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Restless behavior, as measured by the steps taken or weight shifting between legs, may be a useful tool to assess the comfort of dairy cattle. These behaviors increase when cows stand on uncomfortable surfaces or are lame. The objective of this study was to compare 2 measures of restless behavior, stepping behavior and changes in weight distribution, on 2 standing surfaces: concrete and rubber. Twelve cows stood on a weighing platform with 1 scale/hoof for 1 h. The platform was covered with either concrete or rubber, presented in a crossover design. Restlessness, as measured by both the frequency of steps and weight shifting (measured as the standard deviation of weight applied over time to the legs), increased over 1 h of forced standing on either concrete or rubber. A positive relationship was found between the frequency of steps and the standard deviation of weight over 1 h for both treatments and pairs of legs (r ≥0.66). No differences existed in the standard deviation of weight applied to the front (27.6 ± 1.6 kg) or rear legs (33.5 ± 1.4 kg) or the frequency of steps (10.2 ± 1.6 and 20.8 ± 3.2 steps/10 min for the front and rear pair, respectively) between rubber and concrete. Measures of restlessness are promising tools for assessing specific types of discomfort, such as those associated with lameness, but additional tools are needed to assess comfort of non-concrete standing surfaces.  相似文献   
Short-term effects of regrouping on behavior of prepartum dairy cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objectives were to determine the effect of regrouping during the dry period on feeding, social, rumination, and lying behavior for cows that were moved to a new pen and cows that remained in their home pen but had new cows introduced. Forty-eight prepartum Holstein dairy cows were housed in groups of 6 and regrouped in groups of 3 (16 triads) with 1 triad moving to another pen and 1 triad staying in the same pen; the triad was considered the experimental unit. For 7 d before and 8 d after regrouping, cows were continuously monitored for feeding, rumination, and lying behavior by means of an electronic feeding system, a rumination logger on each cow's neck, and a data logger attached to 1 of the hind legs, respectively. Video recording was used to monitor displacements at the feeder for 3 h following the afternoon fresh feed delivery before regrouping and for the 2 subsequent afternoon feed deliveries after regrouping. Cows that were moved to a new pen after regrouping decreased DMI by approximately 9% on the day of regrouping compared with baseline values, but cows that remained in their home pen showed no significant decrease in intake after regrouping. Feeding rate decreased in both treatments by 10% after regrouping. Rumination times also decreased by approximately 9% in both treatments, reaching the lowest values on the day of regrouping for cows that stayed in the home pen and on the day after regrouping for the moved cows. Cows that were moved to a new pen displaced other cows at the feeder twice as frequently after regrouping, but no such effect of regrouping on cows that stayed in the home pen was observed. These results indicate that regrouping can affect behavior of prepartum dairy cows, especially those cows that are moved to a new pen.  相似文献   
A 128×128 CMOS imager that permits synchronous capture is presented. The sensor combines the best of CMOS imagers (low-power, random readout, nondestructive readout, single supply voltage...) and synchronous capture [available in high-end charge coupled device (CCD) imagers]. The key point in obtaining such characteristics is the separation of the photosensor and the storage element. Although some sensors with these characteristics have been reported, in this sensor, the storage capability has been brought a step further, having storage times of the order of tens of seconds, and being able to use the array itself as a random access memory (RAM). This could avoid the use of external RAM, making the system simpler, more compact, and of low-power consumption  相似文献   
The objective was to determine whether changes in the different components of gait, walking speed, and lying behavior were associated with hoof pathologies in lactating Holstein cows. In experiment 1, 53 cows had their gait scored, their walking speed estimated, and their lying behavior monitored before clinical assessment of the hooves. Multiparous cows with ulcers scored higher than cows without ulcers for overall gait score [numerical rating score (NRS); 3.3 ± 0.2 vs. 2.8 ± 0.2], back arch, joint flexion, asymmetric steps, and reluctance to bear weight. Although cows with ulcers did not walk more slowly than cows without ulcers (1.4 m/s), they spent more time lying down (827.8 ± 29.1 vs. 738.2 ± 15.5 min/d) because of longer lying bouts (93.3 ± 5.9 vs. 79.7 ± 3.4 min). In experiment 2, 47 cows were monitored for hoof health and changes in gait score from 4 wk before to 24 wk after calving. Differences were found after calving between cows that developed an ulcer and cows that did not for NRS (3.1 ± 0.1 vs. 2.35 ± 0.1), back arch, joint flexion, asymmetric steps, and reluctance to bear weight. Numerical rating score, back arch, and asymmetric steps were able to discriminate cows with ulcers at least 4 wk before the diagnosis. Cows that developed a sole ulcer had a faster decline in lying time during the periparturient period and a faster increase beginning in wk 2 after calving. The NRS was a more consistent predictor of sole ulcers than lying behavior or speed. The NRS was able to discriminate cows with ulcers across studies at a high intraobserver accuracy and reasonable specificity and was able to predict the presence of ulcers at least 4 wk before diagnosis. Abduction/adduction of the rear legs, head bob, and tracking-up did not consistently discriminate cows with ulcers, and we suggest that these measures are less useful for on farm gait assessment. Compared with the other gait attributes, back arch, joint flexion, asymmetric steps, and reluctance to bear weight best predicted the presence of sole ulcers.  相似文献   
