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Generally, conventional methods for anomaly detection rely on clustering, proximity, or classification. With the massive growth in surveillance videos, outliers or anomalies find ingenious ways to obscure themselves in the network and make conventional techniques inefficient. This research explores the structure of Graph neural networks (GNNs) that generalize deep learning frameworks to graph-structured data. Every node in the graph structure is labeled and anomalies, represented by unlabeled nodes, are predicted by performing random walks on the node-based graph structures. Due to their strong learning abilities, GNNs gained popularity in various domains such as natural language processing, social network analytics and healthcare. Anomaly detection is a challenging task in computer vision but the proposed algorithm using GNNs efficiently performs the identification of anomalies. The Graph-based deep learning networks are designed to predict unknown objects and outliers. In our case, they detect unusual objects in the form of malicious nodes. The edges between nodes represent a relationship of nodes among each other. In case of anomaly, such as the bike rider in Pedestrians data, the rider node has a negative value for the edge and it is identified as an anomaly. The encoding and decoding layers are crucial for determining how statistical measurements affect anomaly identification and for correcting the graph path to the best possible outcome. Results show that the proposed framework is a step ahead of the traditional approaches in detecting unusual activities, which shows a huge potential in automatically monitoring surveillance videos. Performing autonomous monitoring of CCTV, crime control and damage or destruction by a group of people or crowd can be identified and alarms may be triggered in unusual activities in streets or public places. The suggested GNN model improves accuracy by 4% for the Pedestrian 2 dataset and 12% for the Pedestrian 1 dataset compared to a few state-of-the-art techniques.  相似文献   
Novel all-organic polymer high-dielectric permittivity composites of polyaniline (PANI)/poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) were prepared by solution method and their dielectric and electric properties were studied over the wide ranges of temperatures and frequencies. To improve the interface bonding between two polymers, dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid (DBSA), a bulky molecule containing a polar head and a long non-polar chain was used both as a surfactant and as dopant in polyaniline (PANI) synthesis. Synthesized conducting PANI–DBSA particles were dispersed in poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) matrix to form an all-organic composite with different PANI–DBSA concentrations. Near the percolation threshold, the dielectric permittivity of the composites at 100 Hz frequency and room temperature was as high as 170, while the dielectric loss tangent value was as low as 0.9. Like typical percolation system, composites experienced high dielectric permittivity at low filler concentrations. However, their dielectric loss tangent was low enough to match with non-percolative ceramic filler-based polymer composites. Maximum electrical conductivity at 24 wt% of PANI–DBSA was mere 10?6 S/cm, a remarkably low value for percolative-type composites. Increase in the dielectric permittivity of the composites with increase in temperature from 25 to 115 °C for different PANI–DBSA concentrations was always in the same range of 50–60 %. However, the degree of increase in the electrical conductivity with the temperature was more prominent at low filler concentrations compared with high filler concentrations. Distinct electrical and their unique thermal dependence were attributed to an improved interface between the filler and the polymer matrix.  相似文献   
Production of invertase employing a newly isolated Fusarium sp. under solid-state fermentation was optimised. Different process parameters were optimised. The maximum enzyme activity under optimum conditions was 47.23 ± 2.12 U gds−1 with nitrogen additives. The enzyme was purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation, diethylaminoethyl cellulose ion-exchange chromatography and Sephadex gel filtration. This protocol gave 20.25-fold purification and 5.53% recovery. The optimum pH and temperature for activity were 5.0 and 50 °C. The K m and V max values for the enzyme were 8.33 m m and 21.48 μmol min−1, respectively. A detailed kinetic study of thermal inactivation has been carried out. Enthalpy of activation (Δ H *) decreased when entropy (Δ S *) of activation increased at higher temperatures. Moreover, free energy of denaturation (Δ G *) increased at higher temperature making the enzyme thermally stable. A possible explanation for the thermal inactivation of invertase at higher temperatures is also discussed.  相似文献   
