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<正>通向差异化竞争和可持续发展的新道路面对产品同质化、利润率不断下降、消费者需求日益严苛等难题,中国制造企业重生产轻服务的模式将难以维持。2008年开始的席卷全球的金融风暴引发了一系列的实体经济危机,制造企业急需走出一条通向差异化和可持续发展的新路。  相似文献   
A general rate expression based on a proposed dual-path reaction model is developed for the oxidation of coal under mild conditions such as are useful in pretreatment for gasification. The effects on the oxidation rate of mass transfer, particle surface, oxygen partial pressure, and temperature have been considered and incorporated into the derived rate expression.  相似文献   
Recently, the Shuaiba Refinery of Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC) conducted a test run using mixed NiMo/CoMo catalysts in one of the H–Oil reactors to verify the specifications of a CoMo catalyst. However, reduced unit performance and unstable operation were experienced. This led to the unit shut-down and process time loss. To search the causes for the different reactor behaviours, a research work was undertaken in the Petroleum Technology Department at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR). It had found that the hydrodynamics of the mixed NiMo/CoMo and CoMo catalysts in a cold flow ebullated-bed reactor (EBR) were very different than NiMo catalyst alone.  相似文献   
In this paper, we investigate the performance of differentially detected differential phase-shift keying (DPSK) modulation with postdetection maximal ratio combining, in nonselective Rayleigh fading channels with multiple asynchronous cochannel interferers. The approach is based on an analytical technique we have presented earlier in the literature. Exact bit-error probability (BEP) results for binary DPSK and quaternary DPSK are derived. More specifically, we look into the effects of symbol-timing offsets between the interfering signals and the desired signal on the error performance. Our results show that when all the interfering signals are synchronous with the desired signal, the impairment caused by the cochannel interference to the desired user is maximum. On the other hand, when all the interfering signals are half-symbol-duration-delayed with respect to the desired user, they introduce the minimum impairment. Based on these findings, upper and lower bounds on the BEP are derived in simple closed form. Our explicit BEP results also show that the error probabilities of different transmitted symbols of the desired user are affected differently by the interfering signal  相似文献   
A tilted bi‐sense circularly polarized (CP) antenna and its application for UHF radio frequency identification (RFID) system is proposed. A planar concial monopole working as the electric dipole is designed at first. When a shorting pin is added, a loop radiator would be generated, and thus a pair of orthogonally oriented complementary dipoles is realized. In this way, both right‐handed circularly polarized (RHCP) and left‐handed circularly polarized waves (LHCP) are generated simultaneously in tilted directions within one hemisphere. Then, closed‐form formulas are derived to reveal the tunability mechanism of bi‐sense property and provide a design guideline for system application. It is demonstrated that flare angle of conical monopole has a linear relationship and sine function to CP beam direction and 3‐dB axial ratio (AR) beamwidth, respectively. Finally, antenna prototypes are fabricated and tested for validation. It is also demonstrated that at the tilted direction of θ = ± 45°, a 3‐dB AR bandwidth of 4.9%, and gain up to 5 dB are realized. Comparing with conventional microstrip patch antenna, an enhanced reading range over 5 m can be obtained in the tilted range from 40° to 75° and ? 75° to ?40° in UHF RFID sytem application.  相似文献   
Recent advances in CRISPR present attractive genome-editing toolsets for therapeutic strategies at the genetic level. Here, a liposome-coated mesoporous silica nanoparticle (lipoMSN) is reported as an effective CRISPR delivery system for multiplex gene-editing in the liver. The MSN provides efficient loading of Cas9 plasmid as well as Cas9 protein/guide RNA ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP), while liposome-coating offers improved serum stability and enhanced cell uptake. Hypothesizing that loss-of-function mutation in the lipid-metabolism-related genes pcsk9, apoc3, and angptl3 would improve cardiovascular health by lowering blood cholesterol and triglycerides, the lipoMSN is used to deliver a combination of RNPs targeting these genes. When targeting a single gene, the lipoMSN achieved a 54% gene-editing efficiency, besting the state-of-art Lipofectamine CRISPRMax. For multiplexing, lipoMSN maintained significant gene-editing at each gene target despite reduced dosage of target-specific RNP. By delivering combinations of targeting RNPs in the same nanoparticle, synergistic effects on lipid metabolism are observed in vitro and vivo. These effects, such as a 50% decrease in serum cholesterol after 4 weeks of post-treatment with lipoMSN carrying both pcsk9 and angptl3-targeted RNPs, could not be reached with a single gene-editing approach. Taken together, this lipoMSN represents a versatile platform for the development of efficient, combinatorial gene-editing therapeutics.  相似文献   
Adrenal insufficiency is a complication of chronic corticosteroid therapy. Unexplained hypotension may be a manifestation of an adrenal insufficient state in patients with a history of corticosteroid therapy on hemodialysis. We present a series of five cases of patients on nocturnal home hemodialysis with hypotension as the main manifestation of adrenal insufficiency. Unexplained hypotension in patients with a history of corticosteroid therapy should prompt the managing clinician to consider adrenal insufficiency as a possible cause.  相似文献   
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