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Conventional approach of dealing with more users per coverage area in cellular networks implies densifying the amount of (Access Point) AP which will eventually result in a larger carbon footprint. In this paper, we propose a base station off-loading and cell range extension (CRE) scheme based on multi-hop device-to-device (MHD2D) path selection between transmitter and receiver node. The paper also provides derivations of upper and lower bounds for energy efficiency, capacity, and transmit power. The proposed path selection scheme is inspired by the foraging behavior of honey bees. We present the algorithm as a modified variant of the artificial bee colony algorithm (MVABC). The proposed optimization problem is modeled as a minimization problem where we optimize the Energy Efficiency (EE). The proposed path selection MVABC is compared with the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and also with classical artificial bee colony (ABC) through simulations and statistical analysis. The student’s t-test, p-value, and standard error of means (SEM) clearly show that MVABC based path selection out-performs the GA and classical ABC schemes. MVABC based approach is 66% more efficient when compared with classic ABC and about 62% efficient when compared with GA based scheme.  相似文献   
The in-cylinder pressure of internal combustion engines is one of the most important measurable parameter for analyzing the factors affecting performance characteristics of the engine. In many studies, in-cylinder pressure data are averaged over certain number of cycles at each crank angle in order to observe the effects of the parameters. If the number of cycles included is low, then the results may be misleading due to cyclic variations of in-cylinder pressure. The desired level of accuracy can only be obtained if the number of cycles is increased with increasing cyclic variations. The number of cycles used by researchers varies in the literature even for the same subject of study such as research and development, cyclic variations, cycle simulation, etc. There is no general agreement about how many cycle should be taken to obtain the average cycle to remove the effects of cyclic variations. The purpose of this study is therefore to determine the sufficient minimum cycle number at various engine operating conditions on a spark ignition engine by using statistical Levene’s test. The results showed that 50 cycles are enough to do accurate calculation of the average pressure cycle at various operation conditions of the engine.  相似文献   
Markov models of queuing-inventory systems with demands of two types are proposed. In these systems, two restocking policies are used: policies with fixed and variable demand size. High-priority demands have no access constraints while low-priority demands are accepted if the total number of demands in the system is less than a given threshold. Methods are developed to calculate performance measures of the systems under study and problems of their optimization are solved. Results of the numerical experiments are shown.  相似文献   
The theory of phonon-drag thermopower resulting from a temperature gradient in the plane of a two-dimensional electron gas layer in a parabolic quantum well is developed. The interaction mechanisms between electrons and acoustic phonons are considered, taking into account potential screening of the interaction. It is found that the effect of electron drag by phonons makes a significant contribution to the thermopower of the two-dimensional electron gas. It is shown that the consideration of screening has a significant effect on the drag thermopower. For the temperature dependence of the thermopower in a parabolic GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well in the temperature range of 1–10 K, good agreement between the obtained theoretical results and experiments is shown.  相似文献   
Conductivity σ(T) and Hall constant R(B, T) are studied for Ag2Te with excess 0.1% of Te. The change in the R sign from (?) to (+) is found in dependences R(B) at various temperatures. In the temperature dependences of R in a range of 1–3 kG, two extrema are found, namely, minimum at T ~ 60 and maximum at T ≈ 80 K, and at B ≥ 5 kG, the double change in sign of R from (?) to (+) and from (+) to (?) is found. Temperatures of sign inversion for R depend on the magnetic field. At B = 15 kG, the sign of R varies from (?) to (+) at T ≈ 38 K, and from (+) to (?) at T ~ 70 K. It is found approximately in the region of the change in the sign of R(T), the concentration n(T) and electrical conductivity pass through the minimum. It is established that the minima of n(T) and σ(T), extrema in R(T), and sign inversion for R(T) from (?) to (+) as well as the overestimated temperature dependence nT 4 are caused by localization of conduction electrons at acceptor levels entering the conduction band of Ag2Te. The values of parameters of electrons (n, μ n ) and holes (p, μ p ) at the points of the change in the sign of R(T) from (?) to (+) and from (+) to (?) are determined.  相似文献   
