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Due to their high specific strength and stiffness, fibre-reinforced composite materials are being increasingly used in structural applications where a high level of performance is important (e.g. aerospace, automotive, offshore structures, etc.). Performance in service of these composites is affected by multi-mechanism damage evolution under loading and environmental conditions. For instance, carbon fibre-reinforced laminates demonstrate a wide spectrum of failure mechanisms such as matrix cracking and delamination. These damage mechanisms can result in significant deterioration of the residual stiffness and load-bearing capacity of composite components and should be thoroughly investigated. The delamination failure mechanism is studied in this paper for a double cantilever beam (DCB) loaded in mode I. Several sensitivity studies are performed to analyse the effects of mesh density and of parameters of the cohesive law on the character of damage propagation in laminates. The microstructural randomness of laminates that is responsible for non-uniform distributions of stresses in them even under uniform loading conditions is accounted for in the model. The random properties are introduced with the use of Weibull’s two-parameter probability density function. Several statistical realisations are carried out which show that the effect of microstructure could significantly affect the macroscopic response emphasizing the need to account for microstructural randomness for accurate predictions of load-carrying capacity of laminate composite structures.  相似文献   
We present an inversion algorithm for the retrieval of particle size distribution parameters, i.e., mean (effective) radius, number, surface area, and volume concentration, and complex refractive index from multiwavelength lidar data. In contrast to the classical Tikhonov method, which accepts only that solution for which the discrepancy reaches its global minimum, in our algorithm we perform the averaging of solutions in the vicinity of this minimum. This averaging stabilizes the underlying ill-posed inverse problem, particularly with respect to the retrieval of number concentration. Results show that, for typical tropospheric particles and 10% error in the optical data, the mean radius could be retrieved to better than 20% from a lidar on the basis of a Nd:YAG laser, which provides a combination of backscatter coefficients at 355, 532, and 1064 nm and extinction coefficients at 355 and 532 nm. The accuracy is improved if the lidar is also equipped with a hydrogen Raman shifter. In this case two additional backscatter coefficients at 416 and 683 nm are available. The combination of two extinction coefficients and five backscatter coefficients then allows one to retrieve not only averaged aerosol parameters but also the size distribution function. There was acceptable agreement between physical particle properties obtained from the evaluation of multiwavelength lidar data taken during the Lindenberg Aerosol Characterization Experiment in 1998 (LACE 98) and in situ data, which were taken aboard aircraft.  相似文献   
A mechanical behaviour of random fibrous networks is predominantly governed by their microstructure. This study examines the effect of microstructure on macroscopic deformation and failure behaviour of random fibrous networks and its practical implication for optimisation of its structure by using finite-element simulations. A subroutine-based parametric modelling approach—a tool to develop and characterise random fibrous networks—is also presented. Here, a thermally bonded polypropylene nonwoven fabric is used as a model system. Its microstructure is incorporated into the model by explicit introduction of fibres according to their orientation distribution in the fabric. The model accounts for main deformation and damage mechanisms experimentally observed and provides the meso- and macro-level responses of the fabric. The suggested microstructure-based approach identifies and quantifies the spread of stresses and strains in fibres of the network as well as its structural evolution during deformation and damage. Its simulations also predict a continuous shift in the distribution of stresses due to structural evolution and progressive failure of fibres.  相似文献   
Multimedia Tools and Applications - The paper addresses the problem of human activity recognition based on the data from wearable sensors. Human activity recognition depends on a wide context of...  相似文献   
Kulikov  Vadim 《Minds and Machines》2020,30(4):617-636
Minds and Machines - An online game of chess against a human opponent appears to be indistinguishable from a game against a machine: both happen on the screen. Yet, people prefer to play chess...  相似文献   
Citrate precursor technology was used to prepare fluorine substituted Bi(Pb)SCCO 2 2 2 3 superconducting phase. Samples with the nominal composition of up to three F atoms per formula were synthesized. A number of experimental methods have been used to characterize the samples and to trace the phase transformations during the preparation process: DTA/TGA, XRD, EPMA (WDS and EDS), atomic absorption, potentiometry with fluoride selective electrode, resistance and inductive measurements. Fluorine was shown to enhance considerably the formation of the 2 2 2 3 phase. Thermodynamic calculations of P-T-X equilibrium in the Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O-F-C-H-N system were made in a wide temperature range to determine the composition of the vapours coexisting with the solid phases at different stages of the preparation process.A part of the results was presented at the M2S-HTSC IV Conference in Grenoble, France, 1994.  相似文献   
Investigations on development of a macrokinetics approach were generalized to the analysis of fast chemical reactions, mainly using cationic polymerization of isobutylene as an example, which is a new class of liquid‐phase processes. The removal of diffusional constraints on polymer synthesis, by intensification of turbulent mixing in the reaction zone, makes it possible to calculate the kinetic parameters of polymerization and polymer‐analogous reactions, to optimize the molecular characteristics of polymeric products obtained, and to control the character of the process as a whole. The laws pertaining to the progression of fast processes are considered for the synthesis of separate polymers, in particular stereoregular polydienes, ethylene–propylene copolymers, and chlorobutyl rubber. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 94: 613–624, 2004  相似文献   
The article describes a new method for integrated processing which combines high-energy heating by high frequency currents (HEH HFC) and abrasive grinding. Research clearly showed that implementation of integrated processing may lead to 2 … 2.5-fold increasing of the processing performance. It was established experimentally that the proposed integrated treatment results in increasing of the microhardness and the level of residual compressive stresses in the surface layer. This increases the contact–fatigue strength of steel parts up to 10% … 16%.  相似文献   
To clean the exhaust emissions as one of the most important tasks in pollution control, a study on the treatment of engine emissions with discharge assistance was reported. A DBD plasma source shaped in grid and cylinder was examined in different engine operational modes to reduce the NOX content of diesel engine exhaust. The composition of the exhaust gases and chemical reactions initiated by the discharge were analyzed. The discharge frequency had a crucial impact on the device’s performance and gas treatment. The voltages applied to the discharge gap could alter the chemical reactions occurring in the treated gases, which were indicated by the NO to NO2 ratio. The operation of the system was studied at frequencies ranging from 400 Hz to 16 kHz.  相似文献   
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