In this paper experiments are described in a bio-disc pilot plant. A new method has been developed for a reproducible measurement of the thickness of the waterfilm on the rotating discs. The results were used to calculate the oxygen transfer coefficient into water (KL). The values of KL, calculated in this way, appeared to be considerably higher than experimental KL-values, which is mainly due to the fact that the water layer on the rotating disc is outdistanced by the disc. This effect has not been taken into account in the literature so far. 相似文献
Conclusions 1. In engineering-geologic explorations, it is necessary to investigate the engineering-geologic morphology to a depth of 15–18 m: lenses and interlayers of weak soils - unevenly compacted silty-sand fills, peat, slime, etc.2. Open unwatering of pits in the vicinity (10–15 m) of existing structures is impermissible, since it leads to removal of fine soil fractions because of piping, and to large and impermissible deformations of the load-bearing elements of the structures. In such cases, deep groundwater lowering by means of wellpoints should be used.In the case described in this article, the industrial structure underwent a mean settlement of about 20 cm, a tilt of 0.015, and a wall deflection of 0.002. By using deep groundwater lowering, such deformations could have been prevented.3. The development of settlements with time was due to the presence of weak soils - peat lenses and thin slime interlayers - in the foundation bed of the shop.4. An effective means for stopping the settlement of the industrial structure was the construction, under the walls, of two rows of cast-in-place piles with cantilever beams to which the wall loads were transmitted.Scientific-Research Institute of Foundations. GIPROLESKhIM. Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 1, pp. 5–7, January–February, 1975. 相似文献
Weak base phenol formaldehyde anion exchange resins were found to have an excellent capacity for removing the anionic organic species benzenesulfonate (BS), p-toluenesulfonate (PTS) and dodecylbenzenesulfonate (DBS) from pH 2 and 4 solutions. The capacity for DBS was generally greater than that of activated carbon and significantly greater than that of a polystyrene-divinylbenzene resin with no ion exchange functional groups. The maximum capacity of the weak base resins appeared to be limited by the exchange capacity of the resin. The mechanism of removal was strongly indicated as being either ion exchange at the amine functional groups in the acid form, or uptake of a proton by the amine groups in the free base form with the organic anion as the associated counter ion. Increasing concentrations of Cl− decreased the amount of organic anion that could be sorbed.The swelling of one of the resins, Duolite A-7, also had a marked effect on its sorption capacity. The pores of the acid chloride or acid organic anion form of the resin were apparently larger than those of the free base form; thus, as conversion of the resin to the acid form took place, a greater amount of uptake was observed. The effect of swelling on the capacity of Duolite S-37 was much less, apparently owing to its larger pore structure, but its capacity for DBS at low pH was lower than that for A-7 because of its lower nitrogen content. Also, BS and DBS were easily removed from the weak base resins by washing them with NaOH. Four bed volumes of 1 m NaOH gave essentially complete regeneration of BS saturated A-7. 相似文献
A short-term study of a commercially-available physical—chemical waste treatment plant is reported. Results indicate that an excellent quality of effluent can be consistently obtained despite wide fluctuations of influent wastewater characteristics. Physical, chemical, and biological parameters were monitored. The short-term data obtained offer some evidence of superior treatment efficiency in terms of COD, color, turbidity, and phosphorus removals when compared to more conventional treatment methods. 相似文献
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study is to analyse the phenomenon of pool boiling in water over a horizontally placed copper tube heater of 28?mm diameter. The experiment has been carried out to observe the bubble growth and departure characteristics for the heat flux range up to 40,000?W/m2. The entire process is being recorded by a digital camera at different time intervals. The measured parameters have been used to determine the initial layer thickness, macro layer thickness and critical heat flux and validated with models proposed in the literature. 相似文献
Bacterial epiphytes on the surface of the fresh-water plant Alisma plantago-aquatica collected from a polluted river were found to be a major factor in contributing to the total metal concentrations of the plant. The removal of epiphytes from the leaf surface resulted in significant reductions in the concentrations of Cr (reduced by 15–50%), Cu (30–35%), Fe, Pb, and Zn (10–50%). While numbers of epiphytes and concentrations of heavy metals increased in samples collected from polluted water compared with from unpolluted water, the fraction of metals held by the epiphytes appeared to remain similar for all samples. 相似文献
