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基于三次指数平滑法的集装箱吞吐量预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对宁波港历年来集装箱吞吐量的观察,发现其吞吐量呈持续性的曲线增长,因此采用三次指数平滑法对宁波港今后几年的集装箱吞吐量进行了预测。  相似文献   
程东辉  郑文忠 《工业建筑》2008,38(5):119-121
提出综合预应力度的概念,并以此提出综合预应力度直接算法的计算原理,从而克服利用传统预应力度设计计算超静定结构时所面临的重复计算问题,为预应力结构的计算提供一个快捷方法。  相似文献   
介绍了以BP神经网络理论为基础的变压器故障智能诊断系统的结构模型及其原理;通过三个实例分析,验证了该系统的正确性,有较强的实用效果。  相似文献   
方铖 《现代电子技术》2008,31(5):163-164
针对查找范围变化很大而又相对稳定的查找对象,给出了一种改进的基于区间控制的折半查找算法,当后一个查找对象在前一个查找对象附近时,在最坏状态和平均状态下,该算法与传统的标准折半查找算法相比,其查找长度显著减少,查找速度快,当父表很大而子表相对很小时,存储上仅需增加一个额外的存储单元,实现代价很小。此算法适用于过程控制中的实时查找处理,有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   
利用铝热反应熔化方法分别在反应物量为50、100、200g的条件下制备了块体纳米晶Fe3Al材料,通过TEM和XRD研究了材料的晶粒尺寸,并研究了材料室温压缩性能和硬度。结果表明,所制备的材料主要由非晶和纳米晶组织组成,当反应物量增大,部分区域甚至出现微米晶组织。反应物量为50g时Fe3Al材料中非晶较多,不存在微米晶;反应物量为100g时主要以纳米晶为主,非晶数量减少,伴随有少量的微米晶出现;反应物量为200g时,材料以纳米晶为主,微米晶数量较100g时有所增加。随着反应物量的增加,纳米晶相的平均晶粒尺寸增加,屈服强度和硬度呈先增大后减小的趋势。  相似文献   
报导用激光处理青铜器等文物的实验,给出了防治青铜器生“粉状锈”的实验方法和结果,并对其机理作了分析。  相似文献   
The deformation behavior involved in Nb/NiTi composite for biomedical applications within a large macroscopic strain range was investigated by tensile loading-unloading test and in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction(SXRD).Experimental results show that during loading,the Nb/NiTi composite experiences the elastic elongation of B2-NiTi austenitic,B19'-NiTi martensitic and β-Nb phases,B2→ B19' stress-induced martensitic(SIM) transformation and tensile plastic deformation of β-Nb phase.During unloading,the deformation behavior involved in Nb/NiTi composite includes the elastic recovery of B2-NiTi austenitic,B19'-NiTi martensitic and β-Nb phases,reverse phase transformation B19'→B2 and compressive deformation of p-Nb phase.The martensitic transformation in this composite is almost reversible and occurs in a localized manner.These results might contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the deformation mechanism involved in Nb/NiTi composite and shed some light on design and development of novel composites with a combination of good biocompatibility and excellent superelasticity for biomedical applications.  相似文献   
With the mine exploitation depth getting deeper and deeper, the mine heat-harm turns into another natural disaster after the five disasters, which are the roof, the gas, the fire, the dust and the flood disaster. Compared with other researches on prevention and cure against the heat-harm, the research on prevention and cure against the heat-harm in constructing mine are less. Referring to the experience of prevention and cure against the heat-harm home and 'abroad, analyzing the characteristic of cooling in the constructing mine, and based on the ground former freezing equipments and the modified mine temporary cooling equipments, the paper proposed four technical projects. By comparing with the four technical projects, the second project is preponderant both in technology and economy and can solve the heat-harm of the constructing mine, which is proved by the forecast and calculation. The project can be widely applied in de-temperature tasks of high temperature and heat-harm mines during the mine constructing period and in the exploiting preparing phase.  相似文献   
成海涛 《钢管》2008,37(6):12-16
首先代表钢管学会对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎,特别是对李鹤林院士、殷国茂院士亲临会议,并带来精彩的学术报告,表示衷心的感谢!对天津钢管集团股份有限公司为开好此次年会给予的大力支持.表示诚挚的谢意。  相似文献   
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