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Tensegrity structures have identical members in an orientation that have correlated dynamics under external force. To study this interdependent dynamics in different members in compression and expansion processes, it is vital to analyze the dynamics of the whole structure. In this study, six bar tensegrity structure was studied under compression and expansion, and interdependent movement of different members of the structure in both processes was obtained. First, the relationship between external force and members force densities was analytically developed based on the assumption that each bar moves with the same distance when an external force is applied on the six bar tensegrity ball structure along one plane that either compresses or expands the structure. Then, two individual simulations were carried out to analyze the movement of each bar in compression and expansion under the effect of external force, and elongation in all strings was studied in both processes. Finally, comparative dynamic study of different members in compression and expansion of the structure with the effect of external force was performed, which were categorized according to dynamic symmetry.  相似文献   
Cation exchange removal of Cd from aqueous solution by NiO   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Detailed adsorption experiments of Cd from aqueous solution on NiO were conducted under batch process with different concentrations of Cd, time and temperature of the suspension. The solution pH is found to play a decisive role in the metal ions precipitation, surface dissolution and adsorption of metal ions onto the NiO. Preliminary adsorption experiments show that the selectivity of NiO towards different divalent metal ions follows the trend Pb>Zn>Co>Cd, which is related to their first hydrolysis equilibrium constant. The exchange between the proton from the NiO surface and the metal from solution is responsible for the adsorption. The cation/exchange mechanism essentially remains the same for Pb, Zn, Co and Cd ions. The sorption of Cd on NiO particles is described by the modified Langmuir adsorption isotherms. The isosteric heat of adsorption (ΔH) indicates the endothermic nature of the cation exchange process. Spectroscopic analyses provide evidence that Cd is chemisorbed onto the surface of NiO.  相似文献   
本文提出了改进的秩-相位误差(IROPE)估计自聚焦算法。与ROPE算法相比,IROPE有两个优点:(1)它基于的模型更符合实际,所以具有更好的鲁棒性。(2)它对迭代过程初值的设定是近似准确的。本文通过近似分析证明,IROPE对相位误差差分的估计是最大似然(ML)估计,而相位梯度自聚焦(PGA)算法是IROPE的一个子集,即在满足一定条件时,IROPE和PGA对相位误差的估计都是线性无偏最小方差估计(LUMV)。  相似文献   
Graphite nanoplatelet (GNP)/rubbery epoxy composites were fabricated by mechanical mixer (MM) and dual asymmetric centrifuge speed mixer (SM). The properties of the GNP/rubbery epoxy were compared with GNP/glassy epoxy composites. The thermal conductivity of GNP/rubbery epoxy composite (25 wt.% GNP, particle size 15 μm) reached 2.35 W m−1 K−1 compared to 0.1795 W m−1 K−1 for rubbery epoxy. Compared with GNP/rubbery epoxy composite, at 20 wt.%, GNP/glassy epoxy composite has a slightly lower thermal conductivity but an electrical conductivity that is 3 orders of magnitude higher. The viscosity of rubbery epoxy is 4 times lower than that of glassy epoxy and thus allows higher loading. The thermal and electrical conductivities of composites produced by MM are slightly higher than those produced by SM due to greater shearing of GNPs in MM, which results in better dispersed GNPs. Compression and hardness testing showed that GNPs increase the compressive strength of rubbery epoxy ∼2 times without significantly affecting the compressive strain and hardness. The GNP/glassy epoxy composites are 40 times stiffer than the GNP/rubbery epoxy composites. GNP/rubbery epoxy composites with their high thermal conductivity, low electrical conductivity, low viscosity before curing and high conformability are promising thermal interface materials.  相似文献   
Intelligent Service Robotics - The role of a human assistant, such as receptionist, is to provide specific information to the public. Questions asked by the public are often context dependent and...  相似文献   
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Most of the surface wave-based geophysical methods require an accurate estimate of the shear wave velocity (Vs) for geotechnical site...  相似文献   
Fossil fuels are unable to meet the current energy demands and polluting the environment with the emission of harmful gases. Therefore, clean energy technology is need of the modern era. One of the energy conversion devices is fuel cell which utilized fuel from renewable sources and convert into electricity in an efficient and clean way. However, for commercialization of this technology high operating temperature, degradation of electrodes and manufacture cost is the key challenges in conventional three layer fuel cell. Significant improvements have been made to reduce the cost and operating temperature by selecting suitable materials. Therefore, single layer fuel cell (SLFC) has been got much attention due to simple geometry. The mechanism inside the SLFC is still mystery which has been explained in this paper using quantum mechanical parameters like