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Russian color naming was explored in a web‐based experiment. The purpose was 3‐fold: to examine (1) CIELAB coordinates of centroids for 12 Russian basic color terms (BCTs), including 2 Russian terms for “blue”, sinij “dark blue”, and goluboj “light blue”, and compare these with coordinates for the 11 English BCTs obtained in earlier studies; (2) frequent nonBCTs; and (3) gender differences in color naming. Native Russian speakers participated in the experiment using an unconstrained color‐naming method. Each participant named 20 colors, selected from 600 colors densely sampling the Munsell Color Solid. Color names and response times of typing onset were registered. Several deviations between centroids of the Russian and English BCTs were found. The 2 “Russian blues”, as expected, divided the BLUE area along the lightness dimension; their centroids deviated from a centroid of English blue. Further minor departures were found between centroids of Russian and English counterparts of “brown” and “red”. The Russian color inventory confirmed the linguistic refinement of the PURPLE area, with high frequencies of nonBCTs. In addition, Russian speakers revealed elaborated naming strategies and use of a rich inventory of nonBCTs. Elicitation frequencies of the 12 BCTs were comparable for both genders; however, linguistic segmentation of color space, employing a synthetic observer, revealed gender differences in naming colors, with more refined naming of the “warm” colors from females. We conclude that, along with universal perceptual factors, that govern categorical partition of color space, Russian speakers’ color naming reflects language‐specific factors, supporting the weak relativity hypothesis.  相似文献   
Features of the content and distribution of vanadium and vanadyl porphyrins in the fractions of resins, which were obtained by separation using column chromatography on silica, have been studied on heavy sulfurous oils of various deposits of the Volga–Ural basin (Russia). The difference of the vanadium and vanadyl porphyrin contents in the fractions of oils of various production complexes has been shown. Features of structural–group composition and predominant types of vanadyl porphyrins in the fractions of resins have been determined.  相似文献   
In this paper, we report methods for correction of selectivity of sorbents based on N-(2-sulfoethyl)chitosan towards platinum(IV) and palladium(II) in HCl solutions. The common method for correction of selectivity of the sorbents is variation of their modification degree with complexing groups. An increase in the degree of sulfoethylation of the chitosan leads to the significant increase in selectivity of sorption of palladium(II) over platinum(IV). Application of the N-(2-sulfoethyl)chitosan with the highest degree of sulfoethylation allows for selective separation palladium(II) from platinum(IV) (рН = 5.0). Palladium is quantitatively desorbed from the surface of the N-(2-sulfoethyl)chitosans by 3.5 mol/dm3 solution of HCl.  相似文献   
Image calibration requires both linearization of pixel values and scaling so that values in the image correspond to real‐world luminances. In this paper we focus on the latter and rather than rely on camera characterization, we calibrate images by analysing their content and metadata, obviating the need for expensive measuring devices or modeling of lens and camera combinations. Our analysis correlates sky pixel values to luminances that would be expected based on geographical metadata. Combined with high dynamic range (HDR) imaging, which gives us linear pixel data, our algorithm allows us to find absolute luminance values for each pixel—effectively turning digital cameras into absolute light meters. To validate our algorithm we have collected and annotated a calibrated set of HDR images and compared our estimation with several other approaches, showing that our approach is able to more accurately recover absolute luminance. We discuss various applications and demonstrate the utility of our method in the context of calibrated color appearance reproduction and lighting design.  相似文献   
The objective of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of several different methods for controlling the pore size and pore size distribution in activated carbon fibers. Variables studied included fiber shape, activation time, and the addition of small amounts of silver nitrate. Pure isotropic pitch and the same isotropic pitch containing 1 wt.% silver were melt spun to form fibers with round and trilobal cross sections. These fibers were then stabilized, carbonized, and activated in carbon dioxide. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE SEM), electron dispersive spectra (EDS), and wavelength dispersive spectra (WDS) were used to monitor the size and distribution of the silver particles in the fibers before and after activation. Each of these analyses showed that the distribution of silver particles was extremely uniform before and after activation. The fibers were also weighed before and after activation to determine the percent burn-off. The BET specific surface areas of the activated fibers were determined from N2 adsorption isotherms measured at −196 °C. The results showed that round and trilobal fibers with equivalent cross-sectional areas yielded similar burn-off values and specific surface areas after activation. Also, activation rates were found to be independent of CO2 flow rate. The porosity of the activated fibers depended on the total time of activation and the cross-sectional area of fibers. The N2 adsorption measurements showed that the activated fibers had extremely high specific surface areas (greater than 3000 m2/g) and high degrees of meso- and macro-porosity. FE SEM was also used to investigate surface texture and size of pore openings on the surfaces of the activated fibers. The photos showed that silver particles generated surface macro- and mesopores, in agreement with the inferences from N2 adsorption measurements.  相似文献   
Electrochemically synthesized polypyrrole thin films doped with glutamic ions were investigated as interesting materials for potential use as molecularly selective surfaces. Pyrrole and glutamate interact in aqueous solution, resulting in the formation of a prominent band at 240 nm in the absorption spectra of the solution. This feature was assigned to the formation of a complex, which significantly influences the electrochemical deposition of polypyrrole films doped with glutamate. It was also detected that oxidation of these complexes leads to the appearance of a shoulder in the absorption spectrum at 270 nm, which corresponds to the yellowish color of pyrrole aged under influence of air. A mechanism is proposed for polymer film growth in aqueous solutions containing monosodium L ‐glutamate and pyrrole. It takes into account the observed influence of the pH of the solution, the concentration of reagents, the zwitterionic properties of glutamate on deposition, and results from spectroscopic measurements. It is also shown that glutamic ions can electrochemically be released from the synthesized polymer layers. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2009  相似文献   
This article discloses a new horizon for the application of peroxides in medical chemistry. Stable cyclic peroxides are demonstrated to have cytotoxic activity against cancer cells; in addition a mechanism of cytotoxic action is proposed. Synthetic bridged 1,2,4,5-tetraoxanes and ozonides were effective against HepG2 cancer cells and some ozonides selectively targeted liver cancer cells (the selectivity indexes for compounds 11 b and 12 a are 8 and 5, respectively). In some cases, tetraoxanes and ozonides were more selective than paclitaxel, artemisinin, and artesunic acid. Annexin V flow-cytometry analysis revealed that the active ozonides 22 a and 23 a induced cell death of HepG2 by apoptosis. Further study showed that compounds 22 a and 23 a exhibited a strong inhibitory effect on P-glycoprotein (P-gp/ABCB5)-overexpressing HepG2 cancer cells. ABCB5 is a key player in the multidrug-resistant phenotype of liver cancer. Peroxides failed to demonstrate a direct correlation between oxidative potential and their biological activity. To our knowledge this is the first time that peroxide diastereoisomers have been found to show stereospecific antimalarial action against the chloroquine-sensitive 3D7 strain of Plasmodium falciparum. Stereoisomeric ozonide 12 b is 11 times more active than stereoisomeric ozonide 12 a (IC50=5.81 vs 65.18 μm ). Current findings mean that ozonides merit further investigation as potential therapeutic agents for drug-resistant hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   
The present study is focused on the investigation of gravity effect on thermocapillary deformations in a film flowing under action of co-current gas flow, which creates the tangential force on the gas–liquid interface. The influence of local heating intensity on the heater at a substrate is also investigated. Effects of surface tension, temperature dependent viscosity and thermocapillarity are taken into account. Investigations have shown that gravity has a significant effect on the film deformations and pattern. Decreasing of gravity level leads to a flow destabilization. 3D liquid film pattern noticeably changes in spanwise direction. Increasing of heat flux leads to increasing of liquid film deformations. Dependence of film thinning on heat flux is strongly nonlinear. The most dangerous deformations (regions of minimum film thickness with possible disruption of liquid) take place behind the downstream edge of the heater at any gravity conditions.  相似文献   
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