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Hybrid halide perovskite solar cells generally show differences in the power output depending on the voltage sweep direction, an undesired phenomenon termed hysteresis. Although the causes of this behavior have not yet been univocally determined, commonly, hysteresis heavily affects solar cells based on flat TiO2 as electron extracting layer. Herein, it is shown how perovskite material quality has a preeminent impact on hysteresis, and how combined deposition and post‐deposition engineered manufacturing could lead to highly efficient and hysteresis‐less solar cells, notwithstanding a planar TiO2‐based layout. This methodology relies on solvent engineering during the casting process, leading to an ultra‐flat, uniform, and thick film ensuring an optimal interface connection with the charge‐extracting layer combined with post‐deposition thermal and vacuum treatments, which merge the crystalline domains and cure the defects at the grain boundaries. This method allows obtaining perovskite active layer with superior optical properties, explaining the ideal device behavior and performances, therefore, a simple optimization of perovskite processing conditions can efficiently stem hysteresis targeting different device layouts. Power conversion efficiency of 15.4% and reduced hysteresis are achieved.  相似文献   
To design a specific lactic culture for the controlled manufacture of coalho cheese, 13 Lactobacillus rhamnosus, two Lactobacillus fermentum and one Lactobacillus plantarum strains isolated from artisanal coalho cheeses were identified and characterised. Two Lbrhamnosus, one Lbplantarum and one Lb. fermentum were selected and grouped in pairs designing four different culture formulations that demonstrated a good performance in cheesemaking experiments at pilot scale. Further studies to adjust the balance of strains used are necessary to attain adequate sensorial and technological attributes as expected for artisanal cheeses.  相似文献   
Forecasts of available wind power are critical in key electric power systems operations planning problems, including economic dispatch and unit commitment. Such forecasts are necessarily uncertain, limiting the reliability and cost‐effectiveness of operations planning models based on a single deterministic or “point” forecast. A common approach to address this limitation involves the use of a number of probabilistic scenarios, each specifying a possible trajectory of wind power production, with associated probability. We present and analyze a novel method for generating probabilistic wind power scenarios, leveraging available historical information in the form of forecasted and corresponding observed wind power time series. We estimate nonparametric forecast error densities, specifically using epi‐spline basis functions, allowing us to capture the skewed and nonparametric nature of error densities observed in real‐world data. We then describe a method to generate probabilistic scenarios from these basis functions that allows users to control for the degree to which extreme errors are captured. We compare the performance of our approach to the current state‐of‐the‐art considering publicly available data associated with the Bonneville Power Administration, analyzing aggregate production of a number of wind farms over a large geographic region. Finally, we discuss the advantages of our approach in the context of specific power systems operations planning problems: stochastic unit commitment and economic dispatch. Our methodology is embodied in the joint Sandia–University of California Davis Prescient software package for assessing and analyzing stochastic operations strategies.  相似文献   
During the last decade, the Web has grown in terms of complexity, while the evolution of the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) has not experienced the same trend. Even if HTTP 1.1 adds improvements like persistent connections and request pipelining, they are not decisive, especially in modern mixed wireless/wired networks, often including satellites. The latter play a key role for accessing the Internet everywhere, and they are one of the preferred methods to provide connectivity in rural areas or for disaster relief operations. However, they suffer of high‐latency and packet losses, which degrade the browsing experience. Consequently, the investigation of protocols mitigating the limitations of HTTP, also in challenging scenarios, is crucial both for the industry and the academia. In this perspective, SPDY, which is a protocol optimized for the access to Web 2.0 contents over fixed and mobile devices, could be suitable also for satellite links. Therefore, this paper evaluates its performance when used both in real and emulated satellite scenarios. Results indicate the effectiveness of SPDY if compared with HTTP, but at the price of a more fragile behavior when in the presence of errors. Besides, SPDY can also reduce the transport overhead experienced by middleboxes typically deployed by service providers using satellite links. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Chiral nematic mesoporous organosilica (CNMO) films are functionalized with a mixture of hydrophobic silanes and spiropyran compounds to create freestanding photochromic films that can be used for reversible photo­patterning. The mesoporosity and interconnected pore structure of the films imparted by the cellulose nanocrystal template enables a large cross‐section of the material to be functionalized. Thus, the materials show intense absorption spectra from the tethered spiropyran and rapid color changes when the porous films are irradiated with UV or white light. The spiropyran‐bound CNMO films behave as reversible sensors where metal binding to the spiropyran results in visible color changes detectable by the naked eye. These metals can be removed in the presence of ethanol and white light, regenerating the metal‐free film. The proof‐of‐concept demonstrated in this paper may help to develop new photochromic displays, security features, and patterns.  相似文献   
This paper describes an approach used to evaluate the performance of different supply chain configurations in customised contexts. Based on historical data collected from the supply chain of a shoe producer, different configurations are evaluated based on a discrete-event simulation by highlighting the performance of the supply chain (in terms of supply chain order lead-time and inventory volume) when the production switched from standard production (characterised by batches of large quantities of the same product) to customised production (characterised by a small of series batches with high product variability). The simulation approach relies on experimentation through executable configurations, which enables the creation of different scenarios, and is then applied to the case of an actual firm in the footwear industry. The managerial implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Wearable plasmonic devices combine the advantages of high flexibility, ultrathinness, light weight, and excellent integration with the optical benefits mediated by plasmon‐enhanced electric fields. However, two obstacles severely hinder further developments and applications of a wearable plasmonic device. One is the lack of efficient approach to obtaining devices with robust antimotion‐interference property, i.e., the devices can work independently on the morphology changes of their working structures caused by arbitrary wearing conditions. The other issue is to seek a facile and high‐throughput fabrication method to satisfy the financial requirement of industrialization. In order to overcome these two challenges, a functional flexible film of nanowire cluster is developed, which can be easily fabricated by taking the advantages of both conventional electrochemical and sputtering methods. Such flexible plasmonic films can be made into wearable devices that work independently on shape changes induced by various wearing conditions (such as bending, twisting and stretching). Furthermore, due to plasmonic advantages of color controlling and high sensitivity to environment changes, the flexible film of nanowire cluster can be used to fabricate wearable items (such as bracelet, clothes, bag, or even commercial markers), with the ability of wireless visualization for humidity sensing.  相似文献   
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