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Voltage stability problems have been one of the major concerns for electric utilities as a result of system heavy loading. This paper reports on an investigation on the application of ANNs in voltage stability assessment. A multilayer feedforward artificial neural network (ANN) with error backpropagation learning is proposed for calculation of voltage stability margins (VSM). Based on the energy method, a direct mapping relation between power system loading conditions and the VSMs is set up via the ANN. A systematic method for selecting the ANN's input variables was developed using sensitivity analysis. The effects of ANN's training pattern sensitivity problems were also studied by dividing system operating conditions into several loading levels based on sensitivity analysis. Extensive testing of the proposed ANN-based approach indicate its viability for power system voltage stability assessment. Simulation results on five test systems are reported in the paper  相似文献   
Ponds following anaerobic reactors, such as Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactors, have been termed polishing ponds in the literature. The present paper analyses the removal of E. coli and helminth eggs in five UASB-polishing pond systems in Brazil. Since there were ponds in series, the total number of ponds was 10. The ponds had average retention times varying from 2 to 21 days, and depths ranging from 0.40 to 2.00 m. The shallow ponds in series, even with low retention times, were able to produce effluents complying with the coliform WHO guidelines for unrestricted irrigation (< or = 1000 MPN/100 ml). An equation for the coliform decay coefficient was proposed: Kb (dispersed flow) = 0.710H(-0955) (20 degrees C). The equation highlights the inverse relationship between the pond depth and the decay coefficient. All polishing pond systems were able to produce effluents with helminth eggs concentrations predominantly equal to zero, and satisfying the WHO guidelines for unrestricted and restricted irrigation (< or = 1 egg/L, arithmetic mean). The approximate range of helminth eggs removal efficiency was predicted satisfactorily.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative disinfection technology to chlorination in recent years. In this study, we investigated the photoreactivation of Escherichia coli following medium-pressure (MP) UV disinfection of synthetic water by a bench-scale collimated beam apparatus. The UV doses ranged from 1.6 -19.7 mWs/cm2 and photoreactivation was investigated for 6 hours under fluorescent light. In addition, chloramination was applied after UV disinfection to investigate its ability to control photoreactivation. It was found that photoreactivation occurred for all UV doses tested and the increase in bacteria numbers ranged from 0.04 to 1.35 log10. However, the degree of photoreactivation decreased with increased UV doses. Chloramination experiments revealed that the addition of 0.5 mg/l of monochloramine resulted in suppression of photoreactivation for 1 hour only. An increased monochloramine dose of 1 mg/l was found to prevent photoreactivation for the entire duration of the experiment. The results of this study have shown that photoreactivation occurs even after MP UV disinfection, although it is of a lesser extent at higher UV doses. This study has also established that secondary chloramination can effectively suppress and eliminate photoreactivation with a chloramine dose of 1 mg/l.  相似文献   
We demonstrate the first programmable group-delay module based on polarization switching. With a unique binary tuning mechanism, the device can generate any differential group delay value from -45 to +45 ps with a resolution of 1.40 ps, or any true-time-delay value from 0 to 45 ps with a resolution of 0.7 ps. The delay varying speeds for both applications are under 1 ms and can be as fast as 0.1 ms. We evaluate both the dynamic and static performances of the device while paying special attention to its dynamic figures of merit for polarization-mode dispersion emulation and compensation applications. Our experiment shows that the device exhibits a negligible transient-effect induced power penalty (<0.2 dB) in a 10-Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero system.  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with a traction-based Completed Adjoint Double Layer Boundary Element Method to solve for the surface traction of a system of rigid particles embedded in an elastic matrix. The main feature of the method is a single layer representation of the displacement field, which leads to a system of second-kind integral equations for the traction field, the extreme eigenvalue of which could be deflated, allowing iterative solution strategies to be effectively applied. The method is therefore most suitable for large-scale simulations of particulate solids. The method is benchmarked against some known analytic solutions, including the difficult stress singularity problems at sharp edges. The effectiveness of the method in dealing with a large number of inclusions is also demonstrated with an elongational deformation problem involving up to 25 inclusions.Research supported by the Australian Research Council (to NP-T and X-JF) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (X-JF).  相似文献   
Uniformity of bulk density distribution during the die filling process is required to minimize quality problems, such as distortion and cracking, for powder compacts. Understanding the die filling process is necessary in ensuring a uniform powder deposition. The second-generation pressure deposition tester (PDT-II) was used to investigate the deposition process and final pressure distribution of powder filling in toroidal, cylindrical, and E-shaped dies. All tests were conducted using a spray-dried free-flowing granular powder. The results indicated that for toroidal dies: (1) the area around 0° orientation (the leeward end) had the highest pressure values (1186.7 to 2498.0 Pa), with the average pressure values of the remaining area 353.7-648.0 Pa; (2) the pressure distribution was symmetrical about the centerline parallel to the feed shoe movement direction; (3) the highest feed shoe speed (500 mm/s) led to the most nonuniform pressure distribution among the three speeds; (4) higher feed shoe speed did not always result in higher final pressure values; and (5) the right die tended to have higher final pressure values (215.0 to 2498.0 Pa) than the center die (95.4 to 2052.5 Pa). For E-shaped dies: (1) the final pressure values of the middle leg (308.9 to 760.7 Pa) were higher than those of the left and the right legs (148.9 to 530.3 Pa); (2) the area along the backside had the highest final pressure value (1054.6 to 1303.8 Pa); (3) the pressure distribution was symmetrical about the centerline parallel to the feed shoe movement direction; and (4) neither the center die nor the right die always had higher pressure values than the other one at all locations. Comparison between cylindrical and toroidal dies indicated that: (1) neither of the two die shapes (cylinder and toroid) led to consistently higher or lower final pressure values at all locations and (2) for all three feed shoe speeds, the toroidal die had higher average final pressure values in the 0° orientation.  相似文献   
Introduction of the broadband integrated services digital network (B-ISDN) will enable network users to make use of advanced multimedia, multiparty services. With this aim in view, RACE II project R2044, MAGIC, is investigating long-term signalling requirements, architecture and protocols for B-ISDN. New service concepts are being developed in MAGIC which will provide more flexibility when compared to narrowband ISDN (N-ISDN). The service requirements and other signalling requirements, such as the separation between call and associated connections at the network-node interface, are used to determine the distribution of functions over the network. The signalling protocols which are used to exchange the signalling information are subsequently developed. These signalling protocols are simulated to prove the performance and the feasibility of call handling concepts  相似文献   
Results are reported from recent research on the use of the Brillouin gain/loss mechanism for distributed sensing. A theoretical model of the interaction of the pulsed and CW beams is described and compared with experiments. Results from a system with a 51 km sensing length are presented. We finally investigate issues related to the variation within the sensing fiber of the polarizations of the two beams  相似文献   
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