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Optically active poly(amide‐imide) oligomers were synthesized by direct polycondensation between an aromatic diamine and a dicarboxylic acid both containing a diphenylsilylene unit. The reaction was carried out using triphenyl phosphite/pyridine in the presence of CaCl2 and N‐methyl‐2‐pyrrolidone as solvent. Oligomers were obtained in good yields and showed high solubility in common aprotic polar solvents. The precursors, monomers and poly(amide‐imide) oligomers were characterized using elemental analysis and Fourier transform infrared and NMR (1H, 13C, 29Si) spectroscopy. Additionally, the main vibrations of the functional groups (C?O, C?C or N? H) in the oligomers with respect to temperature were characterized using Raman spectroscopy. The glass transition temperature was determined by studying the Raman spectra and corroborated using differential scanning calorimetry. The thermal stability was studied using thermogravimetric analysis. The molecular mass of the compounds was obtained from matrix‐assisted laser desorption ionization time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry and their optical properties were analyzed using UV‐visible diode array spectrophotometry. The electronic properties of the oligomers as well as the delocalization of charge carriers within their structures were analyzed using conductance‐voltage curves, which showed that these materials are excellent candidates for integrated optoelectronic applications. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Psychophysical experiments were conducted in the UK, Taiwan, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Argentina, and Iran to assess colour emotion for two‐colour combinations using semantic scales warm/cool, heavy/light, active/passive, and like/dislike. A total of 223 observers participated, each presented with 190 colour pairs as the stimuli, shown individually on a cathode ray tube display. The results show consistent responses across cultures only for warm/cool, heavy/light, and active/passive. The like/dislike scale, however, showed some differences between the observer groups, in particular between the Argentinian responses and those obtained from the other observers. Factor analysis reveals that the Argentinian observers preferred passive colour pairs to active ones more than the other observers. In addition to the cultural difference in like/dislike, the experimental results show some effects of gender, professional background (design vs. nondesign), and age. Female observers were found to prefer colour pairs with high‐lightness or low‐chroma values more than their male counterparts. Observers with a design background liked low‐chroma colour pairs or those containing colours of similar hue more than nondesign observers. Older observers liked colour pairs with high‐lightness or high‐chroma values more than young observers did. Based on the findings, a two‐level theory of colour emotion is proposed, in which warm/cool, heavy/light, and active/passive are identified as the reactive‐level responses and like/dislike the reflective‐level response. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 2012  相似文献   
Polyesters were synthesized by direct polycondensation of thiophene‐2,5‐dicarboxylic acid and five different silarylene‐containing diphenols using a tosyl chloride/pyridine/N,N‐dimethylformamide system as a condensing agent. Polymers were obtained in good yields and were characterized using Fourier transform infrared and NMR (1H, 13C, 135‐DEPT and 29Si) spectroscopy and elemental analysis. All polymers were completely soluble in aprotic organic polar solvents such as dimethylformamide, dimethylsulfoxide and N‐methyl‐2‐pyrrolidone. The range of effective mass of the polymers (m/z) was 1 × 105–2 × 105, determined using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Asymmetry and steric hindrance prevented dense packing of the polymeric chains, showing glass transition temperatures between ? 78 and ? 51 °C and loss of thermal stability at 177–199 °C (10% weight loss). Additionally, the melting points of the polyesters were found to be in the range 62–67 °C. Because of this, the samples were semi‐solid at room temperature. The optical band gaps of the polymers were observed between 4.54 and 4.48 eV, corresponding in all cases to insulator behavior. The molecular structure of the samples was studied using X‐ray diffraction, showing a degree of order that was associated with two monoclinic lattices. Additionally, the conductivity was studied using a two‐point method with contacts on top of polymer films. Prior to the electrical measurement, the samples were polarized in an external electric field of 0.8 to 6.4 V cm?1, and the alignment of the dipoles increased the electrical conductivity. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
This article presents a new model for the short‐term scheduling of multistage batch plants with a single unit per stage, mixed storage policies, and multiple shared resources for moving orders between stages. Automated wet‐etching stations for wafer fabrication in semiconductor plants provide the industrial context. The uncommon feature of the continuous‐time model is that it relies on time grids, as well as on global precedence sequencing variables, to find the optimal solution to the problem. Through the solution of a few test cases taken from the literature, we show that new model performs significantly better than a pure sequencing formulation and better than a closely related hybrid model with slightly different sequencing variables. We also propose a new efficient heuristic procedure for extending the range of problems that can effectively be solved, which essentially solves relaxed and constrained versions of the full‐space model. © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2012  相似文献   
