Wird in einer Effektivklausel der Nachweis der Leistungserbringung ohne wesentliche M?ngel für die Auszahlung des Werklohnes
durch Best?tigung des Auftraggebers oder des Architekten verlangt, kann der Begünstigte diesen Nachweis grunds?tzlich auch
auf andere, vom Beweiswert her gleichwertige Weise erbringen. Wird in einem zwischen den Parteien des Werkvertrages geführten
Prozess rechtskr?ftig festgestellt, dass M?ngel im Zuge eines Sachverst?ndigengutachtens nicht feststellbar bzw nicht hervorgekommen
sind, liegt darin die positive Feststellung, dass solche M?ngel nicht vorliegen. 相似文献
Ein baupolizeilicher Beseitigungsauftrag muss von der Baubeh?rde ausreichend konkretisiert werden. Die Frage, ob ein baupolizeilicher
Auftrag den Bestimmtheitsanforderungen entspricht, ist an Hand des Inhaltes des Spruches des Auftrages, gegebenenfalls unter
Einbeziehung weiterer einen Bestandteil des Bescheides bildender Unterlagen (zB Pl?ne), zu l?sen, wobei zur Auslegung des
Spruches im Zweifelsfall die Begründung des Bescheides heranzuziehen ist. Der Auftrag, "Gel?ndever?nderungen im Ausma? von
ca. 750 m2" zu beseitigen, l?sst jede konkrete Beschreibung der vorgenommenen und zu beseitigenden Gel?ndever?nderungen vermissen. 相似文献
Real-time, three-dimensional (RT3D) ultrasound allows video frame rate volumetric imaging. The ability to acquire full three-dimensional (3-D) image data in real-time is particularly helpful for applications such as cardiac imaging, which require visualization of complex and dynamic 3-D anatomy. Volume rendering provides a method for intuitive graphical display of the 3-D image data, but capturing the RT3D echo data and performing the necessary processing to generate a volumetric image in real time poses a significant technical challenge. We present a data capture and rendering implementation that uses off-the-shelf components to real-time volume render RT3D ultrasound images. Our approach allowed live, interactive volume rendering of RT3D ultrasound scans. 相似文献
Formulating effective coatings for use in nano- and biotechnology poses considerable technical challenges. If they are to provide abrasion resistance, coatings must be hard and adhere well to the underlying substrate. High hardness, however, comes at the expense of extensibility. This property trade-off makes the design of coatings for even moderately compliant substrates problematic, because substrate deformation easily exceeds the strain limit of the coating. Although the highest strain capacity of synthetic fibre coatings is less than 10%, deformable coatings are ubiquitous in biological systems. With an eye to heeding the lessons of nature, the cuticular coatings of byssal threads from two species of marine mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis and Perna canaliculus, have been investigated. Consistent with their function to protect collagenous fibres in the byssal-thread core, these coatings show hardness and stiffness comparable to those of engineering plastics and yet are surprisingly extensible; the tensile failure strain of P. canaliculus cuticle is about 30% and that of M. galloprovincialis is a remarkable 70%. The difference in extensibility is attributable to the presence of deformable microphase-separated granules within the cuticle of M. galloprovincialis. The results have important implications in the design of bio-inspired extensible coatings. 相似文献
While symbolic colour use has always played a conspicuous role in science research and education, the use of colour in historic diagrams remains a lacuna in the history of science. Investigating the colour use in diagrams often means uncovering a whole cosmology that is not otherwise explicit in the diagram itself. The periodic table is a salient and iconic example of non‐mimetic colour use in science. Andreas von Antropoff's (1924) rectangular table of recurrent rainbow colours is famous, as are Alcindo Flores Cabral's (1949) application of colour in his round snail form, using the RGB scheme, and Mazurs's (1967) pine tree system, consisting of warm and cold colours that he attributed to specific groups of elements—an attribution that we can relate back to humoralism and alchemy. From the first periodic tables in the 19th century, individual researchers have used different colour regimes. While standardization may play an obvious role in chemistry and its diagrams, all the more impressive is the anarchistic use of colour in the various diagrams which continue to be created. This article focuses on periodic tables in chemical journals and text books, and explores and compares the development of colour codes found in the few existing polychrome diagrams from the 1920s to the 1970s. 相似文献
Laser beam melting (LBM) of aluminum alloys is gaining a wide popularity in different industrial applications as an alternative technology for the production of individual and complex parts. A long build time and the high amount of experimental work for optimizing or finding new process parameters are two of the current challenges for reaching an industrial maturity. This paper proposes an efficient way to determine new process parameters for aluminum alloy aluminum-silicon10-magnesium with highest build-up rates by using a 3D finite element model on the mesoscopic level. High laser power in combination with the hull-core build strategy was used to increase the build-up rate without impairing the part accuracy. The influences of high laser power, laser diameter and scan speed on the melt pool were studied by using a thermal simulation of single laser tracks. Based on the simulation results the process window could be derived and was tested on a laser beam melting (LBM) system. The achieved reduction of the build time of up to 31 % without loss in part accuracy proved the novel approach for the prediction of the required process window as an efficient method to reduce costly and time-consuming experimental work. 相似文献
