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It was found that under mixing of aqueous solutions of copolymers and toluene solutions of C60 two types of polymer composites can be produced with different matrix structure, the fullerene content and an aggregation degree. The dimethacrylate enriched macromolecules migrate to toluene and the VP units enriched copolymer chains remain in water to form copolymer micelles and their aggregates in these media that solubilize and encapsulate the fullerene. The structure and properties of obtained polymer composites were studied by GPC with dual detection (RI and MALLS), FT‐IR, WAXS and SAXS methods. It is shown that in a composite based on N‐vinylpyrrolidone copolymer isolated from toluene the fullerene form larger particles, compare to that isolated from water. According to SAXS, the fullerene particles in a solid copolymer are organized in spherical objects with fine coil‐like structure. The stability of the composites in water, ethanol, and chloroform was shown to depend on the original polymer matrix structure and on copolymer/fullerene ratio. POLYM. COMPOS., 35:1362–1371, 2014. © 2013 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   
Computer-based testing – is an effective teacher’s tool, intended to optimize course goals and assessment techniques in a comparatively short time. However, this is accomplished only if we deal with high-quality tests. It is strange, but despite the 100-year history of Testing Theory (see, Anastasi, A., Urbina, S. (1997). Psychological testing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall) there still exist some misconceptions. Modern wide-spread systems for computer based course management and testing reveal a set of problems corresponding to certain features of testing methods.  相似文献   
Applications implemented on critical systems are subject to both safety critical and real-time constraints. Classically, applications are specified as precedence task graphs that must be scheduled onto a given target multiprocessor heterogeneous architecture. We propose a new method for simultaneously optimizing two objectives: the execution time and the reliability of the schedule. The problem is decomposed into two successive steps: a spatial allocation during which the reliability is maximized (randomized algorithm), and a scheduling during which the makespan is minimized (list scheduling algorithm). It allows us to produce several trade-off solutions, among which the user can choose the solution that best fits the application’s requirements. Reliability is increased by replicating adequate tasks onto well chosen processors. Our fault model assumes that processors are fail-silent, that they are subject to transient failures, and that the occurrences of failures follow a constant parameter Poisson law. We assess and validate our method by running extensive simulations on both random graphs and actual application graphs. They show that it is competitive, in terms of makespan, compared to existing reference scheduling methods for heterogeneous processors (HEFT), while providing a better reliability.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the design and application of a nonlinear multivariable controller in an anaerobic digestion system (AD) carried out in two interconnected fixed bed bioreactors. The proposed control scheme is derived from a mathematical model of the AD system described by a set of partial differential equations and consists of an estimator and two nonlinear control laws. The first law is developed to regulate the volatile fatty acids in the first bioreactor while the second aims at maintaining the chemical oxygen demand at predetermined set-points in the second bioreactor. The performance of the control algorithm is evaluated via numerical simulations in the face of load disturbances, parameter kinetic uncertainties and set-point changes. Stability and convergence properties of the proposed control scheme are also addressed in this paper.  相似文献   
An eigenproblem-based technique is given for computing the stabilizing scalar static output feedback gain that minimizes the standard linear quadratic performance index in the presence of a Gaussian white-noise disturbance. The method adapts recent work on eigenproblem-based computation of -norms.  相似文献   
Denis  R.  Madhubala  P. 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2021,80(14):21165-21202
Multimedia Tools and Applications - The exponential rise in the development of cloud computing environments in the healthcare field, the protection and confidentiality of the medical records become...  相似文献   
In modern science, significant advances are typically made atcross-roads of disciplines. Thus, many optimization problems inMultiple-valued Logic Design have been successfullyapproached using ideas and techniques from ArtificialIntelligence. In particular, improvements in multiple-valuedlogic design have been made by exploiting information/uncertaintymeasures. In this paper, we review well-known information measuresin the multiple-valued domain and consider some methods of findinginformation measures for completely or incompletely specifiedfunctions with multiple-valued and continuous attributes. In thisrespect, the paper addresses the problem known as discretizationand introduces a method of finding an optimal representation ofcontinuous data in the multiple-valued domain. We also propose atechnique for efficient calculation of different informationmeasures using Multiple-valued Decision Diagrams. As oneapplication of our technique, we outline an approach tosynthesizing digital circuits derived from decision diagrams thatcan yield to reduction in power dissipation. The paper also showsthe impact in several important areas of multiple-valued systemdesign including (i) fuzzy logic, (ii) quantum computing systems,and (iii) data mining.  相似文献   
We study the regular languages recognized by polynomial-length programs over finite semigroups belonging to product varieties V * LI, where V is a variety of finite monoids, and LI is the variety of finite locally trivial semigroups. In the case where the semigroup variety has a particular closure property with respect to programs, we are able to give precise characterizations of these regular languages. As a corollary we obtain new proofs of the results of Barrington, Compton, Straubing and Therien characterizing the regular languages in certain circuit complexity classes.  相似文献   

Le présent article rend compte de l'élaboration d'une grille d'analyse des problèmes de géométrie, et de sa mise à l'épreuve par la classification des problèmes et exercices de géométrie synthétique dans une collection de manuels du secondaire parmi les plus utilisées au Québec. Le cadre conceptuel sur lequel s'appuie cette élaboration s'inspire principalement des travaux de Balacheff (1987), Barbin (1988), Brousseau (1998), Hanna (1995) et Rouche (1989), et débouche sur une typologie des preuves de géométrie. La classification des problèmes à partir de cette grille et l'analyse qui en découle nous a permis de conclure sur les aspects de l'apprentissage de la preuve que nous évaluons comme mal ? gérés ? dans la collection : transition non suffisamment graduelle du sensible au formel (peu de problèmes qui sollicitent une validation hybride, niveau de formalisation trop longtemps stationnaire), prépondérance des applications directes et des déductions locales sur les séquences déductives, intérêt et mode de présentation des résultats qui ne favorisent pas une ? attitude de preuve ?.  相似文献   
We show that every regular language L has either constant, logarithmic or linear two-party communication complexity (in a worst-case partition sense). We prove similar classifications for the communication complexity of regular languages for the simultaneous, probabilistic, simultaneous probabilistic and Modp-counting models of communication.  相似文献   
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