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Bulk ultrafine-grained nickel specimens having grain sizes in the range of 0.25-5 μm were consolidated by hot isostatic pressing technique. The resulting microstructures were characterized by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. Compression tests were carried out at room temperature and at strain rate of 1.6×10−4 s−1. It was found that the measured yield strength does not follow the Hall-Petch law as a consequence of the presence of oxide phase. Therefore, the use of micromechanics based model, which takes into account only the Hall-Petch relationship at grain level for predicting the grain sized effects on mechanical behavior of this kind of materials, is not accurate yet. In this study, a modification made to the generalized self-consistent model was proposed for studying both grain size and oxide phase dependence of ultrafine-grained materials behavior. Because of the novel modification, an optimization procedure with two steps was required to identify the parameters of micromechanical model. An acceptable agreement between experimental and numerical results was achieved. Moreover, the influence of texture on the yield strength and the application of the proposed model to the spark plasma sintering processed materials were also discussed.  相似文献   
We introduce and investigate a natural extension of Dung's well-known model of argument systems in which attacks are associated with a weight, indicating the relative strength of the attack. A key concept in our framework is the notion of an inconsistency budget, which characterises how much inconsistency we are prepared to tolerate: given an inconsistency budget β, we would be prepared to disregard attacks up to a total weight of β. The key advantage of this approach is that it permits a much finer grained level of analysis of argument systems than unweighted systems, and gives useful solutions when conventional (unweighted) argument systems have none. We begin by reviewing Dung's abstract argument systems, and motivating weights on attacks (as opposed to the alternative possibility, which is to attach weights to arguments). We then present the framework of weighted argument systems. We investigate solutions for weighted argument systems and the complexity of computing such solutions, focussing in particular on weighted variations of grounded extensions. Finally, we relate our work to the most relevant examples of argumentation frameworks that incorporate strengths.  相似文献   
This paper describes an analytical approach to modeling near-field plates, which are non-periodic grating-like structures that can focus electromagnetic waves to subwavelength dimensions. The analysis provides additional insight into the operation and design of such plates that focus cylindrical waves to subwavelength resolutions. Explicit expressions for the current density induced on the plate and its impedance profile are derived. The analytical expressions are validated numerically.  相似文献   
Asphaltene deposition was investigated during laboratory-scale steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) experiments to probe in situ upgrading of a heavy oil. Tests were conducted with and without the addition of non-condensable gases (carbon dioxide or n-butane) to the steam. The apparatus was a three-dimensional scaled physical model packed with crushed limestone saturated with 12.4° API heavy-crude oil. Temperature, pressure, and production data, as well as the asphaltene content of the produced oil, were monitored continuously during the experiments. For small well separations, as the fraction of non-condensable gas in the steam increased, the steam condensation temperature and the steam-oil ratio decreased. As a result of lower temperature, the heavy oil was less mobile in the steam chamber relative to pure steam injection. Thus, the heating period was prolonged and the recovery, as well as the rate of oil recovery, decreased. Asphaltene content of the oil produced as a result of pure steam injection decreased initially showing deposition of asphaltene within the porous matrix of the model. As the steam injection continued, the asphaltene content of the produced oil increased but remained below the initial value. Thus, the produced oil indicated some in situ upgrading. As the carbon dioxide concentration in the steam increased, greater asphaltene deposition occurred; however, no significant change in asphaltene content was found when n-butane was added to the steam. Post-experimental analyses of the porous media for asphaltene content confirmed retention for the pure steam and steam with added CO2 experiments. Numerical simulation of the asphaltene deposition process using a pure solid deposition model corroborated experimental findings and showed that deposition occurred mainly at the steam-chamber boundary.  相似文献   
