This study describes the results of simulation of the temperature field and the stress-strain state of membrane-type gastight water walls of boiler units using the finite element method. The methods of analytical and standard calculation of one-sided heating of fin-tube water walls by a radiative heat flux are analyzed. The methods and software for input data calculation in the finite-element simulation, including thermoelastic moments in welded panels that result from their one-sided heating, are proposed. The method and software modules are used for water wall simulation using ANSYS. The results of simulation of the temperature field, stress field, deformations and displacement of the membrane-type panel for the boiler furnace water wall using the finite-element method, as well as the results of calculation of the panel tube temperature, stresses and deformations using the known methods, are presented. The comparison of the known experimental results on heating and bending by given moments of membrane-type water walls and numerical simulations is performed. It is demonstrated that numerical results agree with high accuracy with the experimental data. The relative temperature difference does not exceed 1%. The relative difference of the experimental fin mutual turning angle caused by one-sided heating by radiative heat flux and the results obtained in the finite element simulation does not exceed 8.5% for nondisplaced fins and 7% for fins with displacement. The same difference for the theoretical results and the simulation using the finite-element method does not exceed 3% and 7.1%, respectively. The proposed method and software modules for simulation of the temperature field and stress-strain state of the water walls are verified and the feasibility of their application in practical design is proven. 相似文献
The results are presented of experimental investigations into liquid metal heat transfer performed by the joint research group consisting of specialist in heat transfer and hydrodynamics from NIU MPEI and JIHT RAS. The program of experiments has been prepared considering the concept of development of the nuclear power industry in Russia. This concept calls for, in addition to extensive application of water-cooled, water-moderated (VVER-type) power reactors and BN-type sodium cooled fast reactors, development of the new generation of BREST-type reactors, fusion power reactors, and thermonuclear neutron sources. The basic coolants for these nuclear power installations will be heavy liquid metals, such as lead and lithium-lead alloy. The team of specialists from NRU MPEI and JIHT RAS commissioned a new RK-3 mercury MHD-test facility. The major components of this test facility are a unique electrical magnet constructed at Budker Nuclear Physics Institute and a pressurized liquid metal circuit. The test facility is designed for investigating upward and downward liquid metal flows in channels of various cross-sections in a transverse magnetic field. A probe procedure will be used for experimental investigation into heat transfer and hydrodynamics as well as for measuring temperature, velocity, and flow parameter fluctuations. It is generally adopted that liquid metals are the best coolants for the Tokamak reactors. However, alternative coolants should be sought for. As an alternative to liquid metal coolants, molten salts, such as fluorides of lithium and beryllium (so-called FLiBes) or fluorides of alkali metals (so-called FLiNaK) doped with uranium fluoride, can be used. That is why the team of specialists from NRU MPEI and JIHT RAS, in parallel with development of a mercury MHD test facility, is designing a test facility for simulating molten salt heat transfer and hydrodynamics. Since development of this test facility requires numerical predictions and verification of numerical codes, all examined configurations of the MHD flow are also investigated numerically. 相似文献
Current magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) axon diameter measurements rely on the pulsed gradient spin-echo sequence, which is unable to provide diffusion times short enough to measure small axon diameters. This study combines the AxCaliber axon diameter fitting method with data generated from Monte Carlo simulations of oscillating gradient spin-echo sequences (OGSE) to infer micron-sized axon diameters, in order to determine the feasibility of using MRI to infer smaller axon diameters in brain tissue.
Materials and methods
Monte Carlo computer simulation data were synthesized from tissue geometries of cylinders of different diameters using a range of gradient frequencies in the cosine OGSE sequence . Data were fitted to the AxCaliber method modified to allow the new pulse sequence. Intra- and extra-axonal water were studied separately and together.
The simulations revealed the extra-axonal model to be problematic. Rather than change the model, we found that restricting the range of gradient frequencies such that the measured apparent diffusion coefficient was constant over that range resulted in more accurate fitted diameters. Thus a careful selection of frequency ranges is needed for the AxCaliber method to correctly model extra-axonal water, or adaptations to the method are needed. This restriction helped reduce the necessary gradient strengths for measurements that could be performed with parameters feasible for a Bruker BG6 gradient set. For these experiments, the simulations inferred diameters as small as 0.5 μm on square-packed and randomly packed cylinders. The accuracy of the inferred diameters was found to be dependent on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), with smaller diameters more affected by noise, although all diameter distributions were distinguishable from one another for all SNRs tested.
