Semiconductors - The parameters of a ferroelectric material without initial polarization are simulated. The ferroelectric material is doped with a shallow-level impurity. One of the contacts is... 相似文献
This paper describes a highly digitized direct conversion receiver of a single-chip quadruple-band RF transceiver that meets GSM/GPRS and EDGE requirements. The chip uses an advanced 0.25-/spl mu/m BiCMOS technology. The I and Q on-chip fifth-order single-bit continuous-time sigma-delta (/spl Sigma//spl Delta/) ADC has 84-dB dynamic range over a total bandwidth of /spl plusmn/135 kHz for an active area of 0.4 mm/sup 2/. Hence, most of the channel filtering is realized in a CMOS IC where digital processing is achieved at a lower cost. The systematic analysis of dc offset at each stage of the design enables to perform the dc offset cancellation loop in the digital domain as well. The receiver operates at 2.7 V with a current consumption of 75 mA. A first-order substrate coupling analysis enables to optimize the floor plan strategy. As a result, the receiver has an area of 1.8 mm/sup 2/. 相似文献
Post-treatment of an UASB reactor effluent, fed with domestic sewage, was conducted using two-stage flotation and UV disinfection. Results were compared to those obtained in a parallel stabilisation pond. The first flotation stage employed 5 - 7.5 mg L(-1) cationic flocculant to separate off more than 99% of the suspended solids. Then, phosphate ions were completely recovered using carrier flotation with 5-25 mg L(-1) of Fe (FeCl3) at pH 6.3-7.0. This staged flotation led to high recoveries of water and allowed us to separate organic matter and phosphate bearing sludge. The water still contained about 1 x 10(2) NMP/100 mL total coliforms, which were removed using UV radiation to below detection levels. Final water turbidity was < 1.0 NTU, COD < 20 mg L(-1) O2 and 71 mNm(-1), the liquid/air interfacial tension. This flotation-UV flowsheet was found to be more efficient than the treatment in the stabilisation pond and appears to have some potential for water reuse. Results were discussed in terms of the biological, chemical and physicochemical mechanisms involved. 相似文献
An experimental study has been carried out of debonding and fibre rupture in model composites. A single glass rod or fibre was embedded in the centre of a long transparent silicone rubber block. Strains in the rubber in close proximity to the rod or fibre were measured as the specimen was slowly stretched. Pull-out forces, strain distributions, and debonded lengths are compared with the predictions of a simple theory based on a fracture energy criterion for debonding, and taking into account friction at the debonded interface. Experiments were carried out with rods of different diameter, rubber blocks of varied cross-section, and with two levels of adhesion. By extrapolating the debonded length to zero, values of the debonding force in the absence of friction were obtained. They were in accord with fracture energies of about 50 J/m2 for weak bonding and about 200 J/m2 for strong bonding. Fibre fragmentation lengths were measured also. They were in reasonable agreement with the inferred fracture energies and the measured frictional properties of silicone rubber sliding on glass. In a separate study, it was found that the frictional stress between cast silicone rubber and glass was approximately constant, about 0.1 MPa, rather than proportional to pressure, for pressures exceeding about 0.02 MPa. This feature is attributed to a particularly smooth interface between the two materials. 相似文献
This paper concerns the following problem: given a set of multi-attribute records, a fixed number of buckets and a two-disk system, arrange the records into the buckets and then store the buckets between the disks in such a way that, over all possible orthogonal range queries (ORQs), the disk access concurrency is maximized. We shall adopt the multiple key hashing (MKH) method for arranging records into buckets and use the disk modulo (DM) allocation method for storing buckets onto disks. Since the DM allocation method has been shown to be superior to any other allocation methods for allocating an MKH file onto a two-disk system for answering ORQs, the real issue is knowing how to determine an optimal way for organizing the records into buckets based upon the MKH concept.
A performance formula that can be used to evaluate the average response time, over all possible ORQs, of an MKH file in a two-disk system using the DM allocation method is first presented. Based upon this formula, it is shown that our design problem is related to a notoriously difficult problem, namely the Prime Number Problem. Then a performance lower bound and an efficient algorithm for designing optimal MKH files in certain cases are presented. It is pointed out that in some cases the optimal MKH file for ORQs in a two-disk system using the DM allocation method is identical to the optimal MKH file for ORQs in a single-disk system and the optimal average response time in a two-disk system is slightly greater than one half of that in a single-disk system. 相似文献
L-Expressnet is the communication suxbnetwork for the CNET local area network project of the CNR, Italy. Based on a single bus topology, it utilizes a simple and efficient virtual-token access protocol which provides ordered and collision-free transmission. The paper discusses the needs which led to L-Expressnet, describes the protocol, proves its correct operation, and compares its throughput-delay performance with those of other typical bus Protocols. A major advantage of L-Expressnet is that its implementation may be based on Ethernet standard transceivers and network interfaces. 相似文献
Permanent distortion is one of the main drawbacks of all the irreversible watermarking schemes. Attempts to recover the original signal after the signal passes the authentication process are being made, starting just a few years ago. Some common problems, such as salt-and-pepper artefacts owing to intensity wraparound and low embedding capacity, can now be resolved. However, some significant problems remain unsolved. First, the embedding capacity is signal-dependent, i.e., capacity varies significantly depending on the nature of the host signal. The direct impact of this is compromised security for signals with low capacity. Some signals may be even non-embeddable. Secondly, while seriously tackled in irreversible watermarking schemes, the well-known problem of block-wise dependence, which opens a security gap for the vector quantisation attack and transplantation attack, are not addressed by researchers of the reversible schemes. This work proposes a reversible watermarking scheme with near-constant signal-independent embedding capacity and immunity to the vector quantisation attack and transplantation attack. 相似文献