Recently, study on renewable energy has been carried out due to environmental pollution and depletion of fossil fuels. In particular, hydrogen, a clean energy, is environmentally friendly because it produces only pure water as a by-product of the reaction process. In the case of liquified hydrogen, the energy density is about 848 times higher than that of gas hydrogen, but it is not currently widely used due to technical constraints and other problems because it has to maintain a cryogenic state. Therefore, in this work, numerical method was verified by comparing results of precedent study and this study. And relationship between Reynolds number and Nusselt number was confirmed. Based on this results, code was made by using programming language (Fortran 77) with relationship between Reynolds number and Nusselt number to analyze the state of charge (SOC). Variables were set as mass flow rate, temperature of hydrogen gas, and initial tank temperature. As a result, the effect of hydrogen gas temperature is dominant as a factor that affects the temperature of the fully charged state. Therefore, it is determined that the temperature control of the hydrogen storage will be possible through the hydrogen gas temperature setting.
This paper presents the numerical study of dynamic fracture for metal cylinder under internal explosive loading. Also, the effects of fracture models and groove designs on fracture behavior are investigated. For the dynamic hardening behavior, the Lim-Huh model including the thermal softening effect is adopted [1, 2]. Also, the Lou-Huh fracture model considering the strain rate dependency is used for fracture prediction [3]. The tensile fracture occurs first at the outer surface, and the shear fracture is observed near the inner surface. In addition, finite element analyses are performed to study the effect of various groove designs on dynamic fracture; single U-groove and V-groove at the outer surface. The tensile and shear fracture lines are predicted near the groove tip and inner surface, respectively. It is concluded that the stress triaxiality parameter is one of the critical factors in the dynamic fracture prediction of the metal cylinder.
This study investigated thermochemical heat storage with zeolite 13X to provide an insight into the design and operation of a heat storage system for power-to-heat (P2H) applications. The heat storage system consists of a storage chamber with 21.2 liters of its capacity stacked by zeolite 13X. Experiments were conducted based on the variation of operating parameters, such as charging temperature, absolute humidity, and flow rate. The results show that the amount of available heat linearly increases with charging temperature; that is, its value at 220 °C is twice that at 100 °C. The maximum energy storage density is calculated as 0.56 GJ/m3. The average heat power varies in the range of 0.4–0.7 kW depending on the amount of supplied water. In addition, a linear correlation between the reacted water and discharged heat is provided. It was confirmed that the thermal storage efficiency was 60–70 %.
The purpose of this research is to study numerically the turbulent gas-particle two-phase flow characteristics using the Eulerian-Eulerian
method. A computer code is developed for the numerical study by using the k-ɛ-kp two-phase turbulent model. The developed code is applied for particle-laden flows in which the particle volume fraction is
between 10−5 and 10−2 for the Stokes numbers smaller than unity. The gas and particle velocities and the particle volume fraction obtained by using
this code are in good agreement with those obtained by a commercial code for the gas-particle jet flows within a rectangular
enclosure. The gas-particle jet injected into a vertical rectangular 3D enclosure is numerically modeled to study the effect
of the Stokes number, the particle volume fraction and the particle Reynolds numbers. The numerical results show that the
Stokes number and the particle volume fraction are important parameters in turbulent gas-particle flows. A small Stokes number
(St ≤ 0.07) implies that the particles are nearly at the velocity equilibrium with the gas phase, while a large Stokes number
(St ≥ 0.07) implies that the slip velocity between the gas and particle phase increases and the particle velocity is less affected
by the gas phase. A large particle volume fraction (αp ≥ 0.0001) implies that the effect of the particles on the gas phase momentum increases, while a small particle volume fraction
(αp ≤ 0.0001) implies that the particles would have no or small effect on the gas flow field. For fixed Stokes number and particle
volume fraction, an increase of the particle Reynolds number results in a decrease of the slip velocity between the gas and
particle velocities. 相似文献
Finite element analyses (FEA) were performed to thoroughly validate the collapse criteria of cellular materials presented
in our previous companion paper. The maximum stress (von-Mises stress) on the cell strut surface and the plastic collapse
stress were computed for two-dimensional (2D) cellular materials with thick cell struts. The results from the FEA were compared
with those from theoretical criteria of authors. The FEA results were in good agreement with the theoretical results. The
results indicate that when bending moment, axial and shear forces are considered, the maximum stress on the strut surface
gives significantly different values in the tensile and compressive parts of the cell wall as well as in the two loading directions.
