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Fully bio-based and biodegradable active films based on poly(lactic acid) (PLA) blended with poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and incorporating lactic acid oligomers (OLA) as plasticizers and carvacrol as active agent were extruded and fully characterized in their functional properties for antimicrobial active packaging. PLA_PHB films showed good barrier to water vapor, while the resistance to oxygen diffusion decreased with the addition of OLA and carvacrol. Their overall migration in aqueous food simulant was determined and no significant changes were observed by the addition of carvacrol and OLA to the PLA_PHB formulations. However, the effect of both additives in fatty food simulant can be considered a positive feature for the potential protection of foodstuff with high fat content. Moreover, the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the proposed formulations increased by the presence of carvacrol, with enhanced activity against Staphylococcus aureus if compared to Escherichia coli at short and long incubation times. These results underlined the specific antimicrobial properties of these bio-films suggesting their applicability in active food packaging.  相似文献   
The acidic characteristics of cocoa beans have influence on flavor development in chocolate. Cocoa cotyledons are not naturally acidic, the acidity comes from organic acids produced by the fermentative microorganisms which grow during the processing of cocoa. Different concentrations of these metabolites can be produced according to the fermentation practices adopted in the farms, which could affect the growth and ochratoxin A production by fungi. This work presents two independent experiments carried out to investigate the effect of some fermentation practices on ochratoxin A production by Aspergillus carbonarius in cocoa, and the effect of weak organic acids such as acetic, lactic and citric at different pH values on growth and ochratoxin A production by A. carbonarius and Aspergillus niger in culture media. A statistical difference (ρ<0.05) in the ochratoxin A level in the cured cocoa beans was observed in some fermentation practices adopted. The laboratorial studies demonstrate the influence of organic acids on fungal growth and ochratoxin A production, with differences according to the media pH and the organic acid present. Acetic acid was the most inhibitory acid against A. carbonarius and A. niger. From the point of view of food safety, considering the amount of ochratoxin A produced, fermentation practices should be conducted towards the enhancement of acetic acid, although lactic and citric acids also have an important role in lowering the pH to improve the toxicity of acetic acid.  相似文献   
Adapting maize production to climate change in sub-Saharan Africa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Given the accumulating evidence of climate change in sub-Saharan Africa, there is an urgent need to develop more climate resilient maize systems. Adaptation strategies to climate change in maize systems in sub-Saharan Africa are likely to include improved germplasm with tolerance to drought and heat stress and improved management practices. Adapting maize systems to future climates requires the ability to accurately predict future climate scenarios in order to determine agricultural responses to climate change and set priorities for adaptation strategies. Here we review the projected climate change scenarios for Africa’s maize growing regions using the outputs of 19 global climate models. By 2050, air temperatures are expected to increase throughout maize mega- environments within sub-Saharan Africa by an average of 2.1°C. Rainfall changes during the maize growing season varied with location. Given the time lag between the development of improved cultivars until the seed is in the hands of farmers and adoption of new management practices, there is an urgent need to prioritise research strategies on climate change resilient germplasm development to offset the predicted yield declines.  相似文献   
To increase the potential and better exploring of grape seeds that are an important wine-industrial waste, oils of ten traditional Portuguese grape varieties were evaluated in relation to their vitamin E content (tocopherols and tocotrienols), fatty acid profile, as well as, antioxidant properties. Our results showed that the grape-seed oils were a good source of γ-tocotrienol (499–1575 mg/kg), α-tocopherol (85.5–244 mg/kg) and α-tocotrienol (69–319 mg/kg). Concerning fatty acid profile, linoleic (C18:2cc), oleic (C18:1), palmitic (C16:0) and stearic (C18:0) acids were the predominant. Grape-seed oils demonstrated to be a good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) (63.64–73.53%), whereas monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and saturated fatty acid (SFA) ranged between 14.19–21.29% and 11.64–14.94%, respectively. Interesting values of DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities were also obtained. This study demonstrated that these seeds may be reused and their oils incorporated in other food products, taking into account the compounds with positive effects on human health that are present in their composition.  相似文献   
Sea cucumber is a benthic marine organism distributed worldwide and used as food in several Asian countries. The species Isostichopus badionotus is captured intensively off the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Boiled I. badionotus was subjected to in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion using pepsin and a pepsin–Corolase PP® mixture. ACE-inhibitory and radical scavenging activities, iron reducing capacity and cytotoxic effects against colorectal cancer cells were evaluated in the hydrolysates and their ultrafiltered fractions. ACE-inhibitory activity was potent in fractions containing peptides <3000 Da, an effect augmented with combined action of gastric (pepsin) and intestinal (Corolase PP®) enzymes (IC50 = 0.038 ± 0.004 mg/mL). Antioxidant activity was exerted by peptides with low and high molecular weights, depending on hydrolysis method. This is the first report of cytotoxic capacity against colorectal HT-29 cells in peptides from sea cucumber. Sea cucumber hydrolysates and ultrafiltered fractions are potential ingredients for development of functional foods.  相似文献   
