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A novel perforated bipole trickle-bed electrochemical reactor is investigated for the electro-synthesis of alkaline peroxide. The process uses a relatively simple cell configuration in which a single electrolyte flows with oxygen gas in a flow-by graphite felt cathode, sandwiched between a micro-porous diaphragm and a perforated bipolar electrode plate. The graphite felt cathodes are 120 mm high by 25 mm wide and have a thickness of 3.2 mm. The reactor is operated at current densities in the range 1–5 kA m−2, ca. 800 kPa (abs) pressure and temperature (In/Out) 20–45 °C with one and two-cells. The reactor shows good performance (current efficiency ∼78% at 2 kA m−2 and a specific energy of 5 kWh per kg of peroxide generated) with peroxide concentrations from 0.02 to 0.15 M in 1 M NaOH.  相似文献   
Polymers are known to undergo order↔order and order↔disorder transitions, when subjected to a change of pressure, temperature, solvent, pH of the medium etc. The molecular processes, which alter the volume of the system, are found to be highly sensitive to the pressure. In the present communication Zimm and Bragg model of helix↔coil transition has been modified to interpret the experimental data of pressure induced phase transition in polystyrene-polybutadiene [PS-PB] at different pressurization rates, as reported by Migler and Han, utilizing the Birefringence and small angle neutron scattering technique. An expression for the degree of order is obtained from the grand partition function for the entire chain in terms of nucleation parameter, which controls the transition width. The nucleation parameter σ increases with the increase in the ODT temperatures of the system. The phenomenon of hysteresis has been discussed in relation to the pressurization rate, which increases/decreases with the corresponding increase/decrease in the pressurization rate. The theoretical transition curves are found to be in good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   
Cobalt phthalocyanine has been employed for the highly chemoselective reductive amination of aldehydes and ketones in ethanol as a green solvent. A large range of functional groups such as nitro, acid, amide, ester, nitrile, halogen, lactone, methoxy, hydroxy, alkene, N‐benzyl, O‐benzyl and heterocyclic rings were well tolerated under the present reaction conditions.  相似文献   
A study highlighting the aspect of the generation of aerosol wear particles during abrasion is presented. The substrate chosen is a masonry brick which is reinforced with TiO2 nanoparticles. This is done using a pin on plate arrangement. The material removal mechanism via fracturing is first understood. The parameter chosen for the study is the normal load. The formed aerosols are then characterized by their number concentration, particle size distribution, individual particle shape, size and chemical composition. Having irregular shapes, the aerosol wear particles have unimodal size distributions with 5–7 % (in mass) of Ti content. The size mode increases with the increase in normal load. However, at higher normal loads, while there is an unexpected increase in the wear mass, the maximum concentration of the aerosol particles saturates. During the whole study, no free nanoparticles of TiO2 were found.  相似文献   
A compact spark pre-ionized pulser sustainer TE-CO2 laser that can produce an output energy of one joule with an overall efficiency of 12.4% is presented. Optical pulses have durations of 7.15 μs FWHM. Here, the laser uses all solid-state excitation (ASSE) circuit and the discharge formed between two uniform field electrodes placed 1.5 cm apart ultimately leads to a discharge volume of 50 cm × 1.5 cm × 1.5 cm  相似文献   
Thermodynamic (energy and exergy) analyses and optimization studies of two-stage transcritical N2O and CO2 cycles, incorporating compressor intercooling, are presented based on cycle simulation employing simultaneous optimization of intercooler pressure and gas cooler pressure. Further, performance comparisons with the basic single-stage cycles are also presented. The N2O cycle exhibits higher cooling COP, lower optimum gas cooler pressure and discharge temperature and higher second law efficiency as compared to an equivalent CO2 cycle. However, two-stage compression with intercooling yields lesser COP improvement for N2O compared to CO2. Based on the cycle simulations, correlations of optimum gas cooler pressure and inter-stage pressure in terms of gas cooler exit temperature and evaporator temperature are obtained. This is expected to be of help as a guideline in optimal design and operation of such systems.  相似文献   
Five small molecules, 3-tricyanovinyl-N-alkylcarbazoles (6-10) have been synthesized in a cost-effective way and characterized. The molecules have high thermal stability, good thin film formation ability and are also air stable. The change of alkyl chain length altered the aggregation pattern in the thin film. Their photophysical and electrochemical studies promise a compatible highest occupied molecular orbital - lowest unoccupied molecular orbital energy level to be potentially useful as good electron acceptor materials in heterojunction solar cell in combination with copper(II)phthalocyanine or poly-3-hexylthiophene (P3HT) as donor. Significant photoluminescence quenching of P3HT in P3HT:6-10 blends were observed.  相似文献   
In this study, the specialization profiles of eleven countries are compared along two interconnected but distinct dimensions of research, viz. publication output and citation impact in nine subfields of chemistry. The data for comparative analysis were taken from Scientometric Datafiles.1Since raw counts of publications and citations are confounded by the size of the countries and the size of subject fields, cross-national comparison is made, using relative indicators—activity index and attractivity index. The subfields of relative strength and weakness for these countries are identified from the values of these indicators. The similarity structure of specialization profiles of the eleven countries is mapped, using hierarchical cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling. This mapping leads to the representation of chemistry as it is structured by the dynamics of national science policies of these countries.  相似文献   
Thin films of YBCO and YBCO:BaZrO3 (BZO) nanocomposite have been deposited using the pulsed laser deposition technique. Substantial increase in critical current density (J C ) and pinning force density (F p ) of the nanocomposite thin films was observed. The possible pinning mechanism in YBCO:BZO nanocomposite thin films has been explored and compared with the pinning mechanism in pure YBCO thin film by studying the variation of J C with magnetic field (B) and temperature. In the intermediate field regime (0.1–1 T), J C follows B α with nearly similar values of α for YBCO and YBCO:BZO nanocomposite thin films indicating similar pinning mechanism in both thin films. The variation of J C with reduced temperature (t=T/T C ) has been studied for both the films and it was observed that the mechanism of pinning in both YBCO and YBCO:BZO thin films is similar (δT C pinning). The observed enhanced values of J C and F p of the nanocomposite thin film is attributed to the presence of BZO nanoparticles, which induces more defects due to lattice mismatch between YBCO and BZO leading to improved flux pinning properties of the nanocomposite thin film.  相似文献   
Indium nitride (InN) epilayers have been successfully grown by nitrogen-plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (NPA-MBE) on Si (111) substrates using different buffer layers. Growth of a (0001)-oriented single crystalline wurtzite-InN layer was confirmed by high resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD). The Raman studies show the high crystalline quality and the wurtzite lattice structure of InN films on the Si substrate using different buffer layers and the InN/β-Si3N4 double buffer layer achieves minimum FWHM of E2 (high) mode. The energy gap of InN films was determined by optical absorption measurement and found to be in the range of ~ 0.73-0.78 eV with a direct band nature. It is found that a double-buffer technique (InN/β-Si3N4) insures improved crystallinity, smooth surface and good optical properties.  相似文献   
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