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The aim of this study was to determine the degradation of dietary isoflavones in rumen fluid under 2 feeding regimens. The experiments were performed in vitro using a rumen fluid buffer system. The rumen fluid was taken from cows fed either a hay diet or a concentrate-rich diet (the diet consisted of 34.6% maize silage, 17.6% haylage, 12.8% alfalfa hay, and 35.0% supplemental mixture on a dry matter basis). As a source of isoflavones, 40% soybean extract (Biomedica, Prague, Czech Republic) at levels of 5, 25, 50, and 75 mg per 40 mL of rumen fluid was used. Samples of soybean extract were incubated in triplicate at 39°C for 0, 3.0, 6.0, 12.0, and 24.0 h in incubation solution. The metabolism of daidzein and genistein was faster under concentrate-rich diet conditions. In general, production of equol started after 3 to 6 h of incubation and reached the highest rate after approximately 12 h of incubation regardless of the type of diet or concentration of extract. In most of the experiments, production of equol continued after 24 h of incubation. Generally, equol production was greater under the hay diet conditions. Furthermore, experiments with higher amounts of added soybean extract revealed possible inhibitory effects of high levels of isoflavones on the rumen microflora.  相似文献   
A duplex PCR method was developed to simultaneously detect the presence of hazelnut and peanut in raw materials and commercial products. It was found to be able to specifically detect traces of the investigated products down to 50 pg of their target DNA.A PNA array device has been designed and implemented to be used in combination with the duplex PCR in order to investigate the presence of traces of potentially allergenic nuts in foodstuffs. A PNA probe for each target amplified by the duplex PCR was designed, synthesized and characterized. The PNA probes were then deposited on commercial slides in order to build a PNA array to be used for recognizing the PCR products; the concentration of the probes as function of the concentration of the target DNA, together with the specificity of the probes were investigated.The conditions optimized during the setting of the experiment were used to obtain the final version of the PNA array which was then used to test several commercially available foodstuffs claiming to contain or not to contain the targeted nuts.  相似文献   
The objective of the present work is to evaluate the efficacy of a DNA barcoding approach as a tool for the recognition of commercial kitchen spices belonging to the Lamiaceae family that are usually sold as enhancers of food flavor. A total of 64 spices samples, encompassing six different genera (i.e. Mentha, Ocimum, Origanum, Salvia, Thymus and Rosmarinus) were processed with a classical DNA barcoding approach by amplifying and sequencing four candidate barcode regions (rpoB, rbcL, matK and trnH-psbA) with universal primers. Results suggest that the non-coding trnH-psbA intergenic spacer is the most suitable marker for molecular spices identification followed by matK, with interspecific genetic distance values ranging between about 0% to 7% and 0% to 5%, respectively. Both markers were almost invariably able to distinguish spices species from closest taxa with the exclusion of samples belonging to the genus Oregano. Moreover, in a context of food traceability the two markers are useful to identify commercial processed spice species (sold as dried plant material). We also evaluated the potential benefits of a multilocus barcode approach over a single-marker and although the most suitable combination was the matK + trhH-psbA, the observed genetic distances values were very similar to the discriminatory performance of the trnH-psbA. Finally, this preliminary work provide clear evidences that the efficacy of a DNA barcoding approach to the recognition of commercial spices is biased by the occurrence of taxonomic criticisms as well as traces of hybridization events within the family Lamiaceae. For this reason, to better define a more practical and standardized DNA barcoding tool for spices traceability, the building of a dedicated aromatic plants database in which all species and cultivars are described (both morphologically and molecularly) is strongly required.  相似文献   
Prophages account for most of the genetic diversity among strains of a given bacterial species, and represent a latent source for the generation of virulent phages. In this work, a set of 30 commercial, collection and dairy-isolated Lactobacillus casei group strains were used. A species-specific PCR assay allowed a reclassification, mainly of strains previously considered Lactobacillus casei, into either Lactobacillus paracasei or Lactobacillus rhamnosus. All the strains were induced with mitomycin C, allowing direct recovering of phage DNA in 25 cases, which corroborates the widely occurrence of lysogeny on Lactobacillus genomes, including probiotic strains of Lactobacillus casei group. Ten out of 11 commercial strains studied contained prophages, evidencing the potential risks of their use at industrial scale. Strains were also induced by treatment with different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide but, however, this agent was not able to evidence a prophage release for any of the strains tested. According to a RAPD-PCR fingerprinting with M13, 1254 and G1 primers, most of the commercial strains presented a high degree of homology and, regarding BglII- and BamHI-restriction profiles of phage DNA, six of them harboured the same prophage. Surprisingly, both Lactobacillus paracasei ATCC 27092 and Lactobacillus paracasei ATCC 27139 shared a second prophage with both an INLAIN collection and a commercial Lactobacillus paracasei strains, whereas two collection strains shared a third one. On the other hand, mitomycin C-inducible prophages were detected only on about a half of the strains isolated from dairy products, which had (with only one exception) from moderate to high correlation coefficients according to RAPD-PCR fingerprinting. After induction, supernatants were filtered and tested against nine Lactobacillus strains of the set sensitive to previously assayed virulent phages, allowing isolation of two new virulent phages: ф iLp1308 and ф iLp84. Both phages were able to lyse all but one strains sensitive to previously assayed phage MLC-A.  相似文献   
