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Twenty-two tests conducted to study the collapse behaviour of welded aluminium girders are described. The girders are of varying proportions, have transverse or longitudinal web stiffeners and are subjected to different combinations of shear and bending loads. It is observed that, although shear sway mechanisms similar to those for steel girders do develop, the webs of aluminium girders may fracture in the heat affected zones adjacent to the perimeter welds. These fractures develop at some stage during the formation of the collapse mechanism and are the consequence, rather than the cause, of failure. It is shown that the tension field theory, originally developed for steel girders, may overestimate the shear-carrying capacity of aluminium girders and it is concluded that the theory requires some modification before it can be applied with confidence to aluminium girders.  相似文献   
Rock mass classifications predict support measures according to expert rules by rating rock mass and taking into account the span of the opening. A similar procedure is adopted, in this work, and computerized using statistics and fuzzy logic. Fuzzy expert systems are trained with data of previously constructed underground openings. Using subtractive clustering the systems have the intelligence to pick up the relations between input and output and define the rules that represent the system's behavior automatically. These systems are found to predict support to be used more successfully than the Q system. With the introduction of extra input variables, which are important in numerical analysis, such as depth and intact rock strength, an extended fuzzy system is developed. This system is suggested for preliminary use as it is able to predict support even better.  相似文献   
Abstract: This article describes the use of 'hypertext' as a means to document engineering software online. An extensive hypertext document can be built with relative ease using an authoring tool. Hypertext documents enhance the learning process through the association of facts. The user has the freedom to arrange his/her own study sequence in a particular session. The article provides a brief introduction to the hypertext technology and authoring tools, and describes a Mohr's Circle program, which has been developed to explore the use of hypertext for online users' manuals. The strengths and weaknesses of the software tool, KnowledgePro, as well as the development techniques, are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper explores trade hierarchies and interindustry relationships, first in theory, then in the empirical context of a western United States timber economy facing a large reduction in its timber harvest. Principles of central place theory guide construction of a hybrid intercommunity input-output model. A nonsurvey technique for estimating central place trade is developed, and is compared with MRIO methods. The effect of central place dominance on intercommunity multipliers is examined theoretically, as is the nature of feedback linkages in a central place hierarchy. The empirical magnitude of feedback effects is small, and although effects vary in magnitude from community to community, neglect of central place considerations can understate intercommunity sawmill multipliers by as much as 36 percent.  相似文献   
In the present study the possibility of using nicotine in house dust as an index of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure was evaluated in an environmental investigation of 23 children with asthma. A standardized procedure for house dust sampling of nicotine with a filter holder connected to a vacuum cleaner, for a defined time and area was developed (F-nicotine). Also, house dust sampling was carried out from the vacuum cleaner bags of the homes (VC-nicotine). There was a larger variation in VC-nicotine (13-655, median 66 microg/g) compared with F-nicotine (15-393 median 156 microg/g). There were statistically significant associations between an inquiry data based ETS exposure index on the one hand, and urinary cotinine concentrations in children (U-cotinine), F-nicotine and VC-nicotine of their homes, on the other. The strong correlation between U-cotinine and F-nicotine (rs = 0.93; P < 0.0001) indicates that the new standardized house dust sampling method should be useful in ETS exposure assessment. However, further validation by a larger sample size with repeated measurements in the same homes is needed.  相似文献   
