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Fault-tolerant communication and energy efficiency are important requirements for future-generation wireless ad hoc networks,
which are increasingly being considered also for critical application domains like embedded systems in automotive and aerospace.
Topology control, which enables multi-hop communication between any two network nodes via a suitably constructed overlay network,
is the primary target for increasing connectivity and saving energy here. In this paper, we present a fault-tolerant distributed
topology control algorithm that constructs and continuously maintains a k-regular and k-node-connected overlay for energy-efficient multi-hop communication. As a by-product, it also builds a hierarchy of clusters
that reflects the node density in the network, with guaranteed and localized fault-tolerant communication between any pair
of cluster members. The construction algorithm automatically adapts to a dynamically changing environment, is guaranteed to
converge, and exhibits good performance as well. 相似文献
Nguyen Thi Xuan Ekaterina Shumilina Evi Schmid Shefalee K. Bhavsar Rexhep Rexhepaj Friedrich Götz Erich Gulbins Florian Lang 《Molecular nutrition & food research》2010,54(12):1833-1841
Scope : Thymol is a component of several plants with antimicrobial activity. Little is known about the effects of thymol on immune cells of the host. This study addressed the effects of thymol on dendritic cells (DCs), regulators of innate and adaptive immunity. Methods and results : Immunohistochemistry, Western blotting and fluorescence‐activated cell sorting analysis were performed in bone marrow‐derived DCs either from wild‐type mice or from mice lacking acid sphingomyelinase (ASM?/?) treated and untreated for 24 h with thymol (2–100 μg/mL). Thymol treatment resulted in activation of ASM, stimulation of ceramide formation, downregulation of anti‐apoptotic Bcl‐2 and Bcl‐xL proteins, activation of caspase 3 and caspase 8, DNA fragmentation as well as cell membrane scrambling. The effects were dependent on the presence of ASM and were lacking in ASM?/? mice or in wild‐type DCs treated with sphingomyelinase inhibitor amitriptyline. Conclusion : Thymol triggers suicidal DC death, an effect mediated by and requiring activation of ASM. 相似文献
Michael Prückler Susanne Siebenhandl-Ehn Silvia Apprich Stefan Höltinger Cornelia Haas Erwin Schmid Wolfgang Kneifel 《LWT》2014
Wheat, together with maize and rice, accounts to about 90% of the world's cereal production. During the milling process, wheat bran, besides other valuable compounds such as wheat germ and parts of the endosperm, remains as major by-product. Wheat bran is composed of various histological cell layers, called the pericarp, testa, hyaline and aleurone layer and its weight ratio to milled wheat is about 25%. Annually, over 650 million tons of wheat are produced in the world, of which more than 69% are used for food. The thereby accruing biomass of wheat bran can be estimated as 150 million tons, which are basically used in the feed industry. Even if numerous studies have investigated potential health benefits of consuming more whole grain foods, the addition of bran to existing food systems may confer difficulties in terms of processing, nutrition or sensory acceptance by consumers. This review will summarize state-of-the-art technological approaches such as mechanical, thermal or enzymatic treatment used to modify the functional properties of wheat bran and coincidently describe the impact on the food system. 相似文献
Kohler M Zennegg M Bogdal C Gerecke AC Schmid P Heeb NV Sturm M Vonmont H Kohler HP Giger W 《Environmental science & technology》2008,42(17):6378-6384
With the recent ban of pentabromodiphenyl ether (technical PentaBDE) and octabromodiphenyl ether (technical OctaBDE) mixtures in the European Union (EU) and in parts of the United States, decabromodiphenyl ether (technical DecaBDE) remains as the only polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) based flame retardant available, today. The EU risk assessment report for DecaBDE identified a high level of uncertainty associated with the suitability of the current risk assessment approach for secondary poisoning by debromination of DecaBDE to toxic lower brominated diphenylethers. Addressing this still open question, we investigated concentrations and temporal trends of DecaBDE, NonaBDE, and OctaBDE congeners in the sediments of Greifensee, a small lake located in an urban area close to Zürich, Switzerland. PBDE appeared first in sediment layers corresponding to the mid 1970s. While total Tri-HeptaBDE (BDE-28, -47, -99, -100, -153, -154 and -183) concentrations leveled off in the mid 1990s to about 1.6 ng/g dw (dry weight), DecaBDE levels increased steadily to 7.4 ng/g dw in 2001 with a doubling time of 9 years. Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCD) appeared in Greifensee sediments in the mid 1980s. They are an important class of flame retardants that are being used in increasing amounts, today. As was observed for DecaBDE, HBCD concentrations were continuously increasing to reach 2.5 ng/g dw in 2001. Next to DecaBDE, all 3 NonaBDE congeners (BDE-208, BDE-207, and BDE-206) and at least 7 out of the 12 possible OctaBDE congeners (BDE-202, BDE-201, BDE-197/204, BDE-198/203, BDE-196/200, BDE-205, and BDE-194) were detected in the sediments of Greifensee. Highest concentrations were found in the surface sediments with 7.2, 0.26, 0.14, and 1.6 ng/g dw for Deca-, Nona-, Octa-, and the sum of Tri-HeptaBDE, respectively. While DecaBDE and NonaBDE were found to increase rapidly, the increase of OctaBDE was slower. Congener patterns of Octa- and NonaBDE present in sediments of Greifensee did not change with time. Consequently, there was no evidence for sediment mediated long-term transformation of PBDE within the observed time span of almost 30 years. Despite the high persistence of DecaBDE, environmental debromination occurs, as shown by the detection of a shift in congener patterns of Octa- and NonaBDE in sediments, compared to the respective congener patterns in technical PBDE products. The OctaBDE congener BDE-202 was detected in sediments, representing a transformation product that is not reported in any of the technical PBDE products. Comparison of OctaBDE congener patterns in sediments with OctaBDE congener patterns from known sources reveals that (i) they were distinctively different from the congener patterns in technical PBDE products and (ii) that they were similar to the OctaBDE patterns in house dust and photodegradation products of DecaBDE, suggesting contributions from these sources. 相似文献
Wolfgang Schmid und Werner Grosch 《Zeitschrift für Lebensmitteluntersuchung und -Forschung A》1986,182(5):407-412
Zusammenfassung Die Aromastoffe wurden aus Kirschsaft isoliert durch simultane Destillation/Extraktion (Extrakt I) und durch Destillation in Vakuum mit anschließender Extraktion des Destillates (Extrakt II). Die beiden Extrakte wurden entsäuert, fraktioniert und durch HRGC analysiert. Die chemischen Strukturen wurden nur von den Aromastoffen analysiert, die im Sniffing-port nach der HRGC-Trennung zu erkennen waren. Identifiziert wurden 28 Aromastoffe im Extrakt I und 18 im Extrakt II; 16 davon enthielt auch Extrakt I. Beim Abriechen der schrittweise verdünnten Extrakte im Sniffing-port wurden in beiden Extrakten dieselben sieben Verbindungen mit den höchsten Aromawerten gefunden: Benzaldehyd, Linalool, Hexanal, 2(E)-Hexanal, Phenylacetaldehyd, 2(E),6(Z)-Nonadienal und Eugenol. Extrakt I enthielt zusätzlich einen fruchtigen Aromastoff unbekannter Struktur mit hohem Aromawert.
Identification of highly aromatic volatile flavour compounds from cherries (Prunus cerasus L.)
Summary The flavour compounds were isolated from cherry juice by simultaneous distillation/extraction (extract I) and also by vacuum distillation followed by extraction of the condensate (extract II). Both extracts were freed from the acids, fractionated and then analyzed by HRGC. The chemical structures of only the flavour compounds detectable at the sniffing-port of the HRGC-effluent were determined. 28 Flavour compounds were identified in extract I; 18 in extract II of which 16 occurred also in extract I. Sniffing the stepwise diluted extracts I and II revealed the same seven compounds with the highest aroma values: benzaldehyde, linalool, hexanal, 2(E)-hexanal, phenylacetaldehyde, 2(E),6(Z)-nonadienal and eugenol. Extract I contained in addition a flavour compound of high aroma value, whose structure is unknown.相似文献
Wolfgang Schmid und Werner Grosch 《Zeitschrift für Lebensmitteluntersuchung und -Forschung A》1986,183(1):39-44
Zusammenfassung Sieben Aromastoffe, isoliert durch Destillation im Vakuum aus Sauer- und Süßkirschprodukten, wurden vergleichend analysiert. In den frisch gepreßten Säften aus je fünf Sorten Sauer- und Süßkirschen wurden große Konzentrationsunterschiede (gm/l) gefunden: Benzaldehyd (18–393), Linalool (0,5–1,7), Hexanal (0,3–54,7), 2(E)-Hexenal (2,4220), 2(E),6(Z)-Nonadienal (0,1–2,4), Phenylacetaldehyd (2,1–5,6) und Eugenol (1,0–22,2). Die Benzaldehydkonzentration zeigte die höchste Korrelation zur Erkennungsschwelle für den Kirschgeruch der Säfte. Bei der Herstellung von Konfitüren veränderte sich die Zusammensetzung der Aromastoffe: Benzaldehyd und Linalool nahmen um den Faktor 7 bzw. 13 zu; Hexanal, 2(E)-Hexenal sowie Phenylacetaldehyd nahmen stark ab. Der Anstieg von Benzaldehyd und Linalool, der auch bei der simultanen Destillation/Extraktion der Säfte auftrat, beruht auf einer Hydrolyse entsprechender Glykoside, die durch eine Hitzebehandlung stark beschleunigt wird.