The use of PCR-based techniques for directed gene alterations has become a standard tool in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In our efforts to increase the speed of functional analysis of Candida albicans genes, we constructed a modular system of plasmid vectors and successfully applied PCR-amplified functional analysis (FA)-cassettes in the transformation of C. albicans. These cassettes facilitate: (a) gene disruptions; (b) tagging of 3'-ends of genes with green fluorescent protein (GFP); and (c) replacements of endogenous promoters to achieve regulated expression. The modules consists of a core of three selectable marker genes, CaURA3, CaHIS1 and CaARG4. Modules for C-terminal GFP-tagging were generated by adding GFP-sequences flanked at the 5'-end by a (Gly-Ala)3-linker and at the 3'-end by the S. cerevisiae URA3-terminator to these selection markers. Promoter exchange modules consist of the respective marker genes followed by the regulatable CaMAL2 or CaMET3 promoters at their 3'-ends. In order to ensure a reliably high rate of homologous gene targeting, the flanking homology regions required a size of 100 bp of gene-specific sequences, which were provided with the oligonucleotide primers. The use of shorter flanking homology regions produced unsatisfactory results with C. albicans strain BWP17. With these new modules only a minimal set of primers is required to achieve the functional analysis of C. albicans genes and, therefore, provides a basic tool to increase the number of functionally characterized C. albicans genes of this human pathogen in the near future.  相似文献   
This study reports the current levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and furans (PCDFs) in air at Seveso, where an explosion in a 2,4,5,-trichlorophenol production reactor occurred 26 years ago. The aims were to assess if residues of the 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) released during the accident and still present in soil could contaminate the above air and to investigate other potential sources in the area. Long-term air collection was carried out in zones A and B in Seveso and in a reference location in Milan, and samples were analyzed for PCDD and PCDF concentrations by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Experimental results showed that no important contribution to the air concentrations is due to the soil contamination and that contemporary sources essentially control the atmospheric burden of PCDDs and PCDFs in the Seveso area. The theoretical release of 2,3,7,8-TCDD from the soils of zones A and B of Seveso was calculated using the SoilFug model. In the worst case, the model simulated an enrichment in atmospheric 2,3,7,8-TCDD concentrations of 4 and 22% for zones A and B, respectively. The investigation of the potential emission sources in the area indicated that combustion of wood residues from furniture factories may be an additional local source of PCDDs and PCDFs.  相似文献   
The effects of cranberry juice cocktail (CJC) and proanthocyanidins (PACs) on biofilm formation were investigated. Escherichia coli strain HB101pDC1 and nonfimbriated strain HB101 were grown in 10 wt% CJC or 120 μg/mL PACs for 12 consecutive cultures. Biofilm formation was investigated by incubating bacteria in 96-well polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plates and studying the optical density of the solution using the crystal violet method. We suspect that biofilm formation occurred due to non-specific interactions between the bacteria and the polymer. Both P-fimbriated E. coli HB101pDC1 and the non-fimbriated strain HB101 formed biofilms. E. coli strain HB101pDC1 formed a thicker and more mature biofilm. Cranberry juice inhibited biofilm formation after the first culture; however, for bacteria grown in PACs, a decrease in biofilm formation was observed with increasing number of cultures. The inhibitory effect was reversible. These results demonstrate that CJC is more effective than isolated PACs at preventing biofilm formation, possibly suggesting that other cranberry compounds also play a role in anti-biofilm activity.  相似文献   
This paper presents the investigation of the chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments composition in monovarietal virgin olive oils produced from the five main olive varieties (Minuta, Ottobratica, Calabrese, Ogliarola, Baddarica) cultivated in Sicily (southern Italy), from four main olive varieties (DolceAgogia, Moraiolo, Leccino, Frantoio) cultivated in Umbria (central Italy), and from three main olive varieties (Leccino, Oliva Nera di Collecorto, Noccioluta) cultivated in Molise (central Italy). Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography using a C-30 column with photodiode array detection was used for pigments analyses. In all, 19 compounds were identified and quantified in 60 olive oils samples. The qualitative pigments pattern was similar among the varieties investigated, whereas quantitative differences were found among the different cultivars; among the varieties investigated in this work, the oils from Umbria showed the highest pigment content (34.19 ppm in average), followed by the oils from Molise (18.61 ppm in average) and the oils from Sicily which showed the lowest pigment contents (13.38 ppm in average). In general, pheophytin a was the major component (range 0.49–19.42 ppm), followed by β-carotene (range 1.27–9.30 ppm) and lutein (range 0.44–5.12 ppm). Those differences may be due to genetic factors and/or geographical differences. Moreover, auroxanthin was detected for the first time in olive oils and was detected only in olive oils from Umbria and Molise regions. The ratio between the two isochromic pigment fractions, namely the ratio between the chlorophyll and carotenoid fractions showed an average value close to unity. The lutein/β-carotene ratio was less than one in the majority of the cases. These parameters, along with other analytical parameters, could be used as indicators of typicality in olive oils. The presence of a specific pigment profile in olive oils could infact be used to guarantee the genuineness of the product, since the quality control of food requires a precise knowledge of the pigments composition of the original products.  相似文献   
Hazelnuts have been shown to contain different allergenic proteins. Amongst these, major allergens Cor a 1 and Cor a 8 and the 2S albumin Cor a 14 were selected as targets to comparatively validate three Real-Time PCR protocols. We investigated both on the choice of the amplification target, and on the matrix effect on different sample foods. Applying statistics on the validation parameters obtained from the three protocols, we showed a significant difference in Ct values. This could turn critical when a high sensitivity method is required for the detection of hazelnut traces, confirming how fundamental the choice of the template during primer design phase is. Concluding, statistical approach represents a useful tool for the identification of the best performing primer pairs in Real-Time PCR. Cor a 8 gene permitted the identification of hazelnut based ingredients in complex foods, providing a significantly higher sensitivity in the PCR amplification, when compared to Cor a 1 and Cor a 14.  相似文献   
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