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We consider the structured singular value problem with real parametric uncertainty only. Using techniques from algebraic geometry, we propose two algorithms that in principle can yield the precise value of the structured singular value at a fixed frequency. Their ability to do so depends upon their ability to find all common roots to a system of polynomial equations. The first algorithm is applicable to problems with two real parameters each of multiplicity two. The second algorithm is applicable to problems with n distinct real parameters. These algorithms have proved useful in applications to aerospace control law analysis.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the performance of a discrete-event combat simulation executed on a parallel processor under control of the Time Warp Operating System. Time Warp is in a class of distributed simulation methods called Optimistic methods which have proven to be useful over a wide range of simulations. The combat simulation used for this performance study, called STB88, is a division-corps model incorporating a number of different types of computations. The speed-up for three versions of this model on the Caltech/JPL Mark III Hypercube and the BBN Butterfly parallel processors was measured relative to an efficient sequential execution of the same model on the same hardware. The results indicate that STB88 version 1 achieves a speed-up of 28.6 on 60 Mark III processors, while STB88 version 2 achieves a speed-up of 36.8 on 100 Butterfly processors. Version 3 of STB88 achieved a speed-up of 38.5 on 128 Mark III processors. The versions differed only in their interface to Time Warp. On the Butterfly, the sequential execution completed in 2 hours, while the 100 processor execution completed in 3.2 minutes.  相似文献   
生态建造:教育套餐和环境手册   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态建造是一个关注于传播建成环境中可持续性的需要以及促成可持续性的方式的项目。它针对于两个群体:16-19岁的学生,为他们制作了一个交互式的光盘;建造行业中的专业人员。光盘中提出了这样的问题--你的家和学校有多绿色?它说明了类似于建筑尺度和朝向的设计决策如何影响到建筑在能耗方面的表现和CO2的排放量。光盘包括了衡量如往宅温室节能效果的术语表,来解释它们对建筑的影响。这样学生们就可以对他们自己的学校和家进行评估,并提出怎样的设计可以提高它们的节能效果。如果我们想全球化地实现可持续性的未来,下一代的介入至关重要。环境手册中更深入地研究了这些问题,并关注到了其他建筑类型,如办公建筑。本文描述了正趋于完成的教育光盘和环境手册中涉及的一些根本的环境和教育因素。  相似文献   
加工技术与设备的发展通常会使加工时间缩短.但是新型助剂的应用也可减少加工时间,大大降低成本.随着iFlash系统的应用,漂白温度可降至80℃,活性染料染色后皂洗的时间也大大缩短.因此,织物间歇式染色得到优化,在不增加额外投资的情况下运行更经济.  相似文献   
Several studies have reported a positive association between intake of trans fatty acids and risk of heart disease. It has been suggested that trans fatty acids from ruminant sources are less detrimental than trans fatty acids from industrial sources. Legislation or advice on limiting trans fatty acids has, in some instances, been restricted to trans fatty acids from industrial sources. However, comparisons of ruminant and industrial trans fatty acids have been based on few studies using relative intake data (e.g. quintiles of intakes). Therefore, we have reviewed data describing the associations between absolute intake (g eaten per day) of ruminant and industrial trans fatty acids and risk of coronary heart disease, and examined the associations graphically. Where direct comparison is possible, there are no differences in risk of coronary heart disease between total, ruminant and industrial trans fatty acids for intakes up to 2.5 g/d. At higher intakes (more than 3 g/d) total and industrial trans fatty acids are associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease but there is insufficient data available on ruminant trans fatty acids at this level of intake. The scarce data do not support discrimination between ruminant and industrial trans fatty acids in dietary recommendations or legislation.  相似文献   
The formation of a self-sustaining autocatalytic chemical network is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the origin of life. The question of whether such a network could form "by chance" within a sufficiently complex suite of molecules and reactions is one that we have investigated for a simple chemical reaction model based on polymer ligation and cleavage. In this paper, we extend this work in several further directions. In particular, we investigate in more detail the levels of catalysis required for a self-sustaining autocatalytic network to form. We study the size of chemical networks within which we might expect to find such an autocatalytic subset, and we extend the theoretical and computational analyses to models in which catalysis requires template matching.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine whether sedentary obese women with knee OA initiating an exercise and weight loss program may experience more beneficial changes in body composition, functional capacity, and/or markers of health following a higher protein diet compared to a higher carbohydrate diet with or without GCM supplementation.


Thirty sedentary women (54 ± 9 yrs, 163 ± 6 cm, 88.6 ± 13 kg, 46.1 ± 3% fat, 33.3 ± 5 kg/m2) with clinically diagnosed knee OA participated in a 14-week exercise and weight loss program. Participants followed an isoenergenic low fat higher carbohydrate (HC) or higher protein (HP) diet while participating in a supervised 30-minute circuit resistance-training program three times per week for 14-weeks. In a randomized and double blind manner, participants ingested supplements containing 1,500 mg/d of glucosamine (as d-glucosamine HCL), 1,200 mg/d of chondroitin sulfate (from chondroitin sulfate sodium), and 900 mg/d of methylsulfonylmethane or a placebo. At 0, 10, and 14-weeks, participants completed a battery of assessments. Data were analyzed by MANOVA with repeated measures.


Participants in both groups experienced significant reductions in body mass (-2.4 ± 3%), fat mass (-6.0 ± 6%), and body fat (-3.5 ± 4%) with no significant changes in fat free mass or resting energy expenditure. Perception of knee pain (-49 ± 39%) and knee stiffness (-42 ± 37%) was decreased while maximal strength (12%), muscular endurance (20%), balance indices (7% to 20%), lipid levels (-8% to -12%), homeostasis model assessment for estimating insulin resistance (-17%), leptin (-30%), and measures of physical functioning (59%), vitality (120%), and social function (66%) were improved in both groups with no differences among groups. Functional aerobic capacity was increased to a greater degree for those in the HP and GCM groups while there were some trends suggesting that supplementation affected perceptions of knee pain (p < 0.08).


Circuit style resistance-training and weight loss improved functional capacity in women with knee OA. The type of diet and dietary supplementation of GCM provided marginal additive benefits.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01271218  相似文献   
The effect of scale, processing conditions, interfacial tension and viscosity of the dispersed phase on power draw and drop size distributions in three in-line Silverson rotor–stator mixers was investigated with the aim to determine the most appropriate scaling up parameter. The largest mixer was a factory scale device, whilst the smallest was a laboratory scale mixer. All the mixers were geometrically similar and were fitted with double rotors and standard double emulsor stators. 1 wt.% silicone oils with viscosities of 9.4 mPa s and 339 mPa s in aqueous solutions of surfactant or ethanol were emulsified in single and multiple pass modes. The effect of rotor speed, flow rate, dispersed phase viscosity, interfacial tension and scale on drop size distributions was investigated.  相似文献   
Combined crease recovery finishing and pigment printing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The combined application of crease recovery finishing (using a dimethyloldihydroxyethylene urea-based finish) and pigment printing is evaluated in this study. The use of a small amount of ammonium chloride in a combined print–finish process induces significant pigment print paste viscosity losses. However, the catalyst 2-aminoethanesulphonic acid produces negligible viscosity reduction when used in the combined print–finish process, coupled with the desired levels of finish and pigment print performance. Similar dry crease recovery, breaking load, colour strength and colour fastness properties are achieved by using 2-aminoethanesulphonic acid in the combined print–finish process relative to the conventional print–finish process.  相似文献   
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