Therefore, for the initial yielding of ductile cellular materials and the fracture of brittle cellular materials, in which
the maximum stress on the strut surface is evaluated, it is necessary to consider not only the bending moment but also axial
and shear forces. In addition, this study shows that for regular cellular materials with the identical strut geometry for
all struts, the initial yielding and the plastic collapse under a biaxial state of stress occur not only in the inclined cell
struts but also in the vertical struts. These FEA results support the theoretical conclusion of our previous companion paper
that the anisotropic 2D cellular material has a truncated yield surface not only on the compressive quadrant but also on the
tensile quadrant. 相似文献
For an accurate flow metering without considering the influences of flow control devices such as valves and elbows in closed
conduits, velocity distribution in the cross-sectional area must be integrated. However, most flow meters, including multi-path
ultrasonic, electromagnetic or Coriolis mass flow meters, require assumptions on the fully-developed turbulent flows to calculate
flow rates from physical quantities of their own concern. Therefore, a long straight pipe has been a necessary element for
accurate flow metering because the straight pipe can reduce flow disturbances caused by flow control devices. To reduce costs
due to the installation of long straight pipes, another flow metering technique is required. For example, flow rates can be
estimated by integrating velocity distributions in the crosssection of conduits. In the present study, ultrasound tomography
was used to find the velocity distribution in the cross-section of a closed conduit where flow was disturbed by a Coriolis
mass flow meter or a butterfly valve. A commercial multi-path ultrasonic flow meter was installed in the pipeline to measure
the line-averaged velocity distribution in the pipe flow. The ultrasonic flow meter was rotated 180° at intervals of 10° to
construct line-averaged velocity distributions in Radon space. Flow images were reconstructed by using a backprojection algorithm
(inverse Radon transform). Flow diagnostic parameters were defined by calculating statistical moments, i.e., average, standard
deviation, skewness, and kurtosis, based on the normalized velocity distribution. The flow diagnostic parameters were applied
to flow images to find whether the parameters could discern flow disturbances in the reconstructed velocity distribution. 相似文献
To study the detailed flow structure of the unconfined plane impinging jet, a 3-dimensional flow analysis is carried out focused
on the flow mechanism with the non-dimensional distance, L/d, as flow parameter by using the LES turbulent technique. The
symbols d and L represent the nozzle width and the nozzle-to-plate distance, respectively. Then, the flow structures along
both the stream-wise and spanwise direction are investigated. For these purposes, the plane impinging jet with Reynolds number
of 11,000 is analyzed. The nozzle width was fixed at 1.5mm, but the nozzle-to-plate distance was varied between 4mm and 24mm.
As a result, the plane impinging jet shows different flow patterns with L/d. In conclusion, the plane impinging jet is classified
into three types with the non-dimensional variable, L/d. L/d≤4: Stable impinging jet, 4<L/d<11: periodically-stable impinging
jet and L/d≥11: Unstable impinging jet. 相似文献
Fire characteristics can be analyzed more realistically by using more accurate material properties related to the fire dynamics
and one way to acquire these fire properties is to use one of the inverse property estimation techniques. In this study an
optimization algorithm which is frequently applied for the inverse heat transfer problems is selected to demonstrate the procedure
of obtaining fire properties of a solid charring material with relatively simple chemical structure. Thermal decomposition
is occurred at the surface of the test plate by receiving the radiative energy from external heat sources and in this process
the heat transfer through the test plate can be simplified by an unsteady one dimensional problem. The input parameters for
the analyses are the surface temperature and mass loss rate of the char plate which are determined from the actual experiment
of from the unsteady one-dimensional analysis with a given set of eight properties. The performance of hybrid genetic algorithm
(HGA) is compare with a basic genetic algorithm (GA) in order to examine its performance. This comparison is carried out for
the inverse property problem of estimating the fire properties related to the reaction pyrolysis of some relatively simple
materials; redwood and red oak. Results show that the hybrid genetic algorithm has better performance in estimating the eight
pyrolysis properties than the genetic algorithm. 相似文献
In the present work, both experimental and numerical simulation methods are used to investigate the characteristics of welding
distortion and residual stress distribution. A 3D thermo-mechanical Finite Element Analysis (FEA) method is used to predict
the welding distortion and residual stress of cylinder-shaped multi-pass layer weldments. Each weld pass is performed using
a quarter-circle balanced welding procedure. To investigate the influence of deposition sequence and welding heat input on
the welding distortion and residual stress, a continuous welding procedure is also calculated. The corresponding FEA models
considered a moving heat source, the deposition sequence, and temperature-dependent thermal and mechanical properties. The
results predicted by 3D FEA model are generally in good agreement with the measurements. Finally, the numerical and experimental
results suggest that both deposition sequence and heat input affect welding distortion and residual stress distribution. Furthermore,
the 3D thermal-mechanical FEA method can predict cylinder-type welding distortion. 相似文献
The morphologies of inkjet-printed narrow silver lines on fluorocarbon film-coated glass substrates were measured with varying contact angles and drop spacing to study the actual stability of line printing by using a practical inkjet system. From a practical stability point of view, three types of the lines were observed: stable, unstable, and meta-stable. The stable lines were free from any bulging or breaking; the unstable lines had repetitive and periodic instabilities; and the meta-stable lines had no repetitive instability but had irregular bulges that appear sparsely. Unstable line printing resulted from either the dynamic or static instability of bead flow, which arose when the pressure-driven bead flow was too large or too small compared with droplet deposition rate, respectively. Whether the printing would be stable or meta-stable was determined by the anti-bulging stability of the flow against other disturbances. The anti-bulging stability increased when the bead flow rate was balanced with the printing rate, whereas it decreased for the present system when the flow-balance became sensitive to drop spacing. 相似文献