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Extracellular vesicles (EV) derived from stem cells have become an effective complement to the use in cell therapy of stem cells themselves, which has led to an explosion of research into the mechanisms of vesicle formation and their action. There is evidence demonstrating the presence of mitochondrial components in EV, but a definitive conclusion about whether EV contains fully functional mitochondria has not yet been made. In this study, two EV fractions derived from mesenchymal stromal stem cells (MSC) and separated by their size were examined. Flow cytometry revealed the presence of mitochondrial lipid components capable of interacting with mitochondrial dyes MitoTracker Green and 10-nonylacridine orange; however, the EV response to the probe for mitochondrial membrane potential was negative. Detailed analysis revealed components from all mitochondria compartments, including house-keeping mitochondria proteins and DNA as well as energy-related proteins such as membrane-localized proteins of complexes I, IV, and V, and soluble proteins from the Krebs cycle. When assessing the functional activity of mitochondria, high variability in oxygen consumption was noted, which was only partially attributed to mitochondrial respiratory activity. Our findings demonstrate that the EV contain all parts of mitochondria; however, their independent functionality inside EV has not been confirmed, which may be due either to the absence of necessary cofactors and/or the EV formation process and, probably the methodology of obtaining EV.  相似文献   
Starch-coated magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles have been synthesized by a simple, fast, and cost-effective co-precipitation method with cornstarch as a stabilizing agent. The structural and magnetic characteristics of the synthesized material have been studied by transmission electron microscopy, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and vibrating sample magnetometry. The nature of bonds between ferrihydrite nanoparticles and a starch shell has been examined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The data on the magnetic response of the prepared composite particles have been obtained by magnetic measurements. The determined magnetic characteristics make the synthesized material a good candidate for use in magnetic separation. Starch-coated magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles have been tested as an affinity sorbent for one-step purification of several recombinant proteins (cardiac troponin I, survivin, and melanoma inhibitory activity protein) bearing the maltose-binding protein as an auxiliary fragment. It has been shown that, due to the highly specific binding of this fragment to the starch shell, the target fusion protein is selectively immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles and eluted with the maltose solution. The excellent efficiency of column-free purification, high binding capacity of the sorbent (100–500 µg of a recombinant protein per milligram of starch-coated magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles), and reusability of the obtained material have been demonstrated.  相似文献   
Feature-based method for detecting landmarks from facial images was designed. The method was based on extracting oriented edges and constructing edge maps at two resolution levels. Edge regions with characteristic edge pattern formed landmark candidates. The method ensured invariance to expressions while detecting eyes. Nose and mouth detection was deteriorated by happiness and disgust.  相似文献   

The corrosivity of atmosphere in the continental territory of Russia toward carbon steel, zinc, copper and aluminium was determined and estimated. The atmosphere corrosivity was determined from experimental data on first-year corrosion losses in representative test locations. The atmosphere corrosivity was estimated using first-year corrosion losses of structural materials calculated by means of dose–response functions: new ones (DRFN) and those presented in ISO 9223 (DRFS). Estimation of atmosphere corrosivity in the Russian Federation (RF) territory was performed using the data bank of the Institute of physical chemistry and electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences containing long-term annual average meteorological atmosphere parameters. The mapping of RF continental territory by categories of atmosphere corrosivity is presented. The atmosphere corrosivities estimated by DRFN and DRFS for each metal are compared. It has been shown that DRFN provides more reliable atmosphere corrosivity estimates.  相似文献   
This paper considers a flow of a liquid sheared by gas in a flat mini-channel with two identical heaters arranged in a row one after another in a streamwise direction at the bottom wall. The present study is focused on the investigation of influence of local heaters arrangement and size on thermocapillary deformations in a viscous film, gravity effect is also investigated. 3D one-sided model is considered, viscosity of the liquid is supposed to be temperature dependent. Numerical analysis reveals that interaction and mutual influence of 3D structures takes place. Film pattern changes qualitatively depending on the heaters arrangement and form. For rectangular heaters a middle stream exists. Minimum film thickness value increases and its location moves to heater edges for rectangular heaters. A critical backlash between two heaters, at which film thinning is the largest, exists. Gravity significantly affects on the film deformations. Decreasing of gravity level leads to a flow destabilization and film deformations, especially film thinning, essentially increases.  相似文献   
The growth and ordering of {5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-bromophenyl)porphyrinato}nickel(II) (NiTBrPP) molecules on the Au(111) surface have been investigated using scanning tunnelling microscopy, X-ray absorption, core-level photoemission, and microbeam low-energy electron diffraction. When deposited onto the substrate at room temperature, the NiTBrPP forms a well-ordered close-packed molecular layer in which the molecules have a flat orientation with the porphyrin macrocycle plane lying parallel to the substrate. Annealing of the NiTBrPP layer on the Au(111) surface at 525 K leads to dissociation of bromine from the porphyrin followed by the formation of covalent bonds between the phenyl substituents of the porphyrin. This results in the formation of continuous covalently bonded porphyrin networks, which are stable up to 800 K and can be recovered after exposure to ambient conditions. By controlling the experimental conditions, a robust, extended porphyrin network can be prepared on the Au(111) surface that has many potential applications such as protective coatings, in sensing or as a host structure for molecules and clusters.  相似文献   
It is demonstrated how cellular uptake and protein corona of (co)polymer‐coated gold nanoparticles can be altered by the hydrophilic‐to‐hydrophobic comonomer ratio. A novel, label‐free flow cytometry strategy is developed to investigate particle uptake. These findings offer insight in the design and analysis of hybrid nanomaterials for interfacing with biological systems.  相似文献   
A number of backscatter power enhancement events with "equatorward-moving radar auroral forms" in the high-latitude ionosphere were observed by SuperDARN CUTLASS Finland radar when the IMF was northward during 09:00 -10:00 UT on 26 March 2004. These events were also associated with sunward flow enhancements at each location in the Northern Hemisphere which were shown in ionospheric convections measured by the SuperDARN radars. These are typical features of high-latitude (lobe) magnetic reconnections. The durations of the velocity enhancements imply that the evolution time of the lobe reconnections is about 8-16 min from their origin at the reconnection site to their addition to the magnetotail lobe again. In additional, the Double Star TC-1 spacecraft was moving from magnetosheath into magnetosphere, and crossing the magnetopause near the subsolar region during this interval, and observed typical low-latitude magnetic reconnection signatures. This infers that the dayside high- and low-latitude reconnections may occur simultaneously.  相似文献   
Carbon‐encapsulated ferromagnetic Cobalt nanoparticles (Co@C) have been synthesized by catalytic chemical vapour deposition (CCVD). The nanoparticles, mainly ranging between 10 and 15 nm, are tightly encapsulated by 2–3 concentric graphitic carbon shells and protected from oxidation. Because of their magnetic properties (saturation magnetization of 106 emu/g and a coercivity HC of 250 Oe), Co@C nanoparticles have been investigated for hyperthermia application. Although the observed values of the specific absorption rate (28.7 W/gCo@C at 30 kA/m and 215.4 W/gCo@C at 70 kA/m) are slightly lower than required in actual hyperthermia therapies, the observed strong heating effect provides a very promising starting point for future clinical application. It is also demonstrated that these nanoparticles can at the same time be used for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with an efficiency comparable to commercially available T2 contrast agents.  相似文献   
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