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?Anjou, Comice, and Bartlett pears were processed into clarified juices from hard green and soft ripened fruits. Processing trials with and without SO2 were conducted. Effects of variety, maturity and processing on browning, turbidity, proteins, and stability were investigated. Browning increased with heat treatment, and was reduced by processing with SO2. Total soluble protein content increased with fruit maturity and processing with SO2. Protein fractions from a clarifying enzyme preparation (mainly arabinase and amylase) with MW in the range of 64,000–92,000 and containing glycoproteins were not removed by fining/clarification. They contributed to protein instability in the clarified pear juices, but could be removed by heat treatment (pasteurization) prior to final filtration and bottling. Our results indicate some enzymes added for clarification during processing may contribute to post-clarification haze and sediment formation.  相似文献   
Automata are the prime example of general systems over discrete spaces, and yet the theory of automata is fragmentary and it is not clear what makes a general structure an automaton. This paper investigates the logical foundations of automata relating it to the semantics of our notions of uncertainty, state and state-determined. A single framework is established for the conventional spectrum of automata: deterministic, probabilistic, fuzzy, and non-deterministic, which shows this set to be, in some sense, complete. Counter-examples are then developed to show that this spectrum alone is inadequate to describe the behaviour of certain forms of uncertain system. Finally a general formulation is developed based on the fundamental semantics of our notion of a state that shows that the logical Structure of an automaton must be at least a positive ordered semiring. The role of probability logic, its relationship to fuzzy logic, the rotes of topological models of automata, and the symmetry between inputs and outputs in hyperstate/hyperinput-determinedsystems are also discussed.  相似文献   
Automata are the prime example of general systems over discrete spaces, and yet the theory of automata is fragmentary and it is not clear what makes a general structure an automaton. This paper investigates the logical foundations of automata relating it to the semantics of our notions of uncertainty, state and state-determined. A single framework is established for the conventional spectrum of automata: deterministic, probabilistic, fuzzy, and non-deterministic, which shows this set to be, in some sense, complete. Counter-examples are then developed to show that this spectrum alone is inadequate to describe the behaviour of certain forms of uncertain system. Finally a general formulation is developed based on the fundamental semantics of our notion of a state that shows that the logical structure of an automaton must be at least a positive ordered semiring. The role of probability logic, its relationship to fuzzy logic, the roles of topological models of automata, and the symmetry between inputs and outputs in hyperstate/hyperinput-determined systems are also discussed.  相似文献   
A controller reduction procedure based on a representation of a controller as a matrix function defined using stable proper transfer functions and employing a balancing technique is studied in this paper. For a certain right coprime factorization of an LQG designed controller K(s) = N(s)D-1(s), we approximate using a balancing technique the pair [D(s), N(s)]T by a low-order pair [D1(s), N1(s)]T defining a factorization of the reduced-order controller K 1(s) = N1(s)D1 -1(s). We show that reducing the controller order in this way is motivated in a natural way, which leads to the expectation of both good stability properties and good accuracy of approximation of closed-loop behaviour. This is also demonstrated in some examples.  相似文献   

Story grammar was a fairly hot topic in artificial intelligence (AI) from the mid-1970s to the early 1980s. Now, however, it has virtually disappeared as a research issue in AI. The process of science is one where theories are proposed, experiments are conducted, hypotheses are tested, theories are revised and, ultimately, theories are either accepted or rejected. The story grammar story is surveyed with a view towards describing what it was, and explaining what happened to it, from the perspective of the scientific process.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet (UV) light has been used successfully for years to sterilize water and was recently approved as an acceptable irradiation treatment for the processing of juice. Although there is considerable information on the efficacy of UV processing in the treatment of water, limited data are available on its efficacy in fluid food systems. The objectives of this work were to determine the effects of apple‐juice properties on the UV inactivation of Escherichia coli K12 and the interdependence of intensity and time on the efficacy of UV light. Results showed that absorbance (A) and suspended solids (SS) affected UV inactivation, while pH and dissolved solids did not. Concerning the interdependence of intensity and time, intensity levels can only be changed without sacrificing effectiveness at a limited range of intensity and dose levels. This means that the range of the intensity level of the actual UV reactor must be considered in process‐parameter determination.  相似文献   
The synthesis of a series of 2-thioethers of 1,4-dihydroxyanthraquinone by various preparative routes is described. The colour, dyeing and fastness properties on synthetic-polymer fibres of these dyes is discussed in terms of the nature of the substituent in the thiol group. 2-(2-aminophenylthio)-l, 4-dihydroxyanthraquinone, which gave the new heterocycle 6,13-dihydroxyanthra-[2,3-b]benzo[d] thiophen-7,12-dione on Pschorr intramoleadar cyclization, was observed to undergo cyclization, during both its synthesis and its application to polyester fibres, to the blue coloured 7-hydroxy-14H-mphtho[2,3-a] pheno-thiazine-8,13-dione.  相似文献   
之前,EDN分析了一个削价至20美元(原价为50美元)的USB音频外设。这次我们继续对ABS打折后的NW-203-RT 802.11g与四端口开关式路由器进行财务分析。在这个淡紫色塑料壳内都有些什么东西?卖20美元ABS还赚钱吗?  相似文献   
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