The adoption of high-accuracy speech recognition algorithms without an effective evaluation of their impact on the target computational resource is impractical for mobile and embedded systems. In this paper, techniques are adopted to minimise the required computational resource for an effective mobile-based speech recognition system. A Dynamic Multi-Layer Perceptron speech recognition technique, capable of running in real time on a state-of-the-art mobile device, has been introduced. Even though a conventional hidden Markov model when applied to the same dataset slightly outperformed our approach, its processing time is much higher. The Dynamic Multi-layer Perceptron presented here has an accuracy level of 96.94% and runs significantly faster than similar techniques.
Streambank erosion processes influence the amount of soil material contributed to rivers and sedimentation rates in receiving reservoirs. However, the amount of data on bank erosion rates is limited both in range and extent affecting planning for mitigation and watershed management. Dendrogeomorphology is used to determine the date of wood anatomy changes in annual growth increments of roots exposed by erosion of stream banks that when coupled with measurement of the distance of roots to the channel side can be used to calculate the bank retreat rate. Erosion rates derived from dendrogeomorphology are important because these provide erosion data over longer time scales (decades). Here, we use this method to quantify erosion for three different sized watersheds (4 to 3781 km2) located in the water-scarce southern U.S. prairies that are heavily reliant on surface water and reservoir storage. From 49 roots from the two smaller drainages, erosion ranged from 1.5 to 25.4. For 19 roots collected from the larger subbasin erosion rates were larger ranging from 7.4 to 325.0 cm/years with the larger values and variance associated with two high-flow events that occurred a year before sampling. We also found differences in straight and meandering portions of the streams where the distance to bank was strongly and positively correlated with the years since root exposure in straight sections. In contrast, meandering bends also showed a positive but low correlation for root exposure date and distance collected. We attribute this difference to erosional processes (i.e., scour and mass wasting) occurring at these channel locations. When compared with other erosion studies across the southern U.S. prairie, our values were similar in magnitude but with low correlation to drainage area indicating site specificity of erosion mechanisms, and watershed landcover influence for different drainages, despite being in the same ecological region. 相似文献
Internet-of-Things and Cyber-Physical-System applications demand compact power converters, which require inductors to have small footprints but considerable power handling abilities. 3D air-core tubular inductors fabricated using the self-rolled-up membrane (S-RuM) technology have demonstrated significantly higher inductance density compared to conventional planar structures. However, previous design options and associated performance are constrained by the resistive loss due to the thickness of the metal and magnetic coupling limited by the air core. Here, the study reports a post-rolling electroplating scheme aimed at enhancing the metal conductivity and core magnetic permeability in S-RuM inductors, all while maintaining their compact footprint. A DC resistance improvement of over 10X and an inductance enhancement of over 30X are achieved by the 3D S-RuM inductors, via parallel-processed Cu-electroplated strips on the cylindrical shells and partially permalloy-electroplated core. The improvement is projected to continue to improve as the entire core is filled. This advancement paves the way for scalable applications of this technology in ultra-compact, low-loss passive power electronics, such as converters and filters. 相似文献
Abstract The group at the University of Colorado has been working on the applications of BaSrTiO3 and high temperature superconductors to microwave circuits and systems with support from Superconducting Core Technologies, NASA and ONR. This work has included the development of a voltage tunable oscillator, a phase shifter, and a voltage tunable phased array antenna system. An important aspect of this program is the lattice match between the high temperature superconductor and the ferroelectric materials which enables us to grow thin films of either material on each other. By choosing the appropriate barium stronium ratio we are able to obtain changes in the dielectric constant of 5 to 1 in bulk capacitors at 77 K, the liquid nitrogen boiling temperature. Phase shifts of a little less than 126° at 10 Ghz have been obtained by applying 5 volts on a one centimeter coplanar line. The proposed phased array systems should enable us to point the beam radiated from the antenna in an arbitrary direction using two control voltages of less than 50 volts. We believe this approach leads to the possibility of inexpensive electronically scannable antenna systems which could be used for mobile communications with satellites and cellular systems. 相似文献
Reports an error in "Effects of interest–major congruence, motivation, and academic performance on timely degree attainment" by Jeff Allen and Steve Robbins (Journal of Counseling Psychology, 2010[Jan], Vol 57[1], 23-35). The link to the supplemental material was incorrect. The correct link is provided in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2010-00483-007.) Using longitudinal student data from 15 four-year (n = 3,072) and 13 (n = 788) two-year postsecondary institutions, the authors tested the effects of interest–major congruence, motivation, and 1st-year academic performance on timely degree completion. Findings suggest that interest–major congruence has a direct effect on timely degree completion at both institutional settings and that motivation has indirect effects (via 1st-year academic performance). The total effects of both interest–major congruence and motivation on timely degree completion underscore the importance of both constructs in understanding student adjustment and postsecondary success. Implications for theory and counseling practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献