Superconducting properties of Cu/sub 1-x/Tl/sub x/Ba/sub 2/Ca/sub 3-y/Mg/sub y/Cu/sub 4/O/sub 12-/spl delta// (Cu/sub 1-x/Tl/sub x/Mg/sub y/-1234) material have been studied in the composition range y=0,1.5,2.25. The zero resistivity critical temperature [T/sub c/(R=0)] was found to increase with the increased concentration of Mg in the unit cell; for y=1.5 [T/sub c/(R=0)]=131 K was achieved which is hitherto highest in Cu/sub 1-x/Tl/sub x/-based superconductors. The X-ray diffraction analyses have shown the formation of a predominant single phase of Cu/sub 0.5/Tl/sub 0.5/Ba/sub 2/Ca/sub 3-y/Mg/sub y/Cu/sub 4/O/sub 12-/spl delta// superconductor with an inclusion of impurity phase. It is observed from the convex shape of the resistivity versus temperature measurements that our as-prepared material was in the region of carrier over-doping, and the number of carriers was optimized by postannealing experiments in air at 400/spl deg/C, 500/spl deg/C, and 600/spl deg/C. The T/sub c/(R=0) was found to increase with postannealing and the best postannealing temperature was found to be 600/spl deg/C. The mechanism of increased T/sub c/(R=0) is understood by carrying out infrared absorption measurements. It was observed through softening of Cu(2)-O/sub A/-Tl apical oxygen mode that improved interplane coupling was a possible source of enhancement of T/sub c/(R=0) to 131 K.  相似文献   

In this article, first, graphene oxide nanosheets were synthesized in-house according to the modified Hummers method, and these nanosheets were used to prepare graphene oxide nanofluids at two concentrations. Then the thermophysical properties of nanofluids were characterized using X-ray diffraction analysis, a scanning electron microscope, and UV–Vis spectrophotometry. The particle size distribution was investigated using dynamic light scattering. Then, a fundamental study was conducted on the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of graphene oxide nanofluids flowing through a straight copper tube. An experimental setup was developed to find the heat transfer characteristics and pressure drop of nanofluids in the test section consisting of a copper tube with constant heat flux. The flow regimes and associated pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics at varying flow rate were investigated at three different heat flux conditions of 7.4, 9.1, and 12.6?kW/m2. Due to the increase in viscosity, flowrate and Reynolds number decreased from 0.01 to 0.1?wt% of graphene oxide nanofluids at constant pump frequency. Experimental data obtained for water were validated with the findings from the literature, and the correlations were formulated for the Nusselt number and Reynolds number by considering the multiple regression analysis. The convective heat transfer coefficient for graphene oxide at 0.01?wt% was higher when compared to graphene oxide at 0.1?wt% and water. The variation of Nusselt number with the heat flux and velocity was insignificant.  相似文献   
The current study investigates the comparison and quality characteristics of starches isolated from potatoes using different processing methods from three commercial varieties: Lady Rosetta, Asterix and Challenger, for the first time in Pakistan. The analysis of variance revealed that starch yield significantly (P < 0.05) depended on total solids, peeling (12.7%, 12.0% and 12.0%) and unpeeling (15.0%, 14.0% and 14.0%) of potatoes compared to potato varieties for Lady Rosetta, Challenger and Asterix, respectively. Moreover, pasting properties, protein content, redness and yellowness were increased in those starches isolated without peeling while carbohydrates and lightness were increased in peeled potato starches. Furthermore, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy analysis revealed that protein (1200–1400 cm−1) was present in starch extracted without peeling. Besides, scanning electron microscopy analysis revealed oval-shaped starch granules with no impurities in peeled potato starch. The findings suggest the suitability of peeling process for obtaining a high-quality pure starch.  相似文献   
The Internet of Things (IoTs) is apace growing, billions of IoT devices are connected to the Internet which communicate and exchange data among each other. Applications of IoT can be found in many fields of engineering and sciences such as healthcare, traffic, agriculture, oil and gas industries, and logistics. In logistics, the products which are to be transported may be sensitive and perishable, and require controlled environment. Most of the commercially available logistic containers are not integrated with IoT devices to provide controlled environment parameters inside the container and to transmit data to a remote server. This necessitates the need for designing and fabricating IoT based smart containers. Due to constrained nature of IoT devices, these are prone to different cyber security attacks such as Denial of Service (DoS), Man in Middle (MITM) and Replay. Therefore, designing efficient cyber security framework are required for smart container. The Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Protocol has emerged as the de facto standard for securing communication in IoT devices. However, it is unable to minimize cyber security attacks such as Denial of Service and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) during the handshake process. The main contribution of this paper is to design a cyber secure framework by implementing novel hybrid DTLS protocol in smart container which can efficiently minimize the effects of cyber attacks during handshake process. The performance of our proposed framework is evaluated in terms of energy efficiency, handshake time, throughput and packet delivery ratio. Moreover, the proposed framework is tested in IoT based smart containers. The proposed framework decreases handshake time more than 9% and saves 11% of energy efficiency for transmission in compare of the standard DTLS, while increases packet delivery ratio and throughput by 83% and 87% respectively.  相似文献   
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