Lead is a global concern because of its ubiquity in the environment and known to be associated with abnormal neurobehavioral and cognitive development of young children. There is no study from India to describe a composite profile of blood lead and its biochemical influences in children. The present study was aimed at determining the proportion of children with >10 mug/dL blood lead levels (BLLs), association between BLLs, and sociodemographic characteristics, if any, and alterations in biochemical indices in the blood as an underlying mechanism of lead intoxication. A total of 62 children (4--12 y) of Lucknow and nearby areas were recruited to determine BLLs, delta-amimolevulinic acid dehydratase (delta-ALAD) activity, catalase (CAT) activity, and malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) levels in the blood. Mean level of blood lead was 7.47+/-3.06 microg/dL (2.78--15.0) and 29%-exceeded 10 microg/dL, CDC intervention level. The BLLs were found to be significantly influenced by social status, area of residence, source of water supply, maternal educational status (p<0.001), type of house, and proximity to traffic density (p<0.01). delta-ALAD was significantly lower in the group of children with BLLs 11.39+/-1.39 microg/dL when compared to children with BLLs 7.11+/-1.25 microg/dL and 3.93+/-0.61 microg/dL (p=0.0007, 0.0005, respectively). However, CAT activity was higher in the groups of children with higher blood levels than with lower BLLs (p=0.0159, 0.0001, respectively). There was an increase in MDA level with a concomitant decrease of GSH in children with BLLs 11.39+/-1.39 microg/dL compared with those of children with BLLs 7.11+/-1.25 microg/dL and 3.93+/-0.61 microg/dL (p=0.0001, 0.0002, and p=0.0001, respectively). There was statistically significant correlation of BLLs with delta-ALAD (r=-0.44, p=0.00035), MDA (r=0.46, p=0.00018), GSH (r=-0.62, p=0.00001), and CAT (r=0.44, p=0.00035). Significantly, CAT activity, MDA, and GSH levels were in turn, found to be correlated with delta-ALAD (r=-0.45, p=0.00024; r=-0.43, p=0.00053; r=0.43, p=0.00053, respectively). Results of the present study indicate a declining trend of BLLs in children when compared with those reported from metropolitan cities of India when leaded gasoline was in practice and that the BLLs were significantly associated with biochemical indices in the blood which have the potential to be used as biomarkers of lead intoxication.  相似文献   
The rates of dissolution of copper, tin, and iron from sintered tungsten-bronze spheres (51.1%W, 44.4%Cu, 3.9%Sn, 0.6%Fe, by mass) were measured in an in vitro simulated avian gizzard at pH 2.0, and 42C. Most of the spheres had disintegrated completely to a fine powder by day 14. Dissolution of copper, tin, and iron from the spheres was linear over time; all r>0.974; all P<0.001. The mean rate of release of copper, tin, and iron was 30.4 mg, 2.74 mg, and 0.38 mg per g tungsten-bronze per day, respectively. These rates of metal release were compared to those in published studies to determine whether the simultaneous ingestion of eight spheres of 3.48 mm diameter would pose a toxic risk to birds. The potential absorption rates of iron and tin (0.54 mg Fe/day, and 3.89 mg Sn/day) from eight tungsten-bronze spheres of total mass 1.42 g would not prove toxic, based on empirical studies of tin and iron ingestion in waterfowl. The release of 43.17 mg copper/day from eight tungsten-bronze spheres, while exceeding the daily copper requirements of domesticated birds, is far below the levels of copper known to cause copper toxicosis in birds. We conclude that sintered tungsten-bronze material made into gunshot, fishing weights, or wheel balance weights, would not pose a toxic risk to wild birds when ingested.  相似文献   
A new mathematical model based on the cinetical Langmuir equation is developed to interpret and predict the effectiveness of simazine (SZ) removal in immobilized-biomass reactor (IBR), to consider herbicide-support affinity (Cx), and herbicide-cell affinity (Cy). Three solid supports: sepiolite monolith, granular sepiolite, and alginate were used in pilot-scale reactors that were inoculated with Klebsiella planticola DSZ. The abiotic process was analysed by measuring the SZ sorption capacity of the reactor supports. Sepiolite monolith showed the maximum value for herbicide-support affinity (28.02+/-0.9%). The effectiveness of the biotic process was estimated considering the formation of biomass and SZ biodegradation. Granular sepiolite showed either higher affinity with SZ and viability rate (0.90) throughout the process, and SZ removal rate was 3.39+/-0.06 mg/h. The mathematical model presented in this paper provides useful insights into the interpretation of experimental data as well as prediction for the implementation of biological reactors.  相似文献   
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