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A rate 1/n binary generic convolutional encoder is a shift-register circuit where the inputs are information bits and the outputs are blocks of n bits generated as linear combinations on the appropriate shift register contents. The decoding of the outputs of a convolutional encoder can be carried out by the well-known Viterbi algorithm. The communication pattern of the Viterbi Algorithm is given as a graph, called trellis, associated to the state diagram of the corresponding encoder. In this paper we present a methodology that permits the efficient mapping of the Viterbi algorithm onto a column of an arbitrary number of processors. This is done through the representation of the data flow by using mathematical operators which present an inmediate hardware projection. A single operator string has been obtained to represent a generic encoder through the study of the data flow of free-forward encoders and feed-back encoders. The formal model developed is employed for the partitioning of the computations among an arbitrary number of processors in such a way that the data are recirculated opimizing the use of the processors and the communications. As a result, we obtain a highly regular and modular architecture suitable for VLSI implementation.  相似文献   
In arc welding processes, because of the complexity and nonlinearity of heat transfer phenomena, it is often difficult to design an effective control system based upon an exact mathematical model. In this paper, a self-organizing fuzzy control method is proposed to obtain a uniform weld quality by regulation of the surface temperature at a desired level. The proposed control system is designed to comprise a combined structure of the fuzzy SOC with conventional PD control for improving the system's stability. The control experiments show that the proposed controller guarantees a uniform weld quality for various welding conditions.  相似文献   
A new optimization model is discussed for the design of cellular manufacturing systems. It is based on an integer programming formulation that updates some other models by eliminating redundant machine assignment and cost coefficients dependent on cell configuration. To reduce computational burdens, a simplified integer programming model and a decomposition algorithm are proposed. Several computer solutions were performed to evaluate the performance of the new model. The computational results are discussed.  相似文献   
An analytical method is presented for calculating the resonant frequency andQ-factor of a superconducting dielectric disk resonator operating in millimeter-wave regime with whispering-gallery mode. Resonant frequency shift due to the optical generation of quasi-particles in superconducting film is investigated as a function of photon flux. An optically tunable resonant frequency of about 500 MHz is estimated, and good agreement is found between numerical results and experimental ones.  相似文献   
Summary Recent progress in the modelling of exchanged Cu sites and their interactions with small molecules, based on DFT cluster calculations, is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   
The Yankee Atomic Electric Company test irradiation program was implemented to characterize the irradiation response of representative Yankee Rowe reactor vessel beltline plate materials and to remove uncertainties in the analysis of existing irradiation data on the Yankee Rowe reactor vessel steel. Plate materials each containing 0·24 w/o copper, but different nickel contents at 0·63 w/o and 0·19 w/o, were heat treated to simulate the Yankee vessel heat treatment (austenitized at 982°C (1800°F)) and to simulate Regulatory Guide 1·99 database materials (austenitized at 871°C (1600°F)). These heat treatments produced different microstructures so the effect of microstructure on irradiation damage sensitivity could be tested. Because the nickel content of the test plates varied and the copper level was constant, the effect of nickel on irradiation embrittlement was also tested. Correlation monitor material, HSST-02, was included in the program to benchmark the Ford Nuclear Reactor (University of Michigan Test Reactor) which had never been used before for this type of irradiation program. Materials taken from plate surface locations (versus 1/4T) were included to test whether or not the improved toughness properties of the plate surface layer, resulting from the rapid quench, are maintained after irradiation. If the improved properties are maintained, pressurized thermal shock calculations could utilize this margin. Finally, for one experiment, irradiations were conducted at two irradiation temperatures (260°C and 288°C) to determine the effect of irradiation temperature on embrittlement. The preliminary results of the irradiation program show an average temperature effect of 38°C for a 28°C difference in irradiation temperature. The results suggest that for nickel bearing steels, the superior toughness of plate surface material is maintained after irradiation and for the copper content tested, nickel has little effect on irradiation response. No apparent microstructure effect on irradiation response was noted and the HSST-02 material's response to irradiation was similar to results from power reactor and other test reactor tests, thus qualifying the Ford Test Reactor for irradiation experiments such as those conducted for the Yankee Atomic program.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the development of a fatigue crack growth model for high temperature complex loading and application to turbine disc conditions. The proposed model is based on an extensive experimental study performed on Astroloy at 650°C, which comprises fatigue with or without hold times, special tests with holds at intermediate loads, fast-slow or slow-fast triangular waves, sequence tests, etc.

The crack growth model is built up in the framework of classical linear elastic fracture mechanics. Its structure is quite simple and is supported by previously developed fatigue crack growth models and a companion study made at École des Mines de Paris (EMP) for the oxidation processes on Astrology.  相似文献   

In an attempt to develop new catalysts for the formation of formaldehyde from methane, the promotion effect of Fe on SiO2 and that of Sn on WO3 have been studied. The formation of formaldehyde on silica can be appreciably enhanced by the impregnation of Fe, as far as iron loadings are kept below 0.1 atom.% (Fe/Si × 100). In the case of Sn---W---Ox catalysts, both the addition of Sn to WO3, and that of W on SnO2 were effective to the selective formaldehyde formation. Absorption spectra (UV-Vis) and ESR measurements revealed that tetrahedrally coordinated Fe3+ in the silica network plays an important role in the formation of formaldehyde. A thin surface layer consisting of W and Sn oxides can account for the selective formaldehyde formation on the Sn---W---Ox catalysts.  相似文献   
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