This article presents the implementation of hybrid procedures involving the use of analytical performance evaluation techniques, discrete event simulation, and Monte Carlo optimization methods for the stochastic design optimization of asynchronous flexible assembly systems (AFASs) with statistical process control (SPC) and repair loops. AFASs are extremely complex and difficult to analyze in that such systems are subject to starvation and blocking effects, random jam occurrences at workstations, and splitting and merging of the assembly flow due to repair loops. Hence, an integrated approach simultaneously analyzing the interactions between product quality and optimal/near optimal system design is pursued. In the analytical analysis stage, a model based on GI/G/1 queueing network theory is used. In the Monte Carlo optimization stage, two alternative stochastic optimization approaches, namely, heuristic versions of stochastic quasigradient and simulated annealing algorithms, are implemented and compared in terms of their capabilities of solving complex AFAS design problems. The hybrid procedures presented appear to perform reasonably well in designing AFASs to reach a target production rate.  相似文献   
Physical (colour), chemical (pH, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), thiobarbituric acid values (TBA)) and microbiological (total aerobic mesophylic bacteria, salmonella, coliform, yeast and mould counts) analyses were carried out on thawed European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Different thawing treatments were used (in a refrigerator, in water, in air at ambient temperature and in a microwave oven). The results obtained were compared statistically with those of fresh fish. pH, TBA and a values of thawed samples usually decreased significantly (P < 0.05) when compared to the fresh control. Salmonella was not detected in any of the samples. Coliform and mould counts of fresh control and thawed samples were <1 CFU/g. Total aerobic mesophylic bacteria count of all thawed fish decreased. However, the yeast count of the refrigerator–thawed samples increased. The lowest total aerobic mesophylic bacteria and yeast counts were determined in water–thawed samples. Water thawing is therefore suitable for frozen eel.  相似文献   
The inhibition of corrosion of a steel surface by an inhibitor, tributyl(cyclohexyl)ammonium chloride (TBCA), was investigated by gravimetric and electrochemical polarization measurements in various aqueous solutions of HCl and H2SO4 acids. It is known that the most extensive corrosive destruction proceeds during the initial stage of contact between the metallic surface and the aggressive surroundings. The change from H2SO4 to HCl considerably decreases the time for formation of an adsorption layer. The high adsorption of the surface‐active cationic TBCA on the steel electrode surface can be explained by the specific adsorption of Cl? anions increasing the negative charge on the electrode surface. It was observed that the value of the polarizing current can be increased from time to time by addition of more TBCA inhibitor. This fact can be explained by the low stability of the film‐forming layer on the steel. A similar decrease of the protective effect was also observed in HCl solution. The inhibitor provides at least a slowing of the corrosion process (τ = 21 min). It was found that an increase in H2SO4 concentration from 1.0 to 0.2 N did not change the protective action of the inhibitor and had rather high values (θ = 283 ma/h, ψ = 84%, and τ = 14 min at [I] = 3.5 × 10?4 mol/L). It was shown that the attraction constant has a negative value (A = ?1.5 and Ka = 22.3) for the inhibitor, which relates to a high value for the adsorption ability of TBCA in HCl solution and therefore with the intermolecular repulsive force between adsorption molecules having similar charges. The protective action of TBCA increases with an increase in temperature, which is correlated with the chemical nature of its adsorption on the steel surface.  相似文献   
The compaction pressure on the fibrous preform is one of the most critical parameters in vacuum assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM), which significantly affects the preform permeability, mold filling time, and final thickness of the fabricated composite. In this study, the compaction pressure on the vacuum bag was controlled during and after the mold filling to achieve rapid impregnation and improve the fiber volume fraction of the laminate. It was shown that the dynamic pressure control (1) enabled the manipulation of the fabric permeability and faster distribution of the resin to decrease the mold filling time, (2) improved the dimensional uniformity of the laminate by reducing the thickness variation, and (3) increased the fiber volume fraction by further consolidating the preform and removing the excess resin. One of the most essential and prominent features of the process was shown to be the resin removal from the inlet by applying external pressure, which reduced the thickness variation in laminates from 15 to 1%. The mold filling time was reduced by 48% compared with conventional VARTM, while achieving a high fiber volume fraction up to 64% and a low void content of below 1%. POLYM. COMPOS., 40:2482–2494, 2019. © 2018 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   
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