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一种图像主题网络爬虫的实现方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对一种图像主题爬虫进行了设计研究,采用了基于文字内容的启发式方法,实现了借助图像文件的锚文本及其上下文进行主题相关性判定,能更准确的抓取相关图像资源.还对网页实现了主题相关性判定,以便更有效地引导爬虫的爬行路经.经实验证明,本系统可起到一定的优化效果,为实现定向主题的图像信息采集奠定了良好的基础.  相似文献   
韩佳泉  常凤华 《焊接》2011,(1):37-41
介绍了核电站一回路主承压设备的工作条件、设计理念和工况对用于制造一回路主承压设备的材料的性能要求,如常温和高温力学性能、耐蚀性能、吸收界面和感生放射性、辐射条件下的性能稳定性和力学加工性能,并从事前控制、事中控制和事后控制三个方面阐述了一回路主承压设备在制造过程中的焊接质量保证与控制措施.  相似文献   
以海沃德、华优、红阳三个不同品种的猕猴桃为原料,利用冷破碎专利设备制取猕猴桃果浆。采用化学方法分析其营养特性指标(包括可滴定酸、总糖和还原糖、果胶、蛋白质、维生素C及多酚含量),同时与经传统工艺制取的果浆相比较,探讨冷破碎技术的优劣。实验结果表明,冷破碎工艺使海沃德、华优、红阳猕猴桃果浆酸度分别提高了69.9%、105%、34.2%,多酚及多酚氧化酶含量下降了49.4%、30.5%、43.8%和42.3%、48.3%、51.7%;总糖和还原糖变化不大,果胶、蛋白质含量变化显著。所以,采用冷破碎工艺获得的果浆比较好地保留了猕猴桃原果的营养品质,从防止营养品质劣变的角度看,冷破碎工艺是值得推广应用的果品加工先进技术。   相似文献   
Single-event effects(SEEs) induced by medium-energy protons in a 28 nm system-on-chip(So C) were investigated at the China Institute of Atomic Energy. An on-chip memory block was irradiated with 90 MeV and70 MeV protons, respectively. Single-bit upset and multicell upset events were observed, and an uppermost number of nine upset cells were discovered in the 90 MeV proton irradiation test. The results indicate that the SEE sensitivities of the 28 nm SoC to the 90 MeV and 70 MeV protons were similar. Cosmic Ray Effects on Micro-Electronics Monte Carlo simulations were analyzed, and it demonstrates that protons can induce effects in a 28 nm SoC if their energies are greater than 1.4 MeV and that the lowest corresponding linear energy transfer was 0.142 MeV cm~2 mg~(-1). The similarities and discrepancies of the SEEs induced by the 90 MeV and 70 MeV protons were analyzed.  相似文献   
以GA镀层合金化过程中相变理论为基础,结合宝钢股份冷轧厂某镀锌线合金化设备技改前后的设备、工艺对比,分析不同工艺条件下镀层实际形貌的特征及相应的V弯检测结果。技改后由于合金化加热、冷却能力均得到了加强,合金化工艺段速度由75m/min提高到了100m/min。工艺变化后有利于快速达到合金化目标温度,可以获得均匀致密的δ1相,提高镀层抗粉化能力。虽然合金化均热时间稍有缩短,但未对合金化镀层的抗粉化性能产生负面影响。  相似文献   
With the rapid development of communication and computer,the individual identification technology of communication equipment has been brought to many application scenarios.The identification of the same type of electronic equipment is of considerable significance,whether it is the identification of friend or foe in military applications,identity determination,radio spectrum management in civil applications,equipment fault diagnosis,and so on.Because of the limited-expression ability of the traditional electromagnetic signal representation methods in the face of complex signals,a new method of individual identification of the same equipment of communication equipment based on deep learning is proposed.The contents of this paper include the following aspects:(1)Considering the shortcomings of deep learning in processing small sample data,this paper provides a universal and robust feature template for signal data.This paper constructs a relatively complete signal template library from multiple perspectives,such as time domain and transform domain features,combined with high-order statistical analysis.Based on the inspiration of the image texture feature,characteristics of amplitude histogram of signal and the signal amplitude co-occurrence matrix(SACM)are proposed in this paper.These signal features can be used as a signal fingerprint template for individual identification.(2)Considering the limitation of the recognition rate of a single classifier,using the integrated classifier has achieved better generalization ability.The final average accuracy of 5 NRF24LE1 modules is up to 98%and solved the problem of individual identification of the same equipment of communication equipment under the condition of the small sample,low signal-to-noise ratio.  相似文献   
近几年来佛山供电局变电一部属下的110kV变电站频繁出现110kV避雷器底座(支持)绝缘子破裂的情况,最严重的在更换三个月左右后,又出现破裂.本文就此分析论述出现破裂的原因、解决的办法和防裂取得的效果等.  相似文献   
混合式步进电动机与传统的异步、同步电动机相比,由于定子磁势、转子磁钢的非线性分布以及磁饱和等因素的存在而没有简单的线性化数学模型.根据已有数学模型,利用电动机矢量控制原理,在d-q坐标系下推导出混合式步进电动机电磁转矩与电流关系、静态控制与动态控制的数学模型,以及电动机定子电流细分算法,最后通过搭建实验样机验证其控制方法的有效性.  相似文献   
本文对一种平面三环基本运动链的位移分析问题进行了代数求解,得到了一个16次的输入输出方程。通过对方程次数的判定,证明所得的结果无增根,最后给出了算例。  相似文献   
试验测试一种商务车底盘系统及车厢内部的振动和噪声情况,并且分析该车底盘系统的振动和噪声对车厢内部座椅的影响,从整车的噪声和振动性能的设计角度为开发一种新型的高端商务车产品提供一定的设计依据.  相似文献   
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