band gap and effect of particle size on charge transportation.In this research work, nanocomposite materials for single layer fuel cell have been synthesized by chemical routes. The x-ray diffraction shows the cubic perovskite structure with average crystallite size in the range of 23–37 nm. The particle size and surface area is found to be 23 nm and 86.42 m2 g?1, respectively. Raman spectrum of LBSCF-SDC shows a red shift compared to LBSCF and band gap of the composition 3LBSCF-7SDC is found to be 2.51 eV. Moreover, the conductivity of the sample 3LBSCF-7SDC has been found to be 0.02 Scm?1 at 750 °C. The quantum mechanical effects governing the working of single layer fuel cells are observed by different analyses. Photon confinement and Fano-Interactions phenomena resulted in a red shift using Raman analysis technique. The red shift in Raman spectrum is referred to a photon confined in a single layer fuel cell system. These effects are studied in single layer fuel cell for the first time with no previous analyses done in this newly field.  相似文献   
By using data from the Bremer Adolescent Study, this report presents findings on the frequency, comorbidity, and psychosocial impairment of panic disorder and panic attacks among 1,035 adolescents. The adolescents were randomly selected from 36 schools in the province of Bremen, Germany. Panic disorder and other psychiatric disorders were coded based on DSM-IV criteria using the computerized-assisted personal interview of the Munich version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Panic disorder occurred rather rare, with only 0.5% of all the adolescents met the DSM-IV criteria for this disorder sometimes in their live. Panic attack occurred more frequently, with 18% of the adolescents reported having had at least one panic attack. Slightly more girls than boys had panic attack and panic disorder. The occurrence of panic attack and panic disorder were the greatest among the 14-15 year olds. The experience of having a panic attack was associated with a number of problems, the most frequent being avoiding the situation for fear of having another attack. Four most common symptoms associated with a panic attack were that of palpitations, trembling/shaking, nausea or abdominal distress, and chills or hot flushes. Panic disorder comorbid highly with other psychiatric disorder covered in our study, especially with that of major depression. Among those with a panic disorder, about 40% of them were severely impaired during the worst episode of their illness. Only one out of five adolescents with panic disorder sought professional help for emotional and psychiatric problems. The implication of our findings for research and clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Nowadays, more and more news readers read news online where they have access to millions of news articles from multiple sources. In order to help users find the right and relevant content, news recommender systems (NRS) are developed to relieve the information overload problem and suggest news items that might be of interest for the news readers. In this paper, we highlight the major challenges faced by the NRS and identify the possible solutions from the state-of-the-art. Our discussion is divided into two parts. In the first part, we present an overview of the recommendation solutions, datasets, evaluation criteria beyond accuracy and recommendation platforms being used in the NRS. We also talk about two popular classes of models that have been successfully used in recent years. In the second part, we focus on the deep neural networks as solutions to build the NRS. Different from previous surveys, we study the effects of news recommendations on user behaviors and try to suggest possible remedies to mitigate those effects. By providing the state-of-the-art knowledge, this survey can help researchers and professional practitioners have a better understanding of the recent developments in news recommendation algorithms. In addition, this survey sheds light on the potential new directions.

In this paper, stochastic techniques have been developed to solve the 2-dimensional Bratu equations with the help of feed-forward artificial neural networks, optimized with particle swarm optimization (PSO) and sequential quadratic programming (SQP) algorithms. A hybrid of the above two algorithms, referred to as the PSO-SQP method is also studied. The original 2-dimensional equations are solved by first transforming them into equivalent one-dimensional boundary value problems (BVPs). These are then modeled using neural networks. The optimization problem for training the weights of the network has been addressed using particle swarm techniques for global search, integrated with an SQP method for rapid local convergence. The methodology is evaluated by applying on three different test cases of BVPs for the Bratu equations. Monte Carlo simulations and extensive analyses are carried out to validate the accuracy, convergence and effectiveness of the schemes. A comparative study of proposed results is made with available exact solution, as well as, reported numerical results.  相似文献   
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