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Melt jet breakup and fragmentation has been studied in ALPHA program at JAERI. In the first two experiments of the MJB series, a jet of molten lead–bismuth eutectic alloy was released into a deep pool of saturated water. The steam generation rate was measured and correlated with the jet behavior observed by a high-speed camera. The jet breakup length and debris size distribution were also evaluated. In parallel with the experimental study, JASMINE code has been developed for the simulation of a steam explosion process. The models of melt jet breakup and the particle breakup in the code were assessed by analyzing FARO-L14 and ALPHA MJB experiments.  相似文献   
This paper describes the current status of flow-induced vibration evaluation methodology development for the primary piping in Japan sodium-cooled fast reactor, with particularly emphasis on the development approach and research activities that investigate unsteady hydraulic characteristics in a short-elbow piping. The approach to the methodology development was defined: experiment-based methodology and simulation-based one as well as extrapolation logic to the reactor condition based on no dependency on Reynolds number in the high Reynolds number range from the experimental results. Experimental efforts have been made using 1/3-scale single-elbow test sections for the hot-leg piping as the main activity. Recent experiments using the 1/3-scale test section revealed that a swirl flow at the inlet of the hot-leg piping hardly influenced pressure fluctuations onto the pipe though a slight deformation of flow separation was observed. Numerical results under different Reynolds number conditions appear in this paper using the unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes equation approach, indicating its applicability to the hot-leg piping experiments.  相似文献   
The effect of surface roughness of insulator on the secondary electron emission (SEE) coefficients was investigated with changing the incident angle of primary electrons. The SEE coefficients were measured using a scanning electron microscope with a single-pulse electron beam (100 pA, 1 ms). As a result, the SEE coefficients increased with the incident angle for smooth surface, while those of rough surface almost did not change with the incident angle. The SEE coefficients of commercial alumina ceramics with three different surface finishes, i.e. as-sintered, as-ground and mirror-finished samples, were also measured before and after annealing treatments. This treatment was carried out in air at 1400 degC for 1 h. After annealing, the SEE coefficients were higher than those of unannealed samples. This increase is proposed to be due to the defect recoveries as well as neutralizations of charging, which significantly influence the SEE. For relative low purity (95% or less), the SEE coefficients of annealed alumina became lower after mechanical grinding operations and lower again after mirror-finished operations. The SEE coefficients of 99.7% purity alumina were almost unaffected by the mechanical finishes.  相似文献   
A microgrid (MG) is one of the measures for enhancing the high penetration of renewable energy (RE)‐based distributed generators (DGs). If a number of MGs are controlled to maintain the predetermined electricity demand including RE‐based DGs as negative demand, they would contribute to supply–demand balancing of the whole electric power system. For constructing an MG economically, capacity optimization of controllable DGs against RE‐based DGs is essential. Using a numerical simulation model developed on the basis of a demonstrative study on an MG using PAFC and NaS battery as controllable DGs and photovoltaic power generation system (PVS) as an RE‐based DG, this study discusses the influence of the forecast accuracy of PVS output on capacity optimization. Three forecast cases with different accuracy are compared. The main results are as follows. Even with no forecast error during every 30‐minute period, the ideal forecast method, the required capacity of NaS batteries reaches about 40% of the PVS capacity for mitigating the instantaneous forecast error within 30 minutes. The required capacity to compensate for forecast error is doubled under the actual forecast method. The influence of forecast error can be reduced by adjusting the scheduled power output of controllable DGs according to weather forecasts. Besides, the required capacity can be reduced significantly if the error of balancing control in an MG is acceptable for a few percent of periods, because the total periods of large forecast error are not frequent. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 182(2): 20–29, 2013; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.22328  相似文献   
We have calibrated the new, extended-range aerodynamic particle sizer (model APS-3310, TSI, Inc.) with polystyrene latex monodisperse spheres and compared the response to that of oleic acid monodisperse particles from 2.5 to 38.7 μm in diameter. The results compare well with previous findings and cover a larger size range permitted by the new instrument.  相似文献   
The lipid and FA compositions of various organs (light muscle, dark muscle, liver, pyloric cecum, and the orbital region) and of the stomach contents of a highly migratory fish species Thunnus tonggol (Bleeker) were analyzed. TAG and phospholipids (PE and PC) were the major lipid classes in the total lipids of T. tonggol. DHA was characteristically the major FA of all the major classes of all its organs except for only one case of liver TAG. The mean DHA contents of the various organs accounted for more than 20% of the total FA (TFA), even though it is a neutral depot lipid. However, DHA in the stomach contents, originating from their prey, fluctuated and was generally low. DHA levels were generally higher in a year (2000) when water temperatures were colder than in one when it was warmer (1998). Furthermore, DHA levels in muscle TAG were consistently high in spite of the fluctuation of those in the visceral TAG, which might be directly influenced by the prey lipids. This phenomenon suggests the physiological selective accumulation of DHA in the muscle, after the migration of the digested FA in the vascular system and absorption of the prey lipids in the intestine. In contrast, the FA composition of other species is generally variable and their DHA contents of TAG are usually less than 20% of TFA.  相似文献   
We investigated the membrane-stabilizing effect of three synthesized polar carotenoids, thermozeaxanthin (TZ), zeaxanthin glucoside (ZG) and zeaxanthin (Z), using the fluorescent calcein-leakage measurement from the calcein-entrapped liposomes composed of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). The addition of TZ stabilized the liposomal membranes composed of DPPC at pH values ranging from 4.0 to 10.0. The addition of three carotenoids, TZ, ZG and Z, stabilized the membrane at acidic and neutral pH values ranging from 4.0 to 7.5. The values of leakage were lower at 30 °C and highest at 40 °C, and subsequently, gradually decreased at the higher temperature. The addition of TZ and Z stabilized the membranes, whereas, ZG destabilized the membranes at a temperature higher than 50 °C. In addition, the membrane-stabilizing effect of the carotenoids with the calcein-entrapped liposomes composed of lipids extracted from Thermus thermophilus were investigated. The addition of TZ resulted in stabilization of the membrane at all ranges of pH values. However, the addition of Z and ZG destabilized the membrane.  相似文献   
As the most promising concept of sodium-cooled fast reactors, the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has selected the advanced loop-type fast reactor, so-called JSFR. The safety design requirements of JSFR for Design Extension Condition (DEC) are the prevention of severe accidents and the mitigation of severe-accident consequences. For the mitigation of severe-accident consequences, in particular, the In-Vessel Retention (IVR) against postulated Core Disruptive Accidents (CDAs) is required. In order to investigate the sufficiency of these safety requirements, a CDA scenario should be constructed, in which the elimination of power excursion and the in-vessel cooling of degraded core materials are evaluated so as to achieve IVR. In the present study, the factors leading to IVR failure were identified by creating phenomenological diagrams, and the effectiveness of design measures against them were evaluated based on experimental data and computer simulations. This is an unprecedented approach to the construction of a CDA scenario, and is an effective method to objectively investigate the factors leading to IVR failure and the design measures against them. It was concluded that mechanical/thermal failures of the reactor vessel due to power-excursion/thermal-load could be avoided by adequate design measures, and a clear vision for achieving IVR was obtained.  相似文献   
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