In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), node mobility management is performed by the routing protocol. It may use metrics to reflect link state/quality. But, the delay between measures of the link quality and its integration in the route computation is very detrimental to the mobility management. Consequently, routing protocols may use lossy links for a few seconds leading to a significant performance deterioration. In this paper, we propose a new routing metric technique calculation which aims at anticipating link quality. Basically, the idea is to predict metric values a few seconds in advance, in order to compensate the delay involved by the link quality measurement and their dissemination by the routing protocol. Our technique is based on measurements of signal strength and is integrated in two classical routing metrics: ETX (expected transmission count) and ETT (expected transmission time). Validations are performed through both simulations and a testbed experimentation with OLSR as routing protocol. NS-3 simulations show that our metric may lead to a perfect mobility management with a packet delivery ratio of 100%. Experiments on a testbed prove the feasibility of our approach and show that this technique reduces the packet error rate by a factor of 3 in an indoor environment compared to the classical metrics calculation.  相似文献   
A predictive model for estimating thermal contact conductance between two nominally flat metallic rough surfaces has been developed and experimentally validated. The predictive model consists of two complementary parts, the first of which is a surface deformation analysis to calculate the actual area of contact for each contact spot, while the second accounts for the effects of constriction resistance and gas gap conductance between the contacting surfaces. A surface characterization technique is developed which generates an equivalent 3-D surface profile from multiple 2-D profiles and determines the unique wavelengths of importance for the surface deformation and constriction resistance models. For given surface profiles and material properties of two contacting surfaces, and a specified contact pressure, the surface characterization technique filters out non-essential wavelengths on the surface, after which the surface deformation analysis calculates the deformation and contact area of each contacting asperity by considering three different modes of deformation, namely, elastic, elastic–plastic, and plastic. The constriction resistance model is then used to calculate the constriction resistance for each contacting asperity based on the area of contact and radius of curvature of the asperity. The constriction resistance values for all the contacting asperities are then used to calculate the total thermal contact conductance. An experimental facility has also been constructed to measure thermal contact conductance of interfaces to verify the results of the predictive model. Good agreement has been found between the model predictions and experimental measurements, validating the modeling approach.  相似文献   
Under the DARPA sponsored Avionics Optoelectronic Module Technology program, new passive alignment carrier (PAC) optical subassemblies (LED-PAC and PIN-PAC) ruggedized for military/aerospace avionics fiber-optic transmitter and receiver applications have been developed, LED-PAC and PIN-PAC silicon micro-optical bench substrates were fabricated together on a 5 in diameter silicon wafer via multistage photolithography, thin-film, and substrate processing. Alignment v-grooves designed for passive optical alignment of 100/140 μm multimode optical fiber to the optoelectronic devices were terminated by solder locking the fiber to the silicon PAC substrates. The LED-PAC comprising a surface emitting LED die-bonded onto a novel precision molded AM submount passively mounted onto the silicon microbench achieves the required high coupling efficiency to 100/140 μm multimode optical fiber to meet stringent avionics transmitter output power requirements. The 100/130 μm multimode optical fiber-pigtailed PIN-PAC with a refractive lens etched into the p-i-n photodiode backside surface exhibited responsivities greater than 0.8 A/W at 1.3 μm wavelength. The LED-PAC and PIN-PAC optical subassemblies integrated with Boeing ARINC 636 (FDDI) transmitter and receiver thick film multichip (MCM-C) circuitry are capable of meeting both ARINC 636 and FDDI physical layer requirements  相似文献   
This work addresses the design of a novel complex steerable wavelet construction, the generation of transform-space feature measurements associated with corner and edge presence and orientation properties, and the application of these measurements directly to image denoising. The decomposition uses pairs of bandpass filters that display symmetry and antisymmetry about a steerable axis of orientation. While the angular characterization of the bandpass filters is similar to those previously described, the radial characteristic is new, as is the manner of constructing the interpolation functions for steering. The complex filters have been engineered into a multirate system, providing a synthesis and analysis subband filtering system with good reconstruction properties. Although the performance of our proposed denoising strategy is currently below that of recently reported state-of-the-art techniques in denoising, it does compare favorably with wavelet coring approaches employing global thresholds and with an "Oracle" shrinkage technique, and presents a very promising avenue for exploring structure-based denoising in the wavelet domain.  相似文献   
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