The results of this study indicate the feasibility of using MRI with OGSE on preclinical scanners to infer small axon diameters.
The voltage in a rail circuit is determined for reliable detection of the mobile unit or a train on the section of the railway track. It is proposed to use the structures of the automatic block system based on the time-division channels of status scanning of the rail circuits with subsequent signal processing by two parameters. The first parameter includes the assessment of correspondence of the code signals transmitted to the rail circuit and received from the rail circuit. The second parameter is obtained based on the analysis of the voltage at the rail-circuit output within the current and previous measurements considering the voltagechange rate. This latter parameter makes it possible to distinguish reliably the state when the rail track is occupied by the train from the random changes of the rail-circuit parameters from the influence of the external factors. The proposed algorithms permit one to reduce significantly consumption of electric energy providing operation of rail circuits. 相似文献
International Journal of Coal Science & Technology - The lignite samples collected from Giral lignite field of Barmer basin have been subjected to petrological investigation. The data generated... 相似文献
International Journal of Coal Science & Technology - Mineral phase characterization and thorough understanding of its transformation behavior during combustion are imperative to know the... 相似文献
One way of overcoming the problem of false alarms encountered in a single parameter detection system due to non-fire stimulii is the simultaneous use of multiple signatures. Researchers have found significant benefits of multi-sensor detection in reducing false triggering. Appreciable interest has been expressed in using carbon monoxide (CO) or carbon dioxide (CO2) gas sensors in combination with smoke sensors. The present study has been carried out to determine the correlation and inter-dependence between two different fire signatures like CO–OD (optical density), CO–CO2, CO2–OD. The signatures have been investigated using experimental measurements of a fire inside a closed compartment measuring 7 x 7 x 4.2 m. A range of fuels are used, and both smouldering and flaming combustion are examined. Attempts have been made to examine whether correlation coefficients between two signatures can form a basis of detection and be exploited as one of the components in multi- criteria fire detection algorithm. The CO/CO2 ratio as a criterion for detector operation has also been examined and discussed in the light of existing literature and codal provisions. 相似文献
In contrast to traditional projects, which are assumed to be fully specified and then executed with little learning anticipated, complex projects cannot be fully specified at the outset and require continuous learning over their life cycles. Nevertheless, the key role of knowledge formation and learning in managing complex projects is under-developed for expanding project capability boundaries to include knowledge uncertainty and indeterminacy. 相似文献
A model of a continuum with a structure described by infinite order equations of motion is proposed. In case that a wave is very long as compared with the size of the structure, equations are reduced to the fourth-order equations. A closed equation of motion, including nonlinear, dispersed and wave members, is derived. It is shown that solutions in the form of soliton waves exist only in media where wave velocity grows with pressure. In the media, where soliton waves do not exist, quasi-stationary solutions with multiple frequencies prevail. It is found that the nonlinear effect of multiple frequencies is unexpectedly high even for small deformation as dispersion violently intensifies nonlinear events. Moreover, in the domain of small deformation, there exist solutions for longitudinal and transversal waves with the same length and different frequencies. The solutions for the same length waves with different frequencies most often occur in seismology and seismic explorations. 相似文献
Titanium alloys are processed to develop a wide range of microstructure configurations and therefore material properties. While these properties are typically measured experimentally, a framework for property prediction could greatly enhance alloy design and manufacturing. Here a microstructure-sensitive framework is presented for the prediction of strength and ductility as well as estimates of the bounds in variability for these properties. The framework explicitly considers distributions of microstructure via new approaches for instantiation of structure in synthetic samples. The parametric evaluation strategy, including the finite element simulation package FEpX, is used to create and test virtual polycrystalline samples to evaluate the variability bounds of mechanical properties in Ti-6Al-4V. Critical parameters for the property evaluation framework are provided by measurements of single crystal properties and advanced characterization of microstructure and slip system strengths in 2D and 3D. Property distributions for yield strength and ductility are presented, along with the validation and verification steps undertaken. Comparisons between strain localization and slip activity in virtual samples and in experimental grain-scale strain measurements are also discussed.