l-Arginine (Arg) is oxidized to l-citrulline and nitric oxide (NO) by the action of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS). In contrast, protein-incorporated Arg residues can be methylated with subsequent proteolysis giving rise to methylarginine compounds, such as asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) that competes with Arg for binding to NOS. Most ADMA is degraded by dimethylarginine dimethyaminohydrolase (DDAH), distributed widely throughout the body and regulates ADMA levels and, therefore, NO synthesis. In recent years, several studies have suggested that increased ADMA levels are a marker of atherosclerotic change, and can be used to assess cardiovascular risk, consistent with ADMA being predominantly absorbed by endothelial cells. NO is an important messenger molecule involved in numerous biological processes, and its activity is essential to understand both pathogenic and therapeutic mechanisms in kidney disease and renal transplantation. NO production is reduced in renal patients because of their elevated ADMA levels with associated reduced DDAH activity. These factors contribute to endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress and the progression of renal damage, but there are treatments that may effectively reduce ADMA levels in patients with kidney disease. Available data on ADMA levels in controls and renal patients, both in adults and children, also are summarized in this review.  相似文献   
The nanostructure of stretched and nonstretched PVDF samples was studied by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The crystallinity of the samples was determined by wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and crystalline phases by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The nanostructure can be described by a lamellar stacking of crystalline and amorphous layers, with a fairly well defined long period D and a diffuse-boundary in the interface between the crystalline and amorphous phases. The crystallinity of the stretched sample was found to be greater than that of the nonstretched sample. The long period D and the thicknesses of the crystalline lamellae Tc were found to be greater in the stretched sample than those in the nonstretched sample. The thickness of the diffuse-boundary was evaluated as being ∼ 1.4 nm in the nonstretched sample and 1.1 nm in the stretched sample. It was concluded that the growth of the thickness of the crystalline layer induced by the stretching process (stretch-induced crystallization) occurs partially at expense of the diffuse boundary and also by the coarsening of the structure with the stretching process, because of the diminution in the surface area to volume ratio observed. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012  相似文献   
3‐(Propa‐1,2‐dien‐1‐yl)oxazolidin‐2‐one works as an efficient two‐carbon partner in a variety of intermolecular gold‐catalyzed [2+2] cycloadditions to alkenes. The transformation represents a simple and practical entry to highly substituted cyclobutane derivatives and takes place with complete regio‐ and stereocontrol.  相似文献   
Anatase and rutile are two naturally found titanium dioxide phases with attractive dielectric, catalytic, and photo-catalytic characteristics. Anatase and rutile are photo-catalytically active in the UV region, since their band gaps are 3.2 eV and 3.75 eV, respectively. In this work is proposed a cost-effective, easy to launch methodology for modification of the TiO2 bandgap. Such modifications will make the oxides photo-catalytically active in a wider optical range from the visible wavelengths to an extended UV spectrum. The proposed methodology is based on mechanical means such as mixing and milling. Various ratios of anatase:rutile were investigated and milled from 0 (mixing only) to 50 h using high energy mills. The results on mixing and milling show that it is possible to modify the bandgap of the TiO2 from 2.53 eV to 4.04 eV. The characterization was conducted by means of X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, Scanning electron microscopy, and optical spectroscopy.  相似文献   
We explore the structure directing role of the chiral cation (1S,2S)-2-hydroxymethyl-1-benzyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium (SS-bmpm) in the synthesis of Al-containing zeolite materials in the presence of co-structure directing agents (co-SDAs). Three different co-SDAs are studied: tetramethylammonium (TMA), quinuclidine and sodium. Synthesis with TMA as co-SDA yields a ferrierite related phase and a material from the MWW family, where the SS-bmpm and the TMA cations are incorporated intact within the samples. Quinuclidine produces instead amorphous solids, while the use of Na+ leads to crystalline phases that crystallized as a result of the degradation of the SS-bmpm cation. A subsequent computational study based on molecular mechanics was performed in an attempt to unravel the location of TMA and SS-bmpm cations within the void space of the complex MWW structure. The results suggest that the sinusoidal channels are exclusively filled by TMA, while the bulky SS-bmpm cations can only be accommodated within the MWW super-cages, thus providing a new example of cooperative structure-directing effects of small and bulky cations in the synthesis of complex zeolite structures.  相似文献   
Composite materials made of mesoporous oxide thin films containing metallic nanoparticles are of high interest in various fields, including catalysis, biosensing and non-linear optics. We demonstrate in this work the fabrication of such composite materials containing a sub-monolayer of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) of various shapes covered with mesoporous silica thin films. Additionally, the shape of the GNPs (and thus their optical properties) can be modified in situ through seeded growth and branching. Such growth proceeds upon wetting with HAuCl(4) solution, a surfactant (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, CTAB) and a mild reducing agent (ascorbic acid, AA). The effect of varying several reaction parameters (time and CTAB and AA concentrations) was evaluated, showing that more anisotropic particles are obtained at longer reaction times, lower CTAB concentration and higher AA concentration. The final shape of the GNPs was also found to depend on their initial shape and size, as well as the pore size of the mesoporous film covering them. Because the growth proceeds through the pores of the film, it may lead to shapes that are not easily obtained in solution, such as particles with branches on one side only. Finally, we have confirmed that no damage was induced to the mesoporous silica structure during the growth process and thus the final particles remain well covered by the thin film, which can eventually be used as a filter between the GNPs and the outer medium.  相似文献   
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