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The adverse effect of nitrate on the phosphate release rate in the anaerobic phase was observed and was hardly explainable with conventional EBPR process models. Four possible mechanisms were proposed including substrate competition, reduced fermentation, parallel reaction and sequential reaction. Batch experiments were designed and conducted to identify the dominant mechanism. Results showed that the sequential reaction was the only possible mechanism where only denitrification occurred if any nitrate existed in the anaerobic phase. Then the phosphate release following after the nitrate was completely removed. Nitrate inhibition effect was added into the PHA storage rate to incorporate the sequential reaction in the conventional ASM3 plus EAWAG bio-P module (ASM3 + P). Nitrate inhibition coefficient, K(I,NO,PAO) was found to be as low as 0.05 mg/L. This correlated well with experimental observation where no also meant that the anaerobic compartment of a continuous flow reactor could be seriously affected by the residual nitrate contained in the sludge recycle flow. This phenomenon caused overestimation of the phosphate uptake rate and consequently underestimation of PO4(3-) -P concentration. This problem was resolved by incorporation of a nitrate inhibition term in the ASM3 + P for more accurate simulation of the EBPR process.  相似文献   
Flotation is a water treatment alternative to sedimentation, and uses small bubbles to remove low-density particles from potable water and wastewater. The effect of zeta potential, bubble size and particle size on removal efficiency of the electro-flotation process was investigated because previous model-simulations indicated that these attributes are critical for high collision efficiency between micro-bubbles and particles. Solutions containing Al3+ as the metal ion were subjected to various conditions. The zeta potentials of bubbles and particles were similar under identical conditions, and their charges were influenced by metal ion concentration and pH. Maximum removal efficiency was 98 and 12% in the presence and absence of flocculation, respectively. Removal efficiency was higher when particle size was similar to bubble size. These results agree with modelling simulations and indicate that collision efficiency is greater when the zeta potential of one is negative and that of the other is positive and when their sizes are similar.  相似文献   
Because biological wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) involve a long time-delay and various disturbances, in general, skilled operators manually control the plant based on empirical knowledge. And operators usually diagnose the plant using similar cases experienced in the past. For the effective management of the plant, system automation has to be accomplished based upon operating recipes. This paper introduces automatic control and diagnosis based upon the operator's knowledge. Fuzzy logic was employed to design this knowledge-based controller because fuzzy logic can convert the linguistic information to rules. The controller can manage the influent and external carbon in considering the loading rate. The input of the controller is not the loading rate but the dissolved oxygen (DO) lag-time, which has a strong relation to the loading rate. This approach can replace an expensive sensor, which measures the loading rate and ammonia concentration in the reactor, with a cheaper DO sensor. The proposed controller can assure optimal operation and prevent the over-feeding problem. Case-based diagnosis was achieved by the analysis of profile patterns collected from the past. A new test profile was diagnosed by comparing it with template patterns containing normal and abnormal cases. The proposed control and diagnostic system will guarantee the effective and stable operation of WWTPs.  相似文献   
Optically preamplified receiver performance according to the vestigial sideband (VSB) filtering has been numerically investigated for 40-Gb/s optical signals modulated with nonreturn-to-zero, duobinary nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ), return-to-zero (RZ), carrier-suppressed RZ, and duobinary carrier-suppressed RZ formats. The VSB filtering enables the spectral widths of NRZ, duobinary NRZ, and RZ signals to be reduced without severe power penalties at the receiver. On the other hand, carrier-suppressed RZ and duobinary carrier-suppressed RZ signals have no large advantages over VSB filtering because of the characteristics of their signals. Our results suggest that RZ signals are the most suitable modulation format for VSB filtering, without considering the filter loss, because of the tolerance of the intersymbol interference and a large spectral width. However, duobinary NRZ signals are the most suitable modulation format for VSB filtering, considering the filter loss, because of their narrow spectral width.  相似文献   