Heel erosion is the most prevalent hoof lesion in housed dairy herds, particularly in freestall facilities. It is associated with hoof contact with manure slurry and abrasive floors. The objective was to assess changes in the risk of heel erosion from the dry period to mid lactation in primiparous and multiparous dairy cows. Nineteen pregnant primiparous cows, 22 late-lactation multiparous cows (parity = 3.2 ± 1.4; days in milk = 221 ± 38), and 16 nonlactating, pregnant multiparous cows (parity = 3.7 ± 1.4) housed in a freestall barn with concrete flooring were followed until mid lactation. The hind hooves of all the cows were examined approximately every 7 wk and heel erosion was scored. Multiparous cows more likely had heel erosion than primiparous cows (odds ratio = 11.0; 95% confidence interval = 3.7, 32.7). Time relative to calving showed a significant quadratic effect, revealing that the risk of heel erosion increased more rapidly as lactation progressed. Survival analysis showed that multiparous cows had a higher relative risk of developing heel erosion than primiparous cows (hazard ratio = 3.4). No cows improved between early and mid lactation, but 18 cows worsened. In conclusion, stage of lactation and parity were major risk factors for severe heel erosion in dairy cattle housed in freestalls.  相似文献   
There is increased interest in automated methods for lameness detection, such as measures of weight distribution. Still, practical use of such methods depends on knowing the conditions that affect how cows distribute their weight. In 3 experiments, 10, 18, and 12 Holstein cows were trained to stand on a platform that measured the weight placed on each of their legs. The objectives were to evaluate how cows change their weight distribution after milking, after calving, and when standing with the front legs elevated and to evaluate the effect of the udder fill and fetus weight on the gait score. Comparisons before and after milking and before and after calving showed that the weight of milk was carried mainly on the back legs, whereas the weight of the fetus was distributed between front (52%) and back legs (48%). The percentage of weight distributed between front and back legs was not affected by elevation of the front legs. Weight shifting between contralateral legs was greater before calving than after; the weight variability over time decreased by 30% after calving. A full udder increased gait score by 0.3 ± 0.1 and particularly abduction/adduction of the back legs (increased by 83%). Gait score did not change after calving, although the back arch increased by 25%. Therefore, time since milking and state of late pregnancy need consideration when using gait score and measures of weight distribution to detect lameness.  相似文献   
Risk factors for lameness and hock injuries in Holstein herds in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective was to investigate the association between herd-level management and facility design and the prevalence of lameness and hock injuries in high-producing dairy cows on commercial freestall farms in China. Housing and management measures, such as stall design, bedding type, and milking routine were collected for the high-producing pen in 34 farms in China. All cows in the pen were gait scored using a 5-point scale, and evaluated for hock injuries using a 3-point scale. Measures associated with the proportion of clinically (score ≥3) or severely (score ≥4) lame cows, and the proportion of cows having at least a minor hock injury (score ≥2) or severe injury (score = 3) at the univariable level were submitted to multivariable general linear models. The prevalence [mean ± SD (range)] of clinical and severe lameness were 31 ± 12 (7–51) and 10 ± 6% (0– 27%), respectively, and the prevalence of cows with at least a minor hock injury and with severe injuries was 40 ± 20 (6 – 95) and 5 ± 9% (0 – 50%), respectively. The prevalence of clinical lameness and severe lameness decreased with herd size (estimate = −0.35 ± 0.09% for a 100-cow increase for clinical lameness; estimate = 0.15 ± 0.06% for a 100-cow increase for severe lameness). Prevalence increased with barn age >9 yr (estimate = 12.73 ± 4.42% for clinical lameness; estimate = 5.79 ± 2.89% for severe lameness). These 2 variables combined explained 49% of the variation in clinical lameness and 30% of the variation in severe lameness. The prevalence of all hock injuries and severe hock injuries decreased with deep bedding (estimate = −20.90 ± 5.66% for all hock injuries; estimate = −3.65 ± 1.41% for severe hock injuries) and increased with barn age >9 yr (estimate = 16.68 ± 7.17% for all hock injuries; estimate = 6.95 ± 1.75% for severe injuries). These 2 variables explained 52 and 58% of the variation, respectively. In conclusion, large variation existed across farms in prevalence of lameness and hock injuries. Changes in housing and management may help control the prevalence of lameness and hock injuries in the emerging dairy industry in China.  相似文献   
