphological properties were investigated. The ratio of the two polymers influenced the size distribution, encapsulation efficiency, and drug release appreciably. With increasing amounts of GA, the percentage yield of the floating microspheres and the drug‐encapsulation efficiency decreased from 100 and 84.5% to 31 and 56.2%, respectively. The drug‐release rate also decreased with increasing GA content, which was attributed to an increase in the crosslinking extent. An initial burst was observed, and after that, the drug was released slowly by a near‐zero‐order pattern, which was attributed to the low solubility of theophylline and the possible complexes formed by XG and GA in the simulated gastric fluid (pH 1.2). © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 94: 197–202, 2004  相似文献   
纳米硫化铁在环境保护中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了近二十年来纳米硫化铁在环境中的应用报道,综述了纳米硫化铁的合成方法、污染物去除效果和机理以及溶液组分对材料本身和污染物去除的影响。介绍了纳米硫化铁目前在环境中主要用于重金属离子去除(如镉、汞、铀、锝等)、氯代有机物的脱氯和难降解有机物的高级氧化等过程,其对污染物的去除机理主要包括吸附、(共)沉淀、还原、催化氧化。指出虽然纳米硫化铁在污染物处理方面取得了良好的效果,但是依然存在问题,如溶液中共存的阴阳离子和腐植酸会对材料的团聚、腐蚀以及污染物的吸附行为和处理效果产生不同的影响。提出目前国内外对于纳米硫化铁材料自身性能研究尚未深入,材料在反应过程中及实际环境中的迁移、转化及其对污染物去除的影响值得深入。  相似文献   
转炉钢渣粉磨性能的实验研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
对转炉钢渣粉磨性能进行了实验研究。结果表明,钢渣的易磨性比熟料差,但优于矿渣。在钢渣所合矿物中,硅酸盐矿物易磨,含铁矿物难磨。通过粉后方式,可以将钢渣中具有胶凝活性的矿物选择性分离出来。  相似文献   
研究了镁砂及烧成温度对镁质滑板高温性能的影响。结果表明 :以ω(MgO)≥ 98%、C/S≥ 3、晶粒直径≥ 5 0 0 μm的高纯镁砂为内层料 ,以中低档镁砂为外层料 ,用纸浆废液作结合剂 ,直接复合成型的镁质滑板经 16 5 0℃左右的高温烧成后 ,性能指标达到外商订货要求 ,不经浸油、打箍 ,在国外 385t连铸钢包批量试用成功。  相似文献   
The noncanonical amino acid S‐allyl cysteine (Sac) is one of the major compounds of garlic extract and exhibits a range of biological activities. It is also a small bioorthogonal alkene tag capable of undergoing controlled chemical modifications, such as photoinduced thiol‐ene coupling or Pd‐mediated deprotection. Its small size guarantees minimal interference with protein structure and function. Here, we report a simple protocol efficiently to couple in‐situ semisynthetic biosynthesis of Sac and its incorporation into proteins in response to amber (UAG) stop codons. We exploited the exceptional malleability of pyrrolysyl‐tRNA synthetase (PylRS) and evolved an S‐allylcysteinyl‐tRNA synthetase (SacRS) capable of specifically accepting the small, polar amino acid instead of its long and bulky aliphatic natural substrate. We succeeded in generating a novel and inexpensive strategy for the incorporation of a functionally versatile amino acid. This will help in the conversion of orthogonal translation from a standard technique in academic research to industrial biotechnology.  相似文献   
Wetting behaviors on a hydrophobic nanopatterned surface, which are of primary consideration in the design of superhydrophobic surfaces, are studied on an analytic model that shows the hole-patterned substrate is more favorable for water droplets to nucleate on the inside of holes based on nucleation theory. After droplet nucleation, the transition from Wenzel state to Cassie–Baxter state may occur during the growth stage. The calculation of the free energy of droplets during the growth stage indicates that the wetting transitions depend on the volume of the droplets, and Wenzel state or Cassie–Baxter state depends on the absolute size and relative size of the geometrical morphology of the nanoholes.  相似文献   
将硼酸直接加入聚丙烯腈(PAN)聚合液中,制成硼酸改性PAN膜,采用差示扫描量热(DSC)法、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、元素分析等手段分析了硼酸对PAN热稳定化过程的影响。结果表明:硼酸改性提高了PAN的热稳定化反应活化能,并使放热峰值温度提高,当硼酸质量分数为2%时,活化能达271.27kJ/mol;硼酸含量越高,对环化反应的抑制作用越强,相对环化率越低;经过相同时间预氧化,改性PAN氧含量相对较低,硼酸改性阻碍了致密氧化层的快速形成,有利于减轻皮芯结构。  相似文献   
戴宛蓉  傅群  欧阳玉祝  魏燕 《广东化工》2013,40(18):23-24,29
在芝麻油中添加田基黄多酚提取物,考查了多酚提取物用量、紫外光、温度和氧化剂对油脂的过氧化值影响和自由基清除能力。实验结果表明,多酚提取物的抗氧化活性优于BHT,在低浓度下具有良好的抗氧化性能。将芝麻油溶液分别加热90℃、紫外光照射和1%H2O2氧化6 h,添加多酚提取物的过氧化值比添加BHT溶液和不加抗氧剂的过氧化值分别低13.17%、13.53%、20.21%和24.8%、30.61%、38.34%。浓度为0.2 mg/mL多酚提取物的DPPH·清除率是BHT的1.48倍。  相似文献   
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