The introduction of ionic additives, such as KCN, or acidic comonomer units, such as methacrylic acid, which change the nature of the mechanism of nitrile oligomerization reaction from radical to ionic and cause its initiation at lower temperature, allows the level of obscurity and the total amount of smoke production, both in smouldering and flaming conditions to be decreased. An opposite result is obtained if diphenylpicrylhydrayl (DPPH) radicals in polyacrylonitrile is introduced; DPPH retards the initiation of the radical nitrile oligomerization reaction. The acrylonitrile-methacrylic acid copolymers have a limiting oxygen index, which increases with the methacrylic acid content. Owing to the increased amount of NH3 produced during pyrolysis, the copolymers have a swelling behavior during the combustion test. 相似文献
The size and structure of flocs during floc formation were monitored for various coagulation mechanisms. Two distinctive mechanisms, namely, enmeshment and electrostatic patch, govern the dynamics of kaolin particles coagulation by polyaluminum chloride (PACl). They were investigated by small angle static light scattering (SASLS) and solid-state 27Al NMR. In addition, a novel wet SEM (WSEM) was used in-situ to image the morphology of the aggregate in aqueous solution. Synthetic suspended particles were coagulated by two PACl products, a commercial product (PACl) and one laboratory product (PACl-E). The PACl-E contained more than 60% Al13 while the PACl contained only 7% Al13, with large percentage of colloidal Al. For coagulation by PACl at neutral pH and high dosage where the strong repulsion between particles occurs, the enmeshment ruled by reaction-limited aggregation (RLA) results in larger sweep flocs as well as higher fractal dimensional structure. For coagulation by PACl-E at alkaline pH and low dosage, the flocs were coagulated predominately by electrostatic patch with Al13 aggregates. At such condition, it is likely that diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) predominately rule PACl-E coagulation. The fractal dimension (Ds) values of PACl and PACl-E flocs formed at enmeshment and electrostatic patch increased with dosage, respectively. When breakage of flocs occurs, the breakage rate of PACl-E flocs is slower than that of sweep flocs. By WSEM imaging, the adsorption of spherical Al precipitates onto the particles was observed to form sweep flocs with a rough and ragged contour, while the PACl-E flocs were formed with a smooth and glossy structure. 相似文献
Theoretical analyses are presented for the linear free vibration of a clamped-free cylindrical shell partially filled with an incompressible, inviscid liquid. For the vibration of the shell itself, the dynamic version of the Donnell equations was used and the problem was solved with the modified Galerkin procedure, taking the effect of the axisymmetric deformation due to the static liquid pressure into consideration. Concerning the vibration relevant to the liquid motion, the solution for the velocity potential was assumed as a sum of two sets of linear combinations of the suitable harmonic function, the unknown parameters of which were imposed to satisfy both boundary conditions along the wetted shell wall and the free liquid surface in a sense of appropriate series expansions. The procedure stated in the foregoing leads to a determinantal equation for the determination of the natural frequencies of the present shell-liquid system. To compare with the experimental results which will be stated in a companion paper,14 detailed numerical results will be presented in another companion paper13 on the free vibration characteristics of the two test cylinders partially filled with water. 相似文献
Well over a million fire detectors are currently in use in the Federal Republic of Germany. Provided they are correctly installed and efficiently maintained, they detect fires reliably at a very early stage. At the present time, the false alarm rate equals about 1% of the number of installed detectors per annum. This false alarm rate must be at least proportionately reduced as further detectors are installed.
Since it is scarcely possible to improve tried-and-tested detector designs, the employment of higher-grade detector signal processing methods suggests itself.
However, ‘more intelligent’ detector signal processing using microprocessors calls for an entirely new fire detection system structure: detectors which independently ‘decide’ whether an alarm criterion is met and then initiate an alarm are replaced by sensors which continuously transmit their measured values to the ‘intelligence’ panel for evaluation. Passive panels which simply receive alarm signals from activated detectors and indicate these or transmit them to the fire brigade are replaced by active processors using permanently improved algorithms for the detection of real fires.
A structural change of this type is possible provided the positive — and the customary — characteristics of the conventional technique are not lost, viz. two-wire lines between detector and panel, simple installation and handling, easy detector replaceability, low cost, etc.
The pulse detector technology is described in detail; it combines the simplicity of conventional fire detection systems with new characteristics, e.g. identification of individual detectors, permanent functional check of all connected detectors, automatic notification of maintenance requirement prior to a slowly developing fault (e.g. such as that caused by corrosion or contamination), uniform response sensitivity unaffected by drifting from the operating points of the detectors and, above all, greater protection against false alarms. 相似文献