This study analysed the influence of the codeposition of SiC particles with different sizes: 50 nm, 500 nm and 5 μm, and the type of bath agitation (stirring or ultrasonic) on the electrocrystallisation of nickel coatings. The composites matrix microstructure was analysed by means of SEM, EBSD and XRD, to evaluate the grain size, crystal orientation, and internal stresses and was benchmarked against pure nickel samples electrodeposited in equivalent conditions. The codeposition of nano- and microsize particles with an approximate content of 0.8 and 4 vol.%, respectively, caused only a minor grain refinement and did not vary the dominant?<?100?>?crystal orientation observed in pure Ni. The internal stress was, however, increased by particles codeposition, up to 104 MPa by nanoparticles and 57 MPa by microparticles, compared to the values observed in pure nickel (41 MPa). The higher codeposition rate (11 vol.%) obtained by the addition of submicron-size particles caused a change in the grain growth from columnar to equiaxial, resulting in deposits with a fully random crystal orientation and pronounced grain refinement. The internal stress was also increased by 800% compared to pure nickel. The ultrasound (US) agitation during the deposition caused grain refinement and a selective particle inclusion prompting a decrease in the content of the particles with the larger particles. The deposits produced under US agitation showed an increase in the internal stresses, with double values compared to stirring. The increase in the deposits microhardness, from 280 HV in pure Ni to 560 HV in Ni/SiC submicron-US, was linked to the microstructural changes and particles content.
The security of future supply with natural resources has to comply with objectives towards a sustainable and responsible development. Resources from the geosphere and recycling material from the technosphere may be grouped in a hierarchy the top of which is made up by fossil energy raw materials and of resources from occurrences which were formed by enrichment processes. The base of the hierarchy is made up by bulk raw materials which occur in unlimited amounts in the crust of the Earth and in the sea water and by waste and residues as potential raw materials. Optimising the efficiency of raw materials takes place if material from a lower level substitutes material from a higher level. Highest efficiency is reached if fossil energy from the top of the hierarchy is substituted or consumption is reduced. 相似文献
Foundation of a university research cluster — Co-operation along the value creation chain from raw materials to components — Evidence of joint performance offers — Utilization of synergies — Integration of Christian Doppler Laboratories — Flexible arrangement of co-operations and networks 相似文献
Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Novosibirsk. Translated from Fiziko-Tekhnicheskie Problemy
Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh, No. 1, pp. 114–118, January–February, 1989. 相似文献
Ten full-scale test fires were conducted in a chamber simulating a three person ship accommodation quarter. The test fires used three different ventilation conditions, two types of bunks and furnishings with either polyurethane foam or chloroprene foam. The chamber was instrumented to follow the development of the fire.The furnishings with polyurethane foam were readily ignited and produced an intense fire within 2 to 4 minutes. The furnishings with chloroprene foam ignited but burned slowly with a small flame or in smoldering combustion.The ventilation conditions had a significant effect on the development and intensity of the fire as the test fires were burning under oxygen-limiting conditions.The solid pan bunks retarded the early development of the fire compared to open bunks for polyurethane furnishings. However, once the mattresses on the three bunks were ignited the intensity of the test fires was similar for both types of bunks. 相似文献
River water has been sampled under baseflow conditions in both summer and winter at c. 250-m intervals along the length of each of seven rivers in northeast Scotland, and the nitrate contents have been determined. The resultant data have been examined in the context of the nitrogen saturation hypothesis. Capacity of the catchment soils to retain nitrate was generally minimal in winter. Although biological uptake of nitrate was evident in summer, in the upper part of each catchment substantial nitrate leaching still occurred. The phenomenon was most marked in water draining from hill peats, except where these were conspicuously waterlogged. The results are discussed in the context of possible nitrogen saturation effects on upper catchment slopes. 相似文献