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High-yielding dairy cows are often fed high proportions of cereal grain and pulses. For several reasons, it would be desirable to replace these feed sources with forage, which is not suitable for human consumption. Feeding large amounts of forage to dairy cows could also make dairy production more publicly acceptable in the future. In this study, we estimated genetic parameters for total dry matter intake (DMI), DMI from forage (DMIFor), energy-corrected milk (ECM), and ECM produced from forage (ECMFor). A total of 1,177 lactations from 575 cows of Swedish Red (SR) and Holstein (HOL) dairy breeds were included in the study. Mixed linear animal random regression models were used, with fixed effect of calving season and lactation week nested within parity 1 and 2+, fixed effect of calving year, and random regression coefficients for breeding value (up to linear) and permanent environmental effect (up to quadratic) of the cow. Heritability for DMI and DMIFor was generally higher for HOL than for SR in all-parity data and in later parities; however, the opposite was true for first parity. Heritability for DMI and DMIFor during the first 8 wk averaged 0.11 and 0.15, respectively, in all-parity data for the 2 breeds. Corresponding values for ECMFor and ECM were 0.21 and 0.29, respectively. In first parity, values were 0.32, 0.36, 0.28, and 0.51, respectively. The genetic correlation between DMI and DMIFor was high, above 0.83, and fairly constant across the lactation. The genetic correlation between ECMFor and ECM was close to unity in the later part of lactation for both breeds, but was around 0.8 in the early lactation for both breeds; it decreased for HOL to 0.54 in wk 17. The genetic correlations between DMI and ECMFor and between DMIFor and ECMFor were low and negative for HOL (absolute value ~0.2–0.3), but changed for SR from weakly positive in early lactation to negative values and back to positive toward the end of lactation. For most traits, the correlation between wk 1 and wk 8 into the lactation was very high; the lowest value was for DMI in HOL at 0.81. The genetic correlation between parities was rather high in the first part of the lactation. During the first 8 wk, the correlation was lower for HOL than for SR, except for ECM. We found that DMIFor and ECMFor showed reasonably large heritability, and future work should explore the possibility of genomic evaluations.  相似文献   
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in some marinades commonly used in Finland for modified atmosphere packaged poultry meat products were enumerated and identified to determine whether the marinades contained LAB species that cause meat spoilage. The concentrations of LAB in 51 marinade samples ranged from less than 100 to 8.0 x 10(5) CFU/ml. Seventeen of the samples produced LAB growth only after enrichment, and in five samples no growth was detected either by direct culturing or enrichment. Eighty-eight randomly selected isolates, 51 from the enumerated plates and 37 from enriched samples, were identified using a database of 16S and 23S rRNA gene HindIII restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns of over 300 type and references LAB strains as operational taxonomic units in numerical analyses. The predominating LAB in the enumerated samples was Lactobacillus plantarum (25 of 51 isolates). Eleven isolates were identified as Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei, and nine were Lactobacillus parabuchneri. None of these species are considered specific spoilage LAB in marinated modified atmosphere packaged poultry meat products nor have they been reported to dominate in unspoiled late-shelf-life products. These results indicate that even though marinades may contain high numbers of LAB, they are not necessarily sources of specific meat spoilage LAB. Therefore, risks associated with meat quality are not predicted by quantitative enumeration of LAB in marinades.  相似文献   
This paper reviews long-term development of biofuels in Sweden and the Netherlands. In particular this paper explores the social dynamics of ‘niche protection’. The Swedish and Dutch cases are analyzed by means of the Strategic Niche Management (SNM) perspective extended with insights from political science. Our main argument is that the development of biofuels and the way this development is protected relies on a variety of actor strategies and (local and global) discourses. This case therefore suggests that policy making for biofuels is a complex and non-linear process that can only partly be managed by policy actors.  相似文献   
Three aspects of producing hydrogen via renewable electricity sources are analyzed to determine the potential for solar and wind hydrogen production pathways: a renewable hydrogen resource assessment, a cost analysis of hydrogen production via electrolysis, and the annual energy requirements of producing hydrogen for refueling. The results indicate that ample resources exist to produce transportation fuel from wind and solar power. However, hydrogen prices are highly dependent on electricity prices. For renewables to produce hydrogen at $2 kg−1, using electrolyzers available in 2004, electricity prices would have to be less than $0.01 kWh−1. Additionally, energy requirements for hydrogen refueling stations are in excess of 20 GWh/year. It may be challenging for dedicated renewable systems at the filling station to meet such requirements. Therefore, while plentiful resources exist to provide clean electricity for the production of hydrogen for transportation fuel, challenges remain to identify optimum economic and technical configurations to provide renewable energy to distributed hydrogen refueling stations.  相似文献   
This survey gives an overview of the current state of the art in GPU techniques for interactive large‐scale volume visualization. Modern techniques in this field have brought about a sea change in how interactive visualization and analysis of giga‐, tera‐ and petabytes of volume data can be enabled on GPUs. In addition to combining the parallel processing power of GPUs with out‐of‐core methods and data streaming, a major enabler for interactivity is making both the computational and the visualization effort proportional to the amount and resolution of data that is actually visible on screen, i.e. ‘output‐sensitive’ algorithms and system designs. This leads to recent output‐sensitive approaches that are ‘ray‐guided’, ‘visualization‐driven’ or ‘display‐aware’. In this survey, we focus on these characteristics and propose a new categorization of GPU‐based large‐scale volume visualization techniques based on the notions of actual output‐resolution visibility and the current working set of volume bricks—the current subset of data that is minimally required to produce an output image of the desired display resolution. Furthermore, we discuss the differences and similarities of different rendering and data traversal strategies in volume rendering by putting them into a common context—the notion of address translation. For our purposes here, we view parallel (distributed) visualization using clusters as an orthogonal set of techniques that we do not discuss in detail but that can be used in conjunction with what we present in this survey.  相似文献   
