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A planar electrostatic wiggler is formed by two parallel metallic plates, where the upper-plate is corrugated with sinusoidal ripples and connected to a negative voltage and the lower-plate is smooth and grounded. The field distribution is mathematically derived in detail. It is demonstrated that this planar electrostatic wiggler can efficiently modulate the motion of relativistic electrons just as a magneto-static wiggler does in a free-electron laser. Results obtained here will provide basis to analyze the amplification mechanism of a fast wave by a relativistic electron beam in a planar electrostatic wiggler.  相似文献   
Error concealment techniques are widely used as efficient ways to recover the lost information at the decoder. This paper proposes an adaptive pixel interpolation technique for spatial error concealment in the block based coding system. For a missing pixel in a corrupted block, its value is derived from four neighborhoods of the block through interpolation using multiple prediction strategy. The weighting rules of these four neighborhood blocks are carefully designed with regard to three factors, the distance to the missing pixels within the given corrupted block, the percentage of uncorrupted pixels, and the similarity to the given corrupted block. The proposed method works effectively in consecutive block loss situation, which is common in real applications of video transmission. Experimental results show the proposed technique gains more accurate recovery of the missing pixels than the existing schemes.  相似文献   
This paper describes a 5.2 GHz voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) as a key component in RF transceivers. The circuit includes a complementary cross-coupled MOSFET as a negative conductance, beside a tank circuit which consists of an optimal on-chip spiral inductor (L), and an accumulation mode MOS varactor (C(V)). A model for phase noise and figure merit is introduced and verified through simulation in a standard 0.13 μm CMOS process. The VCO core drew a 4.2 mA of current from a 1.2 V power supply and a phase noise of −98.5 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset from the 5.2 GHz carrier was calculated. The whole performance of the circuit specifically the tuning range was found to be 26%.  相似文献   
Fault-tolerant communication and energy efficiency are important requirements for future-generation wireless ad hoc networks, which are increasingly being considered also for critical application domains like embedded systems in automotive and aerospace. Topology control, which enables multi-hop communication between any two network nodes via a suitably constructed overlay network, is the primary target for increasing connectivity and saving energy here. In this paper, we present a fault-tolerant distributed topology control algorithm that constructs and continuously maintains a k-regular and k-node-connected overlay for energy-efficient multi-hop communication. As a by-product, it also builds a hierarchy of clusters that reflects the node density in the network, with guaranteed and localized fault-tolerant communication between any pair of cluster members. The construction algorithm automatically adapts to a dynamically changing environment, is guaranteed to converge, and exhibits good performance as well.  相似文献   
In Next-Generation (NG) hybrid wireless networks, Mobile-Controlled Handover (MCHO) is expected to be employed as the handover control mechanism, in contrast to Network-Controlled Handover (NCHO) used in homogeneous wireless networks. As more independent network operators get involved in providing Internet access, roaming mobile users would have to deal with complex trust relationships between heterogeneous network domains. The state-of-the-art handover approaches just take into account Quality of Service (QoS), but ignore the complexities arising from the coexistence of multiple network operators in the NG networks. The existence of a complex trust relationship between networks may lead to unnecessary handover attempts in service roaming. In this regard, this paper introduces a novel approach of dynamically retrieving network trust information, and using it in MCHO. We show how network trust information can be utilised to obtain a 35% reduction in handover delay, meanwhile retain QoS in a handover. The proposed scheme does not need bulk storage in mobile handsets, and can react to changes to network topology and trust relationships dynamically. Analytical results are provided to demonstrate how roaming mobile users make more intelligent and reliable handover if implementing the proposed handover approach in a multi-operator and multi-technology environment.  相似文献   
The throughput degradation of Transport Control Protocol (TCP)/Internet Protocol (IP) networks over lossy links due to the coexistence of congestion losses and link corruption losses is very similar to the degradation of processor performance (i.e., cycle per instruction) due to control hazards in computer design. First, two types of loss events in networks with lossy links are analogous to two possibilities of a branching result in computers (taken vs. not taken). Secondly, both problems result in performance degradations in their applications, i.e., penalties (in clock cycles) in a processor, and throughput degradation (in bits per second) in a TCP/IP network. This has motivated us to apply speculative techniques (i.e., speculating on the outcome of branch predictions), used to overcome control dependencies in a processor, for throughput improvements when lossy links are involved in TCP/IP connections. The objective of this paper is to propose a cross-layer network architecture to improve the network throughput over lossy links. The system consists of protocol-level speculation based algorithms at transport layer, and protocol enhancements at middleware and network layers that provide control and performance parameters to transport layer functions. Simulation results show that, compared with prior research, our proposed system is effective in improving network throughput over lossy links, capable of handling incorrect speculations, fair for other competing flows, backward compatible with legacy networks, and relatively easy to implement.  相似文献   
This is a position paper on our views on security aspects of Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (Secure WMSNs). It is meant to serve as a brief survey. But, more importantly, it gives a perspective on how we foresee the future of this research area, its main challenges, and its future trends. We believe that this paper will spur new discussions and research ideas among the researchers from both the industry and the academic world.  相似文献   
Video Streaming with Network Coding   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent years have witnessed an explosive growth in multimedia streaming applications over the Internet. Notably, Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks have emerged as two effective paradigms for delivering multimedia contents over the Internet. One salient feature shared between these two networks is the inherent support for path diversity streaming where a receiver receives multiple streams simultaneously on different network paths as a result of having multiple senders. In this paper, we propose a network coding framework for efficient video streaming in CDNs and P2P networks in which, multiple servers/peers are employed to simultaneously stream a video to a single receiver. We show that network coding techniques can (a) eliminate the need for tight synchronization between the senders, (b) be integrated easily with TCP, and (c) reduce server’s storage in CDN settings. Importantly, we propose the Hierarchical Network Coding (HNC) technique to be used with scalable video bit stream to combat bandwidth fluctuation on the Internet. Simulations demonstrate that under certain scenarios, our proposed network coding techniques can result in bandwidth saving up to 60% over the traditional schemes.  相似文献   
In wavelength routed optical networks, the number of wavelength channels is limited due to several constraints and each wavelength as well as each lightpath support traffic in the Gbps range. On the other hand, the traffic requested by an individual connection is still in the Mbps range. Therefore, to utilize the network resources (such as bandwidth and transceivers) effectively, several low-speed traffic streams have to be efficiently groomed or multiplexed into one or more high-speed lightpaths. The grooming problem of a static demand is considered as an optimization problem. In this work, we have investigated the traffic grooming problem with the objective of maximizing the network throughput for wavelength-routed mesh networks and map this problem to the clique partitioning problem. We have proposed an algorithm to handle general multi-hop static traffic grooming based on the clique partitioning concept. The efficiency of our approach has been established through extensive simulation on different sets of traffic demands with different bandwidth granularities for different network topologies and compared the approach with existing algorithms.  相似文献   
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