As applications continue to demand increasingly higher optical output power and longer lifetime, thermo-mechanical stresses on dissimilar materials interfaced for packaging pose an ever-growing challenge for the realization of a durable system. Particularly important for an epitaxy-down configuration is the die-attachment interface, which is desired to be defect free and stress managed for reliable optical alignment. A knowledge of the changes in the physical defect density and magnitude of the thermo-mechanical stress present in the active region as a function of the fabrication process and aging is crucial to an understanding of the influence of the process parameters and operating conditions on device performance and reliability. In this study, we investigated high power laser diode array packages aged under various conditions. Microscopic defect analyses of the die attachment interface and device stress were carried out using primarily metallography, scanning electron microscopy, scanning acoustic microscopy, microhardness, and micro-Raman spectroscopy. It was noted that the intermetallic compounds and microscopic physical defects at the die attach interface are detrimental to transient heat transfer, and thus, overall package reliability. Using micro-Raman spectroscopy, we found that tensile stress near the bar-package interface increases with aging for the first few hundred hours and then decreases with further aging. 相似文献
The present paper investigates the impact of three radiation patterns of LED namely Lambertian, Batwing, Elliptical on the BER performance of 4 × 4 indoor multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) visible light communication (VLC) system. The BER simulation has been done using LOS and LOS plus first reflection (L-R1) signals for ceiling-mounted and wall-mounted LEDs. For the case of ceiling-mounted LEDs, impulse response and BER have been computed using those radiation patterns at the centre and corner of a room (5 m × 5 m × 3 m). It has been found that LED having Elliptical radiation profile is more suitable for LOS signal when receiver is placed at the centre position whereas, Batwing radiation is suitable for L-R1 signal, both at the centre and corner positions. In the case of wall-mounted LEDs, impulse response and BER have been determined at the centre of the room using LOS and L-R1 signals. The results show that Batwing has least BER using LOS signal due to its wide radiation beam, but for L-R1 signal, the Elliptical profile having its narrow radiation beam has provided better BER performance. The present study shows that the BER in MIMO-VLC system not only depends on the transmitter and receiver position but also on the radiation patterns of LED and higher order reflection signals.
A microwave field-effect transistor with nonalloyed ohmic contacts is fabricated using the technique of regrowing a heavily doped region under the contact metallization by molecular beam epitaxy through a preliminarily formed dielectric mask. The fabricated field-effect transistor with a gate length of 0.18 µm and a total width of 100 µm has a current–amplification cutoff frequency of 66 GHz and ohmic contact resistivity of 0.15-0.18 Ω mm. 相似文献
In wavelength routed optical networks, the number of wavelength channels is limited due to several constraints and each wavelength
as well as each lightpath support traffic in the Gbps range. On the other hand, the traffic requested by an individual connection
is still in the Mbps range. Therefore, to utilize the network resources (such as bandwidth and transceivers) effectively,
several low-speed traffic streams have to be efficiently groomed or multiplexed into one or more high-speed lightpaths. The
grooming problem of a static demand is considered as an optimization problem. In this work, we have investigated the traffic
grooming problem with the objective of maximizing the network throughput for wavelength-routed mesh networks and map this
problem to the clique partitioning problem. We have proposed an algorithm to handle general multi-hop static traffic grooming
based on the clique partitioning concept. The efficiency of our approach has been established through extensive simulation
on different sets of traffic demands with different bandwidth granularities for different network topologies and compared
the approach with existing algorithms. 相似文献
An article is presented describing the background information on the use of ozone, bacteriocins and irradiation for destroying pathogens in food products. Their effectiveness on some pathogens of importance in food processing systems and issues of concern are highlighted. It could be concluded that although each one has the potential for use as an alternative preservation technology in specific food processing applications, no single method, except irradiation, is likely to be effective against all food spoilage and food poisoning microorganisms in all food matrices. However, the synergistic effect of one of these methods and other 'hurdles' or modes of food preservations could be used to ensure the microbial safety and prevention of the development of undesirable sensory and chemical changes in some food products. Bacteriocins may contribute an additional barrier in the 'hurdle concept' of food safety. 相似文献
Dynamic, in situ wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) studies of the melt crystallization of injection-molded poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK) have been carried out using an X-ray diffractometer and a position-sensitive detector. A test cell has been fabricated to fit inside the diffractometer and yet work as a complete injection molding apparatus. The rate of crystallization has been shown to increase with decreasing crystallization temperature and/or increasing flow rate in the mold. The crystallization rate decreases dramatically with increase in melt soak time at 400°C. The crystallinity index, which affects the stiffness, toughness, and fracture behavior of PEEK, has been measured under various processing conditions, by wide angle X-ray scattering, so as to optimize the process parameters: molding time, mold temperature, melt temperature, soak time at melt temperature, and flow rate. It has been shown that the crystallinity and hence the elastic modulus increase with increase in crystallization temperature and/or flow rate. Chain orientation has been shown to be absent in the bulk of the injection-molded specimens under normal molding conditions. 相似文献
Uranium in the urine of 10 uranium miners (hewers), 27 members of general population and 11 family members of miners was determined by the High-Resolution ICP-MS method. Concentration of uranium in urine of the miners was converted to daily excretion of (238)U under the assumption that the daily excretion of urine is 2 l and compared with the modelled excretion of (238)U. Daily excretion of (238)U was modelled using input data from personal dosemeters from a component for measurement of intake of long-lived alpha radionuclides. A reasonable agreement between evaluated and measured values was found. The uncertainty of inhalation intakes, derived from measurements of filters from personal dosemeters, and uncertainty of concentration of uranium in urine are discussed. 相似文献