Açaí consumption is increasing worldwide because of the growing recognition of its nutritional and therapeutic properties. This product is classified based on its soluble solids content (SS), but the determination of SS in pulp is time consuming, tedious and not suitable for modern food processing plants. As near‐infrared (NIR) systems have been implemented to measure various quality attributes of food products, the objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy to quantify the SS content of açaí pulp. Partial least squares (PLS) regression models were constructed to predict the SS. An optimum PLS model required one latent variable [principal component (PC)1 = 97%] with a root‐mean‐square error of calibration (RMSEC) of 1.06% for the calibration data set and the root‐mean‐square error of prediction (RMSEP) of 1.03% for internal cross‐validation. External validation using an independent data set showed good performance (RMSEP = 1.33% and Rp2 = 0.82). NIR spectroscopy is a reliable method with which to determine SS in açaí pulp and thereby to classify açaí pulp according to established minimum quality standards.  相似文献   
In this work, the amino acid and fatty acid profiles were determined in two advanced lines of amaranth seeds: Amaranthus hypochondriacus × Amaranthus cruentus AH17a and Amaranthus cruentus AcG6/17a; as well as in two new varieties: Amaranthus cruentus var. Candil and Amaranthus hypochondriacus var. Dorado. The following contents were found: protein (18.76–26.00 %), dietary fiber (15.91–17.80 %) and total lipids (10.62–11.44 %), high concentrations of unsaturated fatty acids (77.80–82 % of total lipids), linoleic acid (41.94–55.50 % of total lipids) and lysine (47.3–68.6 mg g?1 of protein) were also found. Based on these composition data, chemometric tools were used to classify these new varieties and lines by unsupervised methods—principal component analysis and cluster analysis; as well as by supervised methods—sequential discriminant analysis (DA) and partial least squares DA. It was possible to correctly classify all varieties and lines using 11 variables. In conclusion, it was found that new varieties and advanced lines of amaranth show proper nutritional quality, which reveals the potential of this genus as agro-food. Also, a complete chemometric assessment allowed us to distinguish between these new varieties and lines.  相似文献   
The dissolution of UO(2) in a continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) in the presence of Ca(2+) and Zn(2+) was investigated under experimental conditions relevant to contaminated groundwater systems. Complementary experiments were performed to investigate the effect of adsorption and precipitation reactions on UO(2) dissolution. The experiments were performed under anoxic and oxic conditions. Zn(2+) had a much greater inhibitory effect on UO(2) dissolution than did Ca(2+). This inhibition was most substantial under oxic conditions, where the experimental rate of UO(2) dissolution was 7 times lower in the presence of Ca(2+) and 1450 times lower in the presence of Zn(2+) than in water free of divalent cations. EXAFS and solution chemistry analyses of UO(2) solids recovered from a Ca experiment suggest that a Ca-U(VI) phase precipitated. The Zn carbonate hydrozincite [Zn(5)(CO(3))(2)(OH)(6)] or a structurally similar phase precipitated on the UO(2) solids recovered from experiments performed in the presence of Zn. These precipitated Ca and Zn phases can coat the UO(2) surface, inhibiting the oxidative dissolution of UO(2). Interactions with divalent groundwater cations have implications for the longevity of UO(2) and the mobilization of U(VI) from these solids in remediated subsurface environments, waste disposal sites, and natural uranium ores.  相似文献   
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are involved in paracrine control of follicle development. It was previously demonstrated that FGF10 decreases estradiol (E(2)) secretion in granulosa cell culture and that theca cell FGF10 mRNA expression is decreased in healthy follicles from abattoir ovaries. The main objectives of this study were to evaluate FGF10 and FGFR2b mRNA expression during follicular development in vivo, to evaluate the effect of FGF10 on follicle growth using Bos taurus taurus cows as a model, and to gain more insight into the mechanisms through which FGF10 inhibits steroidogenesis. Messenger RNA encoding both FGF10 and FGFR2b (main FGF10 receptor) was significantly more expressed in subordinate follicles (SFs) than in dominant follicles (DFs). The intrafollicular injection of FGF10 into the largest growing follicle at 7-8?mm in diameter interrupted the DF growth in a dose-dependent manner (11±0.4, 8.3±1 and 5.9±0.3?mm for 0, 0.1, and 1?μg/ml FGF10, respectively, at 72?h after treatment; P<0.05). In a third experiment, follicles were obtained 24?h after FGF10 (1?μg/ml) or PBS treatment through ovariectomy. In theca cells, FGF10 treatment did not affect mRNA encoding steroidogenic enzymes, LHCGR and IGFBPs, but significantly upregulated FGF10 mRNA expression. The expression of CYP19A1 mRNA in granulosa cells was downregulated by FGF10 treatment, which was accompanied by a 50-fold decrease in E(2) production, and decreased cyclin D2 mRNA. These results have shown that FGF10 and its receptor FGFR2b are more expressed in SFs and provide solid in vivo evidence that FGF10 acts as an important regulator of follicular growth in cattle.  相似文献   
Given the increasing number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and the need to synthesize new antimicrobials, silver has attracted interest in the scientific community because of its recognized antimicrobial activity. This study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial effects of silver nanoparticles (NP) obtained by a new method and tested at concentrations of 6 μg/ml and 60 μg/ml against the species Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria innocua, Salmonella Choleraesuis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Bacillus cereus. The ability of these nanoparticles to remove or kill vegetative cells adhered to stainless steel surfaces was also evaluated. We observed that the NP obtained with the new method, concentrated silver nanoparticles (CNP), and silver nanoparticles with added sodium chloride (NPNaCl) had high antimicrobial activities (P < 0.05). We also verified that the most effective condition for the removal of P. aeruginosa cells on stainless steel coupons (10 by 10 mm) was immersion of the surfaces in CNP. The CNP treatment produced a 5-log reduction of the microbial population after 30 to 60 min of immersion. The CNP treatment also performed better than water and sodium carbonate, a compound commonly applied in clean-in-place procedures in the food industry, in removing adherent B. cereus cells from stainless steel cylinders. Therefore, these results suggest that NP synthesized by a new procedure may be used as antimicrobials in the food industry, for example, for the sanitization of utensils that come into contact with foods.  相似文献   
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