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文章以应用型技术大学双创教育实践教学的内容管理为研究对象,从其内容管理的目的和重要性入手,结合当前实践教学内容管理存在的问题,分析实践教学内容管理系统的需求,提出双创教育实践教学内容管理系统的架构,并就其重点和建设方法作了详细分析,其结果对工科类应用型专业双创教育实践教学内容管理系统的建设具有很好的指导意义。  相似文献   
Distributed classification fusion using error-correcting codes (DCFECC) has recently been proposed for wireless sensor networks operating in a harsh environment. It has been shown to have a considerably better capability against unexpected sensor faults than the optimal likelihood fusion. In this paper, we analyze the performance of a DCFECC code with minimum Hamming distance fusion. No assumption on identical distribution for local observations, as well as common marginal distribution for the additive noises of the wireless links, is made. In addition, sensors are allowed to employ their own local classification rules. Upper bounds on the probability of error that are valid for any finite number of sensors are derived based on large deviations technique. A necessary and sufficient condition under which the minimum Hamming distance fusion error vanishes as the number of sensors tends to infinity is also established. With the necessary and sufficient condition and the upper error bounds, the relation between the fault-tolerance capability of a DCFECC code and its pair-wise Hamming distances is characterized, and can be used together with any code search criterion in finding the code with the desired fault-tolerance capability. Based on the above results, we further propose a code search criterion of much less complexity than the minimum Hamming distance fusion error criterion adopted earlier by the authors. This makes the code construction with acceptable fault-tolerance capability for a network with over a hundred of sensors practical. Simulation results show that the code determined based on the new criterion of much less complexity performs almost identically to the best code that minimizes the minimum Hamming distance fusion error. Also simulated and discussed are the performance trends of the codes searched based on the new simpler criterion with respect to the network size and the number of hypotheses  相似文献   
甜菜多倍体新品种狼甜301由四倍体双丰1号与二倍体工农5号系统中的9×9品系杂交育成,属于抗逆性强、抗褐斑病性强的高糖型多位多倍作品种。该品种在内蒙古自治区甜菜品种区域试验及生产试验中其平均块根产量,含糖率和产糖量分别比对照品种工农5号提高3.7%~14.2%、1.32%~3.0%和12.3%~40.9%。褐斑病发病级数比对照低1.5~2.5级,具备较强的杂种优势、适应性广。该品种1995年由内蒙古自治区农作物品种审定委员会审定命名为“狼甜301”,1995年4月通过了中国轻工总会甜菜糖业研究所品种审定委员会的审定,命名为中甜──狼甜301。  相似文献   
Phase correlation leading to self-pulsation (SP) in semiconductor distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers is investigated experimentally and theoretically. Under proper biasing conditions, the laser oscillates with three main modes and we observe that each two-modes beating provides SP with identical spectral linewidth. Under the same operating conditions, the measured spectral linewidths of the beating modes are much larger than the linewidth of the self-pulsating signal. These results demonstrate the natural occurrence of passive mode-locking (PML) and phase correlation in semiconductor DBR lasers. A model based on multimode coupled-wave rate equations, including four-wave mixing (FWM), is developed to describe PML and SP in the gain region of the laser cavity. This model demonstrates that the existence of phase correlation between longitudinal modes is due to FWM.  相似文献   
A time-harmonic equivalent current dipole model is proposed to simulate EEG source which deals with the problem concerning the capacitance effect. The expressions of potentials in both homogeneous infinite dielectric medium and dielectric sphere on the electroquasistatic condition are presented. The potential in a 3-layer inhomogeneous spherical head is computed by using this model. The influences on potential produced by time-harmonic character and permittivity are discussed. The results show that potentials in dielectric sphere are affected by frequency and permittivity.  相似文献   
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017 , 27, 1703117 DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201703117 The above article, first published online on 31 July 2017 in Wiley Online Library ( https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201703117 ) and corrected on 19 March 2019 ( https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201900376 ) has been retracted by agreement with the authors, the journal Editor‐in‐Chief, and Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. The retraction has been agreed upon due to several flawed figures as published in the article, containing duplicate images, which calls the validity of these data into question. Reference C. Deng, Q. Yao, C. Feng, J. Li, L. Wang, G. Cheng, M. Shi, L. Chen, J. Chang, C. Wu, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017 , 27, 1703117.  相似文献   
A commercial system that performs syntactic and semantic analysis during a TV advertising break could facilitate innovative new applications, such as an intelligent set-top box that enhances the ability of viewers to monitor and manage commercials from TV streams.  相似文献   
姚颂伟 《丝绸》1989,(3):16-17
丝织物质量检验“84”标准实施后,经过试套,提出生坏绸检验合理套用“84”标准的设想及套用过程中的注意点。  相似文献   
An energy-efficient digital-to-analogue converter (DAC) switching scheme with high-accuracy is proposed for successive approximation register (SAR) analogue-to-digital converters (ADCs). By utilizing a complementary switching method, the proposed switching scheme achieves a 98.4% switching energy reduction and a 75% area reduction compared to the conventional SAR ADC. Moreover, the accuracy of the SAR ADC is independent on the accuracy of the third reference voltage (Vcm) except the least significant bit, and the common-mode voltage of the DAC outputs keeps approximately unchanged during a conversion cycle, making the design of the SAR ADC more relaxed.  相似文献   
针对携带成像传感器的侦察无人机的航迹规划问题,提出整体与局部航迹规划结合的方法;将侦察无人机航迹规划问题分解为两步:第一步,利用遗传算法全局搜索的优势对蚁群算法初始信息素过低进行改进,对无人机进行整体航迹规划;第二步,利用几何限制原则结合侦察无人机携带的成像传感器的特点进行局部航迹再规划;通过按照该方法规划出侦察无人机的航迹并取得较好效果的一个实例证明,该方法计算简化、贴合实际、针对性强,可为实际战场侦察无人机航迹规划提供了参考.  相似文献   
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