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为改善复合泡沫塑料的介电性能,采用金属氧化物粒子填充改性双马来酰亚胺空芯玻璃微球复合泡沫塑料得到了高介电常数、低介质损耗因数、低密度、力学性能良好的电介质材料。  相似文献   
本文是在10kg/h固体热载体干馏实验装置上用扎赉诺尔褐煤制取高炉喷吹料和中热值煤气的研究结果。在干馏温度450℃~650℃范围制得煤气110Nm3/t~400Nm3/t,煤气热值为14.7MJ/Nm3~17.5MJ/Nm3,属中热值煤气。可供民用,也可用于补充钢铁企业燃气不足,平衡能源。得低温焦油2%~9%,可加工成化工产品和燃料油。半焦可用于高炉喷吹。  相似文献   
Shock-induced depoling of the ferroelectric (FE) ceramic PZT 95/5 is utilized in a number of pulsed power devices. Nondestructive testing of remanent polarization of PZT 95/5 is developed by pyroelectric effect in this paper. Approximately linear relation between the change of polarization during low- to high-temperature rhombohedral FE phase and the remanent polarization was found through pyroelectricity of a single piece of PZT 95/5 ceramics. The change of polarization of a prototype for shock-driven pulsed power during the FEHT↔FELT phase transformation was also investigated through directly measuring the pyroelectric current. Results indicate that pyroelectric effect caused by the reversible FEHT–FELT phase transition could be used as a non-destructive inspection for the remanent polarization of a prototype about shock-driven pulsed power supply.  相似文献   
The flame‐retardant and smoke‐suppressant properties of inorganic tin compounds such as zinc hydroxystannate (ZHS) and zinc stannate (ZS) were investigated in a comparison with alumina trihydrate, magnesium hydroxide, and Sb2O3 through the limiting oxygen index test and smoke density test. The flame‐retardant mechanisms were studied through the char yield test, SEM, quantitative analysis, thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis. The thermal degradation in air of flexible PVC treated with the above compounds was studied by thermal analysis from ambient temperature to 800°C. The results showed that tin compounds such as ZHS and ZS could be used as a highly effective flame retardant for flexible PVC, and it appears that the tin compound may exert its action in both the condensed and vapor phases, but mainly in condensed phases as a Lewis acid. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 98: 1469–1475, 2005  相似文献   
CeO2 particles confined within the pores of an SBA-15 mesoporous silica host were prepared by incipient wetness impregnation (IMP) and deposition precipitation (DP) methods. The materials were characterized by XRD, N2-adsorption and temperature programmed reduction (TPR) to evaluate the structure, texture, and redox properties. The preparation procedure had significant impact on the assembling mode of CeO2 inside the SBA-15 mesopores. A high dispersion of CeO2 particles was achieved via DP, whereas the dispersion of CeO2 prepared by IMP was found to be inhomogeneous and CeO2 partially blocked the pores. The CO conversion in the water-gas-shift reaction was enhanced over 1 wt% Pt supported on CeO2-modified SBA-15 obtained by DP.  相似文献   
采用结合丙烯腈含量为26%的NBR、分子量适中的悬浮法Ⅲ型PVC和BR共混,制得了综合性能较PVC/NBR并用胶优异的弹性体。优选的工艺条件为:PVC/NBR/BR=30/60/10(质量比);补强剂选用炭黑40份,超细碳酸钙50份,轻质碳酸钙20份;硫化体系选用过氧化物加少量硫磺;混炼温度为140—170℃,混炼时间为10—15min。通过电子显微镜和动态力学分析,弹性体存在两个T,PVC为分散相,橡胶为连续相。  相似文献   
本文主要从俄罗斯银行信息安全管理体系(ISMS)建立准则,ISMS成熟度等级,与信息安全体系相关的法律法规三个方面来介绍俄罗斯银行信息安全体系的建立。  相似文献   
用共沉淀法制备Fe3O4磁流体,总结出用十二烷基磺酸钠与聚乙二醇作为表面活性剂制备水基磁流体的合适条件:(1)反应温度为室温或不高于35℃;(2)表面活性剂十二烷基磺酸钠的最佳用量为0.0030~0.0040 g/80 mL;(3)第一次包裹的最佳pH为9~10;(4)聚乙二醇作为第二次包裹的表面活剂时,体系最佳温度为40℃左右;(5)表面活性剂聚乙二醇的最佳用量为0.0050~0.0060 g/80 mL。通过实验制得了能稳定存在180 d的水基磁流体。并用透射电镜、红外光谱、分光光度计、古埃磁天平等进行了初步表征。  相似文献   
Some volatile acids were found to dramatically reduce the effectiveness of additives based on 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine as photostabilizers for polypropylene films. Strong acids such as HCl, HBr, and HNO3 had the largest effect with sulfurous acid somewhat less detrimental. Weak organic acids did not impair the effectiveness of the hindered amine light stabilizers. The role of acid concentration and contact time were explored for the HCl–piperidyl additive system. Secondary and tertiary amines were included in the study as well as oligomeric additives and an N-oxyl derivative. The latter is less basic than the free amines, and it was correspondingly less effected by acid exposures. The possibilities for acid exposure during the compounding, fabrication, and use of stabilized polyolefin articles is discussed as well as the effects of acids in terms of proposed stabilization mechanisms for the hindered amines.  相似文献   
K Mylvaganam  L.C Zhang 《Carbon》2004,42(10):2025-2032
This paper discusses several important issues in a molecular dynamics simulation for analysing carbon nanotubes and their mechanical properties. In particular, the paper addresses the problems in selecting appropriate inter-atomic potentials, number of thermostat atoms, thermostat techniques, time and displacement steps and number of relaxation steps to reach the dynamic equilibrium. Based on these, the structural changes of armchair and zigzag nanotubes and their mechanical properties are investigated. The Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of the armchair tube are 3.96 and 0.15 TPa, respectively, and those of the zigzag tube are 4.88 and 0.19 TPa, respectively. The best simulation technique identified in this study predicts that the ultimate tensile strain of a carbon nanotube is around 40% before atomic bond breakage.  相似文献   
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