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Parnis C  Brooks P 《Water research》2001,35(8):1861-1868
The levels of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in the Campaspe River system, North Central Victoria, Australia, were monitored from January to September 1995, and the environmental trends and sources of these compounds were determined. The land use within particular catchments dictated the complexity of the SVOCs in run-off water. Run-off from native forest contained the greatest number of SVOCs. Soil and ground litter were shown to contain the greatest complexity of SVOCs, mostly terpenes. However, only a small proportion were leached by run-off with the remainder being tightly bound to the soil or volatilizing to the atmosphere. Under the prevailing drought of early 1995, the rivers contained no detectable SVOCs until the first catchment run-off after significant rainfall in May. The maximum complexity and concentration of the SVOCs coincided with extensive run-off after heavy rainfall in June, effecting a surge of SVOCs with the flood peak. Fatty acids, their amides and hydrocarbons made up the majority of the compounds identified and were in the 1-39 micrograms/l concentration range. The levels then diminished as the catchment was flushed by continual run-off. These results support Lake's 1967 hypothesis that natural floodwaters contain a signature of SVOCs entering from the catchment. The downstream passage of these compounds was obstructed by a man-made storage, Lake Eppalock, with only low concentrations of SVOCs (1-3 micrograms/l) in the outflow, displaying no correlation to run-off.  相似文献   
The skeleton is potential endogenous source of lead during pregnancy and lactation. We have undertaken a longitudinal investigation into the mobilization of lead from the human maternal skeleton to determine whether lead is mobilized from the maternal skeleton during pregnancy and lactation, and if so, when and how much is released. Subjects in the study were migrants to Australia (n=15) whose skeletal lead isotopic composition (endogenous lead) was different to that prevailing in the Australian environment (exogenous lead). This migrant cohort was compared with 6 multi-generational Australian controls. Biological and environmental samples were taken pre-pregnancy where possible, throughout pregnancy and postpartum for at least 6 months. Newly-born infants of the migrant and Australian mothers were monitored for 6 months. Blood lead concentrations for the migrant mothers ranged from 1.5 to 20 microg/dl (geometric mean 2.8) and for Australian mothers ranged from 1.9 to 4.3 microg/dl (geometric mean 2.9). There was minimal change in lead isotopic composition of the Australian pregnant controls although there were increases of approximately 40% in blood lead concentration in 3 of 6 cases during the postpartum period and from 0 to 12% in the other 3. In the migrant pregnant subjects, the geometric mean skeletal lead contribution to blood lead using the isotopic composition was approximately 33% (range 10-88%) for 14 subjects using a revised estimate for exogenous lead. Skeletal contribution to blood lead during the postpartum period was significantly greater than during pregnancy (P<0.001). The skeletal contributions to blood lead are higher and the changes are more consistent in those subjects who conceived within 100 days of arrival in Australia compared with those who conceived longer than 100 days. In the migrant subjects, changes in blood lead concentration during pregnancy and postpartum varied from subject to subject with an overall 20% increase; the increases during the postpartum period were greater than during pregnancy (P<0.001). It was estimated that the amount of maternal skeletal lead mobilized during pregnancy and transferred to the infant via cord blood averaged approximately 79%. The increased skeletal contribution to blood lead is attributed to a low daily calcium intake of approximately 500 mgCa/day, a condition which was present in both migrant and Australian subjects. An ongoing clinical trial is providing a new cohort with calcium supplements. A summary of other aspects of the study is included and covers: additional flux released from the skeleton during pregnancy and postpartum; XRF bone lead results; urinary excretion of lead during pregnancy and postpartum; dietary contribution to blood lead in female adults and children; comparison of rates of exchange of lead in blood of newly-born infants and mothers; relationships of lead in breast milk to lead in blood, urine and diet of the infant and mother; changes in blood lead after cessation of breastfeeding; urinary lead isotopes during pregnancy and postpartum indicate no preferential partitioning of endogenous lead into plasma; a comparison of some aspects of the nonhuman primate and human pregnancy studies.  相似文献   
Ten full-scale test fires were conducted in a chamber simulating a three person ship accommodation quarter. The test fires used three different ventilation conditions, two types of bunks and furnishings with either polyurethane foam or chloroprene foam. The chamber was instrumented to follow the development of the fire.The furnishings with polyurethane foam were readily ignited and produced an intense fire within 2 to 4 minutes. The furnishings with chloroprene foam ignited but burned slowly with a small flame or in smoldering combustion.The ventilation conditions had a significant effect on the development and intensity of the fire as the test fires were burning under oxygen-limiting conditions.The solid pan bunks retarded the early development of the fire compared to open bunks for polyurethane furnishings. However, once the mattresses on the three bunks were ignited the intensity of the test fires was similar for both types of bunks.  相似文献   
The filling of a membrane tube with self-weight by a fluid is studied theoretically for the first time. The fundamental problem depends on two non-dimensional parameters, β and γ which represent the importance of internal pressure and membrane self-weight respectively. The nonlinear equations are solved by an efficient numerical integration method. It is found that membrane self-weight has considerable effect on the tube geometry and the tension of the membrane at low filling pressures.  相似文献   
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - La mesure en place de la perméabilité k des sols fins est un moyen d'améliorer la prévision des vitesses de tassement...  相似文献   
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Precambrian layered rocks consisting of quartzites, phyllites and metagreywackes of the Aravallis having a large variation in thickness,...  相似文献   
The dynamics and optimal feedback control of biological waste treatment processes are examined. Modern feedback control theory is applied and results are obtained for both proportional and proportional plus integral control. A dynamic mathematical model of the system is developed by employing a Monod kinetic model, which is modified to account for endogenous metabolism, and a complete mixing flow model in the growth chamber. The feedback control is implemented via the flow rate so as to maintain desired effluent concentrations. External disturbances which cause changes in substrate concentration and/or cell concentration are considered and optimal control effort is applied. Results are also presented for impulse and step changes in the influent substrate concentration. It is found that by changing the values of the weighting factors in the objective function, it is possible to obtain good control of either the effluent substrate concentration or cell concentration.  相似文献   
A short-term study of a commercially-available physical—chemical waste treatment plant is reported. Results indicate that an excellent quality of effluent can be consistently obtained despite wide fluctuations of influent wastewater characteristics. Physical, chemical, and biological parameters were monitored. The short-term data obtained offer some evidence of superior treatment efficiency in terms of COD, color, turbidity, and phosphorus removals when compared to more conventional treatment methods.  相似文献   
本文用弦线模量计算了营业楼地基的压缩变形和湿陷变形,以及由它们引起的差异沉降值和局部倾斜。计算结果和楼房的裂缝情况吻合。计算湿陷变形时考虑地基浸水后的含水量为30.00%,这是由实测情况确定。根据浸水的实际状况计算建筑物的湿陷变形,分析工程事故在文献中似未见到。  相似文献   
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