The unsteady flow analysis of pipeline systems provides useful guidelines for implementing data acquisition components such as data filtering ranges, sensor locations and sampling frequencies. A theoretical integration among hydraulics, free vibration analysis and signal processing is proposed for a comprehensive approach aiming at enhanced design and operation of data acquisition system. Transient analysis is performed to extract flow variation by a valve modulation in a pipeline system. Frequency transformation analysis is developed to convert pressure variations between time domain and frequency domain. Free vibration analysis provides spatial distribution of impedance characteristics and pressure variation for determining optimum sensor location. A real-time filter can be designed to secure valid signals of any particular unsteady event. Hypothetical and experimental applications show that the proposed method has potentials of the leakage detection of a pipeline system as well as an efficient design of data acquisition system.  相似文献   
For the first time, we successfully fabricated and demonstrated high performance metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors with HfO/sub 2/-Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/ laminate dielectric using atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique. Our data indicates that the laminate MIM capacitor can provide high capacitance density of 12.8 fF//spl mu/m/sup 2/ from 10 kHz up to 20 GHz, very low leakage current of 3.2 /spl times/ 10/sup -8/ A/cm/sup 2/ at 3.3 V, small linear voltage coefficient of capacitance of 240 ppm/V together with quadratic one of 1830 ppm/V/sup 2/, temperature coefficient of capacitance of 182 ppm//spl deg/C, and high breakdown field of /spl sim/6 MV/cm as well as promising reliability. As a result, the HfO/sub 2/-Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/ laminate is a very promising candidate for next generation MIM capacitor for radio frequency and mixed signal integrated circuit applications.  相似文献   
Disturbance-observer (DOB)-based controller design is one of the most popular methods in the field of motion control. In this paper, the generalized disturbance compensation framework, named the robust internal-loop compensator (RIC) is introduced and an advanced design method of a DOB is proposed based on the RIC. The mixed sensitivity optimization problem, which is the main issue of DOB design, is also solved through the parametrization of the DOB in the RIC framework. Differently from conventional methods, the Q-filter is separated from the mixed sensitivity optimization problem and a systematic design law for the DOB is proposed. This guarantees the robustness and optimality of the DOB and enables the design for unstable plants.  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a new approach for signal detection in wireless digital communications based on the neural network with transient chaos and time-varying gain (NNTCTG), and give a concrete model of the signal detector after appropriate transformations and mappings. It is well known that the problem of the maximum likelihood signal detection can be described as a complex optimization problem that has so many local optima that conventional Hopfield-type neural networks fail to solve. By refraining from the serious local optima problem of Hopfield-type neural networks, the NNTCTG makes use of the time-varying parameters of the recurrent neural network to control the evolving behavior of the network so that the network undergoes the transition from chaotic behavior to gradient convergence. It has richer and more flexible dynamics rather than conventional neural networks only with point attractors, so that it can be expected to have much ability to search for globally optimal or near-optimal solutions. After going through a transiently inverse-bifurcation process, the NNTCTG can approach the global optimum or the neighborhood of global optimum of our problem. Simulation experiments have been performed to show the effectiveness and validation of the proposed neural network based method for the signal detection in digital communications.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate two methods of assessing the productivity and quality impact of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) and Fourth Generation Language (4GL) technologies: (1) by the retrospective method; and (2) the cross-sectional method. Both methods involve the use of questionnaire surveys. Developers' perceptions depend on the context in which they are expressed and this includes expectations about the effectiveness of a given software product. Consequently, it is generally not reliable to base inferences about the relative merits of CASE and 4GLs on a cross-sectional comparison of two separate samples of users. The retrospective method that requires each respondent to directly compare different products is shown to be more reliable. However, there may be scope to employ cross-sectional comparisons of the findings from different samples where both sets of respondents use the same reference point for their judgements, and where numerical rather than verbal rating scales are used to measure perceptions.  相似文献   
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