Among the numerous forms of chemical degradation of peptides or proteins, deamidation is one of the alterations observed most frequently. In this irreversible reaction, a glutamine or an asparagine side chain is hydrolyzed to glutamic acid or aspartic acid, respectively (conversion of NH2 to OH). Besides its influence in the deterioration of biotechnological and food products, deamidation represents a defined posttranslational modification reaction with respect to proteomics. Here mass spectrometric techniques play a leading role in determining posttranslational modifications. However, not all mass spectrometers are able to resolve signal differences of 0.0193 Da (mass difference of 12CO vs 13CNH) for singly charged molecules, the mass difference between the first isotopic signal of an asparagine/glutamine-containing peptide and the monoisotopic signal of the corresponding partially deamidated aspartate/glutamate derivative. To detect partial deamidation within peptides, advantage has been taken of the ability of Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry to perform very high mass resolution. In this work, we investigated up to triply charged ions produced by electrospray ionization using direct infusion. Although the special heterodyne detection mode enables higher mass resolution than the routinely used broadband detection, often only a small mass window can be investigated. Using broadband detection, we were able to resolve ions with a difference of m/z 0.0064 to detect partially deamidated peptides formed either enzymatically or under acidic and basic conditions. 相似文献
This essay explores the use of the concept of “data” during the nineteenth century. It traces the development of manual data driven research decades before the introduction of Hollerith machines and electronic computers. Census statisticians in late-nineteenth century Prussia employed moveable paper tools to assemble numerical information in novel ways; their actions fundamentally recast processes of compilation. The paper considers the epistemic impact of moving data inscribed on tons of paper, reconstructing the logistics of a circulatory compilation system spread across the Prussian capital. The movement of data in Wilhelmine Berlin reached outward from the statistical bureau to encompass the homes of many women, enlisted in a minutely-orchestrated putting out system. The essay scrutinizes the social and intellectual requirements necessary to classify, sort, and aggregate the information on the loose paper slips fast and without error. For all of their inventiveness, Prussian statisticians were neither the first nor the only ones to gather, process and visualize data in imaginative ways. As this essay demonstrates, many so-called “Baconian” sciences developed similar tools and practices to those of Prussian statisticians. Making and moving data sparked historical sensitivity in disciplines well beyond population statistics, from taxonomy to paleontology, yielding unexpected revelations. 相似文献
Cost‐efficient, visible‐light‐driven hydrogen production from water is an attractive potential source of clean, sustainable fuel. Here, it is shown that thermal solid state reactions of traditional carbon nitride precursors (cyanamide, melamine) with NaCl, KCl, or CsCl are a cheap and straightforward way to prepare poly(heptazine imide) alkali metal salts, whose thermodynamic stability decreases upon the increase of the metal atom size. The chemical structure of the prepared salts is confirmed by the results of X‐ray photoelectron and infrared spectroscopies, powder X‐ray diffraction and electron microscopy studies, and, in the case of sodium poly(heptazine imide), additionally by atomic pair distribution function analysis and 2D powder X‐ray diffraction pattern simulations. In contrast, reactions with LiCl yield thermodynamically stable poly(triazine imides). Owing to the metastability and high structural order, the obtained heptazine imide salts are found to be highly active photocatalysts in Rhodamine B and 4‐chlorophenol degradation, and Pt‐assisted sacrificial water reduction reactions under visible light irradiation. The measured hydrogen evolution rates are up to four times higher than those provided by a benchmark photocatalyst, mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride. Moreover, the products are able to photocatalytically reduce water with considerable reaction rates, even when glycerol is used as a sacrificial hole scavenger. 相似文献
Ti-Zr alloys have gained increasing attention as a new metallic biomaterial, being used as implants for both orthopedics and dentistry. More recently, our group found promising results for the Ti-45Zr alloy, which presented a low elastic modulus, a pronounced and excellent mechanic character, and excellent cell compatibility in vitro. However, its biocompatibility and potential to promote osteogenesis in vivo remained unclear. In the present study, the biocompatibility, osteointegration ability, and immune response effects of the Ti-45Zr alloy were evaluated in animal experiments. The results showed that the alloy had good blood compatibility and no body side effects. After implantation in vivo, the inflammation turned out well and was beneficial to the polarization of macrophages. Additionally, the Ti-45Zr alloy presented a good osteointegration ability. Overall, these results confirmed that the Ti-45Zr alloy can be used as a dental implant material.