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The Journal of Supercomputing - The number of transmit and receiver antennas is an important factor that affects the performance and complexity of a MIMO system. A MIMO system with very large...  相似文献   
One of the problems in the field of mobile robotics is the estimation of the robot position in an environment. This paper proposes a model for estimating a confidence interval of the robot position in order to compare it with the estimation made by a dead-reckoning system. Both estimations are fused using heuristic rules. The positioning model is very valuable in estimating the current robot position with or without knowledge about the previous positions. Furthermore, it is possible to define the degree of knowledge of the robot previous position, making it possible to adapt the estimation by varying this knowledge degree. This model is based on a one-pass neural network which adapts itself in real time and learns about the relationship between the measurements from sensors and the robot position.  相似文献   
A possible way of improving the activity and selectivity profile of antitumor agents is to design drug carrier systems employing soluble macromolecules. Thus, four resorcinarene-PAMAM-dendrimer conjugates of chlorambucil with different groups in the lower part of the macrocycle and different length dendritic arms showed a good stability of the chemical link between drug and spacer. Evaluation of the cytotoxicity of the resorcinarene-PAMAM-dendrimer–chlorambucil conjugate employing a sulforhodamine B (SRB) assay in K-562 (human chronic myelogenous leukemia cells) demonstrated that the conjugate was more potent as an antiproliferative agent than chlorambucil.  相似文献   
The development of an electrosynthesized imprinted polypyrrole (PPY) film onto a platinum sheet as sorbent phase for a fluoroquinolone antibiotic (levofloxacin) is described. Experimental conditions for the electropolymerization of PPY in the presence of the template were optimized. The molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) film was characterized by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) to verify the template entrapment in the polymeric matrix. After being subject to washing procedures, MIP was analyzed by XPS and a very satisfactory template removal was estimated being equal to 83%. The effectiveness of washing protocol was assessed also by UV-vis and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analysis of corresponding washing solutions. Rebinding experiments were performed by exposing the imprinted PPY film to levofloxacin solutions, subsequently analyzed by HPLC. The effect of solvent and time of exposure was investigated. The imprinting effect was verified by comparing recognition abilities of both MIP and not imprinted polymer (a polymer prepared in the same conditions but in the absence of the template).  相似文献   
One of the applications of workflow systems is the management of administrative processes characterized by the transmission of information elements among users of an organization. Tasks contained in these processes are carried out by users responsible for confirming, modifying or adding information throughout. These processes need to be defined in workflow management systems in which all the elements are perfectly identified and are easily adaptable to changes that may arise in the sequences of tasks, in the users involved or in the data transmitted from one task to another. For this kind of processes is easier to reuse those represented in ontologies. On one hand, existing ontologies for representing some domain elements can be reused. At the same time, ontologies have an excellent expressive capacity to define tasks, their relationships and the flow control among them with precision. This paper proposes a complete model, together with the necessary software tools, for tackling this issue.
álvaro E. PrietoEmail:

álvaro E. Prieto   is a teaching/research assistant professor of Computer Science at the University of Extremadura, Spain. He has an MSc in Computer Science from the University of Extremadura (2000). His Ph.D. research addresses the use of ontologies in workflows. He is currently involved in various national and regional R&D&I projects. Adolfo Lozano-Tello   is teaching/research assistant professor of Computer Science Department at University of Extremadura, Spain. He is a Ph.D. (2002) with a special prize of extraordinary thesis about selection of ontologies for software applications. He has published more than 50 papers on the above issues on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering.  相似文献   
Teleoperated systems for ship hull maintenance (TOS) are robotic systems for ship maintenance tasks, such as cleaning or painting a ship’s hull. The product line paradigm has recently been applied to TOS, and a TOS reference architecture has thus been designed. However, TOS requirements specifications have not been developed in any rigorous way with reuse in mind. We therefore believe that an opportunity exists to increase the abstraction level at which stakeholders can reason about this product line. This paper reports an experience in which this TOS domain was analyzed, including the lessons learned in the construction and use of the TOS domain model. The experience is based on the application of extensions of well-known domain analysis techniques, together with the use of quality attribute templates traced to a feature model to deal with non-functional issues. A qualitative research method (action research) was used to carry out the experience.  相似文献   
We introduce mobile agents for mobile crowdsensing. Crowdsensing campaigns are designed through different roles that are implemented as mobile agents. The role-based tasks of mobile agents include collecting data, analyzing data and sharing data in the campaign. Mobile agents execute and control the campaign autonomously as a multi-agent system and migrate in the opportunistic network of participants’ devices. Mobile agents take into account the available resources in the devices and match participants’ privacy requirements to the campaign requirements. Sharing of task results in real-time facilitates cooperation towards the campaign goal while maintaining a selected global measure, such as energy efficiency. We discuss current challenges in crowdsensing and propose mobile agent based solutions for campaign execution and monitoring, addressing data collection and participant-related issues. We present a software framework for mobile agents-based crowdsensing that is seamlessly integrated into the Web. A set of simulations are conducted to compare mobile agent-based campaigns with existing crowdsensing approaches. We implemented and evaluated a small-scale real-world mobile agent based campaign for pedestrian flock detection. The simulation and evaluation results show that mobile agent based campaigns produce comparable results with less energy consumption when the number of agents is relatively small and enables in-network data processing with sharing of data and task results with insignificant overhead.  相似文献   
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