Quantitative analysis of the volatile flavour compounds having high aroma values from sour (Prunus cerasus L.) and sweet (Prunus apium L.) cherry juices and jams
Summary The analysis results for seven of the aroma compounds obtained by vacuum distillation from sweet and sour cherry products were compared. The freshly pressed juices from 5 varieties of sour and 5 varieties of sweet cherries showed great differences in concentrations (g/1): benzaldehyde (18–393), linalool (0.5–1.7), hexanal (0.3–54.7), 2(E)-hexenal (2.4–220), 2(E),6(Z)-nonadienal (0.1–2.4), phenylacetaldehyde (2.1–5.6) and eugenol (1.0–22.2). The benzaldehyde content of the juices showed the highest correlation to the recognition threshold of the cherry aroma note. The cherry jam showed a drastic change in the aroma composition: benzaldehyde and linalool increased greatly (7 and 13-times, respectively), while hexanal, 2(E)-hexenal and phenylacetaldehyde strongly decreased. The increase in benzaldehyde and linalool, which was also observed during simultaneous distillation/extraction of the juices, is caused by the hydrolysis of the corresponding glycosides during the heat treatments.相似文献
Pitz M Schmid O Heinrich J Birmili W Maguhn J Zimmermann R Wichmann HE Peters A Cyrys J 《Environmental science & technology》2008,42(14):5087-5093
The apparent particle density of particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter < 2.5 microm (rho2.5) was determined at an urban site in Augsburg, Germany and its correlation with chemical composition and meteorological conditions was investigated. rho2.5 showed strong day-to-day variation from 1.05 to 2.36 g cm(-3) (5 to 95% percentile), and nearly 64% of the daily variability could be explained by a multiple variable regression model. A minimum in the morning and afternoon (about 1.5 g cm(-3)), and a maximum (near 1.8 g cm(-3)) during midday was observed. The minima represent fresh primary aerosol emissions, which were related to traffic soot particles with low density due to their agglomerate structure, especially observed in the early morning hours of weekdays. The maximum is likely due to increased secondary particle production and the presence of more aged particles with the built-up of the convectively mixed boundary layer. rho2.5 has the potential to serve as a crude tracer for chemical composition and atmospheric processing and might play an important role when considering the associations between health effects and ambient particles. 相似文献
Historical profiles of chlorinated paraffins and polychlorinated biphenyls in a dated sediment core from Lake Thun (Switzerland) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Iozza S Müller CE Schmid P Bogdal C Oehme M 《Environmental science & technology》2008,42(4):1045-1050
A dated sediment core from Lake Thun covering the last 120 years was analyzed to get an overview of the historical trend of the chlorinated paraffin (CP) and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) deposition, because CPs and PCBs have/had similar applications as plasticizers and flame retardants. Total CP concentrations (sum of short chain (SCCP), medium chain (MCCP), and long chain CPs (LCCP)) showed a steep increase in the 1980s and a more-or-less stable level of 50 ng g(-1) dry weight (dw) since then. The concentration-time profile is in good agreement with the available information on global production data. The quantification of higher chlorinated SCCPs using electron capture negative ionization low resolution mass spectrometry (ECNI-LRMS) revealed an increase in recent years. In addition, the degree of chlorination of SCCPs has strongly increased during the past 40 years, which may indicate its use as an additive for plastics, paints, and coatings. Furthermore, PCBs were analyzed in dated sediment slices. The PCB concentrations (sum of the six indicator congeners) peaked around 1969 (18 ng g(-1) dw) and decreased to 1.3 ng g(-1) dw in the surface layer corresponding to 2004. The peak level of CPs exceeded those of PCBs by about a factor of 3. 相似文献
A Complete and Highly Effective Mothproofing Agent Comprising a Pyrethroid and a Hexahydropyrimidine
Pyrethroids, considered as a general class of compounds, have been shown to provide effective protection from the larvae of the keratin-digesting insects Tineola bisselliella H., Tinea pellionella Linn., Hofmannophila pseudo-spretella Station and Attagenus piceus Oliv. The position regarding the susceptibility of the furniture carpet beetle to pyrethroids is less clear, however. It has been reported that both deltamethrin and permethrin are effective against Anthrenus flavipes Le Conte, whilst permethrin is also reported elsewhere to be effective against the same species. Results obtained in our laboratory, however, have indicated that pyrethroids may offer inadequate protection against Anthrenus vorax Waterh. [1, 2]. This latter species is identical to Anthrenus flavipes var. seminiveus Casey, a colour variety of Anthrenus flavipes Le Conte. The 1,3-disubstituted5-phenylcarbamoyl-2,4,6-trioxo- and 4,6-dioxo-2-thione-hexahydropyrimidine derivatives described in this paper exhibit a surprisingly high and selective toxicity to the Anthrenus species. Thus, a combination of an appropriate hexahydropyrimidine with a suitable pyrethroid, e.g. permethrin, provides complete control of a wide range of commonly encountered textile insect pests. The influence of substituents on the mothproofing activity is discussed. 相似文献