The high-temperature reactions of chlorinated hydrocarbons are reviewed with a primary focus on the gas-phase molecular growth chemistry and elementary reaction mechanisms leading to the formation of chlorinated benzenes and chlorinated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Recent heterogeneous mechanistic studies of the chlorination and condensation of aliphatic hydrocarbons at lower temperatures are also summarized. Copper(II) valent species play an important role as catalyst and reagent. The main thermal pathways for chlorinated dibenzodioxins and furans have been deduced by these laboratory experiments, which try to model the complex reality of the post-incineration zone of municipal and hazardous waste incinerators. 相似文献
The enormous, world wide research activity in the field of combustion toxicology has given rise to an impressive amount of toxicity data.
The first part of this paper discusses the problems which arise when such results are used to rank materials in an order of the relative toxicity of their combustion products or in attempting to relate them to toxicological hazard evaluation.
In the second part, after introducing the notion of fire scenarios and describing two such possible situations, existing test methods are compared in relation to their relevance to the scenario parameters. It is shown that none of the evaluated methods completely fulfills the considered conditions.
It is concluded by the authors that agreement on thoroughly described scenarios is necessary for further trials towards international harmonisation and development of test methods. 相似文献
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in tissues of wild mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from the Galicia coast (NW Spain) in order to assess the extent of the environmental impact caused by the Prestige oil spill (November 13, 2002). Three sampling campaigns were carried out in February, June and November 2003 at 24 stations along the Galicia coast, from La Guardia (Pontevedra) to Ribadeo (Lugo). The spatial distribution of PAHs found in the first sampling period, clearly revealed the central area (Costa da Morte) as the most affected by the oil spill. In these stations, concentrations up to 7780 microg/kg dw of the sum of 13 parent PAHs were found 2-3 months after the spill. Molecular parameters within the aliphatic and aromatic fractions confirmed the presence of the Prestige oil in these samples. The levels markedly decreased at most of the stations in the second sampling and recovered to levels found before the spill in November 2003, 1 year after the accident (29-279 microg/kg dw, av. 133+/-83 microg/kg dw). However, a certain increase was observed in some sites which could be related to the remobilization of oil residues from still unclean intertidal spots or sediments due to the winter marine weather conditions. 相似文献
The note pertains to an experimental study made on circular footings resting on semi-infinite layer of sand reinforced with geotextiles. Using the concept of homogenization of such soils, both analytical and numerical analyses have also been conducted to predict the load-settlement behavior and compared with experimental observations. The study highlights the effect of the footing size, number of reinforcing layers, reinforcement placement pattern and bond length and the relative density of the soil on the load-settlement characteristics of the footings. 相似文献
As the practice of chlorination for the disinfection of waste effluents is apparently to be extended, this study was initiated to examine the possibility that chlorinated organics could be formed in the disinfection process. A group of pure compounds that had been demonstrated to be susceptible to chlorination were examined under conditions likely to apply under normal disinfection practice.From the results obtained, it appears only organics with ring structures and electron activating substituents, or amino groupings are capable of chlorination. The frequent presence of ammonia or amino groups means that chloramine formation with its asociated toxicity is likely. However, the presence of ammonia or amino groups will retard the reaction with other compounds making chlorination of these unlikely. 相似文献
To preserve the natural surroundings of the Blue Mountains of New South Wales while simultaneously serving the needs of the region's growing population, the Sydney Water Board has developed an improved, but complex, sewage transfer scheme for the area. This paper traces the development of the scheme, with particular attention to the geology of the area, the equipment used to construct the tunnels for the project, and elements of the directional drilling that connects the sewer areas to the tunnel. 相似文献
DROUGHT AND FAMINE IN ETHIOPIA Editor: Abdul Mejid Hussein. African Environment Special Report No. 2, The International African Institute, London, 1976,121 pp. £1.50.
HEDGING (A Practical conservation handbook) Alan Brooks, The British Trust for Conservation Volunteers, The Zoological Gardens, Regents Park, London, 1975. 117 pp. £2.10 inc. postage.
THREE JOURNALS Habitat: Published by : The Council for Nature, The Zoological Gardens, Regents Park, NW1 4RY. At £2.50, or £5.00 per annum.
Recreation News: Published by: The Countryside Commission , John Dower House, Crescent Place, Cheltenham, Glos., GL50 3RA.
The International Journal of Environmental Studies: Published by : Gordon Breach Science Publishers Ltd., 42 William IV Street. London, W.C.2. £17.50 for individuals, £35.00 for Libraries. Habitat
A HISTORY OF LANCASHIRE J.J. Bagley, Phillimore & Co. Ltd., London & Chichester 1976. 128 pp. £4.95. 相似文献
A system is described for concentrating viruses from large volumes of water. The system consists of a water pump, an electric generator, a series of clarifiers, a virus adsorbent, a virus reconcentrator, a 5- and a 1-gal pressure vessel with a small tank of nitrogen as a source of positive pressure, and ancillary equipment, all mounted on 2-wheel carts for easy portability. Standardization of the system was achieved by use of minute amounts of poliovirus. The virus was added to dechlorinated city tap water so that it could not be detected unless the virus was first concentrated. In the system, raw tap water containing virus is serially passed through clarifying filters of porosities of 1–5 μm to remove particulate matter, and then through a 1-μm cotton textile filter to electrostatically remove submicron ferric and other heavy metallic complexes. These filters do not detectably remove virus. Salts are then added to the running tap water to enhance the adsorption of virus to a fibreglass or cellulose acetate filter. Raw water could be processed at the rate of 300 gallons per hour, with total virus removal from the water and with 80 per cent elution of the virus from the adsorbent. 相似文献
Data were collected from eight cities on a wide range of cigarette and smoker characteristics for a sample of smokers. Of these, 564 smokers had had fires and were identified through fire department response to those fires, while the other 1,611 smokers had not had fires and were identified through a telephone sample survey of the communities. The characteristics analyzed included those that had shown evidence of a relationship to the risk of a cigarette-initiated fire, either in laboratory studies or in previous statistical analyses of fire experience.The smoker characteristics analyzed were household income, education, age, gender, and race. The cigarette characteristics analyzed were filter, tobacco column length, filter length, circumference, density, amount of tobacco, menthol, citrate, porosity, and pack type. In addition, a variable was used to control for the smoker's city.After controlling for all smoker characteristics and city, logistic regression modeling showed four cigarette characteristics to be significant: filter, filter length, porosity, and type of pack. Filter, filter length, and porosity all affect air intake, which, therefore, appears to be an important physical element in the combustion process associated with risk. Analysis limited to filtered cigarettes only showed the same characteristics to be significant, plus tobacco column length. Extension of the analysis to two-way interaction terms did not change any of the conclusions on which cigarette characteristics are important, but it did indicate that the role of pack type was different for men and women.Sensitivity analyses, shown in the appendix, supported the main conclusions that cigarette characteristics are significant after controlling for smoker characteristics and that the four specific cigarette characteristics—filter, filter length, porosity, and pack—are the ones that are significant. These analyses checked the impact of cluster sampling, sensitivity to missing data on smoker characteristics, and sensitivity to nonfire smoker cases with responses by people other than the smokers themselves.All this means that there are already cigarettes commercially available that exhibit a reduced propensity for ignition when one controls for smoker characteristics.This report was originally written as the final report in June 1993 as part of CPSC-P-91-1147 Contract Cigarette Fire Incident Study that the National Fire Protection Association conducted for the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.Harwood, formerly with the Consumer Product Safety Commission, is retired. 相似文献