It is very difficult to quantify aggregate pores directly in a way that allows pore/water interaction to be accurately related to hardened concrete properties. This work examines, a number of aggregates through water absorption checks and gives results of tests on some concretes made with them. Three especially relevant concrete properties are examined, initial surface absorption, freeze/thaw behaviour and drying shrinkage; it is shown that aggregate absorption is reflected in these properties. 相似文献
Edge of Empire: Postcolonialism and the City. Jane M. Jacobs. London and New York, Routledge, 1996, 193 pp., £12.99 pb, ISBN 0–415–12007–1
Land for Industrial Development. David Adams, Lynne Russell & Clare Taylor‐Russell. London, E.&F.N. Spon, 1994, 289 pp., £37.50 hb, ISBN 0–419–19180–1
Urban Policy in Practice. Tim Blackman. London, Routledge, 1994, 320 pp., £14.99 pb, ISBN 0–415–09300–7
Planning, the Market and Private House‐building. G. Bramley, W. Bartlett & C. Lambert London, UCL Press, 1995, 192 pp., £11.95pb, ISBN 1–85728–163–2
Retail Planning Policies in Western Europe. Ross Davies. London, Routledge, 1995, 304 pp., £45.00 hb, ISBN 0–415–10997–3
Transport Concepts in European Cities. Tim Pharoah & Dieter Apel. Aldershot, Avebury, 1995, 291 pp., £42.50 hb, ISBN 1–859–72094–3
Building a New Heritage: Tourism, Culture and Identity in the New Europe. G.J. Ashworth & P.J. Larkham (Eds). London, Routledge, 1994, 278 pp., hb (out of print), ISBN 0–415–07931–4
Fractal Cities: A Geometry of Form and Function. Michael Batty & Paul Longley. London, Academic Press, 1994, 394 pp., £38.00 hb, ISBN 0–124–55570–5相似文献
Thin sections cut from cast concrete cylinders have been examined in transmitted light to investigate the significance of coarse aggregate type in “primary” microfracturing. Concretes manufactured with crushed-rock aggregates and gravel aggregates were studied and, in every case, the dominant fracture type was a parting of the aggregate-matrix bond. Bond cracking was least severe with the marble aggregate where epitaxial calcite over-growth was indicated. The ability of bond cracks to maintain continuity by bridging surface irregularities, via mortar cracks, reduced the inhibiting influence of rough-surfaced aggregate on bond-crack development. 相似文献
A short- and long-term toxicity study with α-hexachlorocyclohexane (α-HCH) was carried out with freshwater organisms of different trophic levels (algae, crustaceae and fishes). In this study mortality, immobilization, growth, reproduction, histopathologic changes and enzyme activities were chosen as criteria.Furthermore accumulation and elimination processes were investigated in separate organisms as well as the uptake of α-HCH by one organism and through a food-chain.Finally a tentative method for deriving an “ecological limit” for χ-HCH in surface water is described. 相似文献
A matrix method for the analysis of structural systems composed of thin-walled members is presented. The matrix displacement analysis includes the effects of thin-walled non-uniform torsion theory, cross-section asymmetry, eccentric restraint as well as joint types peculiar to thin-walled members. The method is used for a prediction of the elastic behaviour of a set of representative test frames. The test frames were pitched-roof portals constructed from channel sections bent about their major-axis and supported by eccentric restraints simulating purlins and girts. 相似文献
In order to protect the sensitive waters in Tolo harbour (Hong Kong), Sha Tin and Tai Po sewage-treatment works were first designed to remove 70% of the nitrogen load from the sewage. Since then, due to continuing serious eutrophication problems in the harbour, both plants have been modified to increase the removal efficiency to 90%. The modifications were based on the Bardenpho process. However, the designers of the two plants adopted different approaches to process intensity, complexity and control of bacterial foam. At Sha Tin, the average monthly results have shown an increase of total nitrogen removal from 60–70% to about 80% since its completion. The addition of methanol was found to be ineffective on further enhancement of the denitrification rate due to difficulties in the apportioning of the second anoxic zone. The overall monthly results for Tai Po have also shown an increase in the removal rate to about 80%, even though 90% was achieved for a short period of time. The major problem encountered at the latter plant was that the process design did not provide an effective control on bacterial foaming, which had affected the smooth operation of the process. 相似文献
Springs are unique freshwater habitats and represent ideal sites in which to examine the relationship between environmental variables and macro-invertebrate communities. The results of three case studies infer that species assemblages are determined by the physical habitat conditions within a spring and the ecological requirements of the component species. The composition of the macro-invertebrate community changes significantly along the longitudinal gradient of a spring-brook, as predicted by ecological theory. The results of the case studies are examined in relation to the conservation and protection of these little-studied habitats, and suggestions are made as to how to achieve this in the Wye Valley. 相似文献
In aquatic environmental studies, data from biological samples and from associated observations on environmental variables are often analyzed to determine whether environmental factors are controlling patterns of species composition. Analysis methods which reduce biological data such as species abundances to a more useable form, including ordination, classification and diversity index methods, are critically reviewed. Methods which relate these reduced data to environmental data are also reviewed. Classification (or cluster) analysis of the biological data followed by multiple discriminant analysis of the species-assemblage groups on the environmental variables is the recommended procedure, which is illustrated by an example. Application of these methods to pollution studies is discussed. Possible modifications and extensions are considered. 相似文献
The human senses play an important role in assessing the quality of food and of the environment. Particularly the chemical senses of taste and smell determine the pleasantness of foods and drinks and may provide a warning mechanism for the presence of more or less toxic contaminants. Even after the recent rapid development of powerful analytical techniques the human nose can easily detect trace amounts of chemicals at levels manytimes lower than the analytical detection limits.Although taste and odour assessment of drinking water has been practized inmany waterworks laboratories by small panels, relatively unreliable results were obtained and such sensory data played up till now only a minor role in the management of the water treatment plant. More sophisticated and reliable methods for sensory water quality evaluation are discussed. Special attention is given to the characteristics of the human senses of taste and smell, to which the methodology of sensory assessment should be better adapted. High numbers of observations on a sample are generally needed, for which purpose the use of large panels has to be realized. In this respect the help of large consumer panels is an alternative for the presently often used small laboratory groups. As an example the preliminary results of a large ongoing experiment of sensory water quality assessment by 2 consumer panels of 100 persons each in the Rotterdam area are discussed. Drinking water quality is judged at the consumer homes every week. The experiment started September 1979 and will be continued for one year. 相似文献