Native wheat, barley, rice, maize, wx maize, and potato starch species were modified by depolymerization in 1‐allyl‐3‐methylimidazolium chloride ([AMIM]Cl) ionic liquid (IL) using oil bath or microwave heating. Reactions were catalyzed with p‐toluenesulfonic acid (p‐TsOH). Reaction times varied depending on the starch species and its concentration, the heating method, and volume of the reaction mixture. Depolymerization products were analyzed with HPLC‐ELSD. All starch species mostly degraded into water‐soluble 1500–2000 Da‐sized starch oligomers. Glucose and other short‐chained sugars did not precipitate along with starch oligomers due to their high solubility in IL. This property was utilized in the purification of commercial maltodextrins. Produced water‐soluble, low MW starch oligomers might be used, e.g., in bacterial cultivations as a glucose source.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Rye and wheat bran were treated with several xylanases and endoglucanases, and the effects on physicochemical properties such as solubility, viscosity, water‐holding capacity and particle size as well as the chemical composition of the soluble and insoluble fractions of the bran were studied. A large number of enzymes with well‐defined activities were used. This enabled a comparison between enzymes of different origins and with different activities as well as a comparison between the effects of the enzymes on rye and wheat bran. RESULTS: The xylanases derived from Bacillus subtilis were the most effective in solubilising dietary fibre from wheat and rye bran. There was a tendency for a higher degree of degradation of the soluble or solubilised dietary fibre in rye bran than in wheat bran when treated with most of the enzymes. CONCLUSION: None of the enzymes increased the water‐holding capacity of the bran or the viscosity of the aqueous phase. The content of insoluble material decreased as the dietary fibre was solubilised by the enzymes. The amount of material that may form a network to retain water in the system was thereby decreased. © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Abstract: In cruciferous vegetables, myrosinase metabolizes the relatively inactive glucosinolates into isothiocyanates and other products that have the ability to increase detoxification enzyme expression. Thus, maintaining myrosinase activity during food preparation may be critical to receiving the maximum benefit of consumption of Brussels sprouts or other cruciferous vegetables. To test the importance of maintaining myrosinase activity for maximizing bioactivity, experimental diets containing 20% unblanched (active myrosinase) or 20% blanched (inactivated myrosinase) freeze-dried Brussels sprouts and a nutrient-matched control diet were evaluated in vitro and in vivo for their ability to induce detoxification enzymes. Treatment of immortalized HepG2 human hepatoma cells with the unblanched Brussels sprout diet caused a greater increase quinone activity compared to the blanched Brussels sprout diet. C3H/HeJ mice fed the unblanched Brussels sprout diets for 2 wk had significantly higher plasma sulforaphane concentrations. Liver expression of CYP1A1 and epoxide hydrolase, measured using real-time PCR, was correlated with the plasma concentration of sulforaphane. In the lung, expression of epoxide hydrolase, thioredoxin reductase, UDP glucuronosyltransferase, quinone reductase, heme oxygenase, CYP1A1, CYP1A2, and CYP1B1 were also correlated with the plasma concentration of sulforaphane. Together these data demonstrate that, as predicted by the in vitro experiment, in vivo exposure to Brussels sprouts with active myrosinase resulted in greater induction of both phase I and phase II detoxification enzymes in the liver and the lungs that correlated with plasma sulforaphane concentrations.  相似文献   
Four methods of enumeration were compared by monitoring levels of probiotic bifidobacteria in fermented oat drink during storage. Strains of Bifidobacterium longum and B. lactis were quantified by plate counts, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), quantitative real-time PCR and commercial LIVE/DEAD BacLight bacterial viability kit, and the methods were further developed to suit the enumeration of bifidobacteria in fermented foods. Plate counts of both B. lactis and B. longum were lower than the PCR and FISH counts. The LIVE/DEAD counts of B. lactis were comparable to PCR and FISH counts. The plate counts of B. lactis were slightly but significantly lower than LIVE/DEAD counts, suggesting that the cells that were not able to grow on plates may have become dormant. The plate counts of B. longum were several log units lower than LIVE/DEAD counts, suggesting that a remarkable part of the cells were dormant. Real-time PCR and FISH were shown to suit the quantification of the total amount of probiotic bifidobacteria in foods. Plate counts and LIVE/DEAD counts provided conflicting information on viability especially in the case of B. longum. We conclude that the choice of enumeration method for probiotic bacteria may have significant effect on the results of the analysis. The strain-specific properties and the objects of the analysis should be taken into account when enumeration methods for different probiotic strains are chosen.  相似文献   
Surface properties of spruce (Picea abies) kraft pulps cooked for different times and further OD0E1D1E2D2-bleached were investigated with atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). A rough correlation between the increasing relative amount of the fibrillar surface structure in AFM images and increasing O/C atomic ratio in XPS-spectra was found with proceeding delignification. At the end of cooking (120 min) only about 1/3 of the fibre surface consisted of cellulose. The detailed analysis of the relative peak areas of the different C1s components in the XPS-spectra indicated that the granules at the beginning of cooking at 170 °C consisted mainly of lignin and extractives. The analysis also showed that different steps of the bleaching sequence were quite specific in removing structural components. Furthermore, the lignin removal was shown not to result automatically in increased fraction of exposed cellulose surface, but could also lead in increased relative amount of surface extractives. Evidence for the high surface content of hemicelluloses for the D2-stage sample was observed. Hemicelluloses with both fibrillar and amorphous morphology were found to be present.  相似文献   
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