The aims were to determine whether measures of acceleration of the legs and back of dairy cows while they walk could help detect changes in gait or locomotion associated with lameness and differences in the walking surface. In 2 experiments, 12 or 24 multiparous dairy cows were fitted with five 3-dimensional accelerometers, 1 attached to each leg and 1 to the back, and acceleration data were collected while cows walked in a straight line on concrete (experiment 1) or on both concrete and rubber (experiment 2). Cows were video-recorded while walking to assess overall gait, asymmetry of the steps, and walking speed. In experiment 1, cows were selected to maximize the range of gait scores, whereas no clinically lame cows were enrolled in experiment 2. For each accelerometer location, overall acceleration was calculated as the magnitude of the 3-dimensional acceleration vector and the variance of overall acceleration, as well as the asymmetry of variance of acceleration within the front and rear pair of legs. In experiment 1, the asymmetry of variance of acceleration in the front and rear legs was positively correlated with overall gait and the visually assessed asymmetry of the steps (r ≥0.6). Walking speed was negatively correlated with the asymmetry of variance of the rear legs (r = −0.8) and positively correlated with the acceleration and the variance of acceleration of each leg and back (r ≥0.7). In experiment 2, cows had lower gait scores [2.3 vs. 2.6; standard error of the difference (SED) = 0.1, measured on a 5-point scale] and lower scores for asymmetry of the steps (18.0 vs. 23.1; SED = 2.2, measured on a continuous 100-unit scale) when they walked on rubber compared with concrete, and their walking speed increased (1.28 vs. 1.22 m/s; SED = 0.02). The acceleration of the front (1.67 vs. 1.72 g; SED = 0.02) and rear (1.62 vs. 1.67 g; SED = 0.02) legs and the variance of acceleration of the rear legs (0.88 vs. 0.94 g; SED = 0.03) were lower when cows walked on rubber compared with concrete. Despite the improvements in gait score that occurred when cows walked on rubber, the asymmetry of variance of acceleration of the front leg was higher (15.2 vs. 10.4%; SED = 2.0). The difference in walking speed between concrete and rubber correlated with the difference in the mean acceleration and the difference in the variance of acceleration of the legs and back (r ≥0.6). Three-dimensional accelerometers seem to be a promising tool for lameness detection on farm and to study walking surfaces, especially when attached to a leg.  相似文献   
The objective was to examine the associations of peripartum concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), and calcium with milk production in early lactation and pregnancy at the first artificial insemination (AI) across different management systems. Fifty-five Holstein freestall dairy herds located across the United States and Canada were visited weekly for blood sample collection from 2,365 cows. For each week of sampling (from wk -1 through wk 3 relative to calving) and for each metabolite, serum concentrations were dichotomized at various thresholds to identify the thresholds with the best negative associations with milk production and pregnancy at first AI. These thresholds were used to categorize the serum concentrations into higher and lower risk categories. Repeated-measures ANOVA and multivariable logistic regression were conducted for milk production and pregnancy at the first AI data, respectively, considering cow as the experimental unit and herd as a random effect. In the week before calving, serum NEFA ≥ 0.5 mEq/L, BHBA ≥ 600 μmol/L, and calcium ≤ 2.1 mmol/L were associated with 1.6 to 3.2 kg/d milk loss across the first 4 Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) milk tests. High levels of NEFA and BHBA in wk 1 and 2 after calving (≥ 0.7 and ≥ 1.0 mEq/L for NEFA, and ≥ 1,400 and ≥ 1,200 μmol/L for BHBA), and low levels of calcium (≤ 2.1 mmol/L) in wk 1, 2 and 3 after calving were associated with milk loss at the first DHIA milk test. Serum concentrations of NEFA and BHBA were not associated with pregnancy at first AI in any sampling week, whereas calcium <2.2 to 2.4 mmol/L from wk 1 through wk 3 postpartum were associated with reduced pregnancy at first AI. In conclusion, high serum concentrations of NEFA, BHBA, and low concentrations of calcium around parturition were associated with early lactation milk loss, and low calcium concentration around parturition was associated with impaired early lactation reproduction.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to describe herd-level reproductive outcomes and their associations with the prevalence of lameness, hock injuries and knee injuries in freestall dairy herds in the northeastern United States. Five reproductive outcomes (calving to conception interval, CCI; calving interval, CI; conception risk at the first artificial insemination, CR1; insemination rate, IR; and pregnancy rate, PR) were measured from Dairy Comp 305 (Valley Agricultural Software, Tulare, CA) for a 12-mo period for all multiparous cows in each of the 53 herds assessed. The prevalence of lameness, hock injuries, and knee injuries was assessed in 1 high-producing group. The means (± standard deviation) for the 5 reproductive outcomes were as follows: CCI = 128 ± 10 d, CI = 404 ± 10 d, CR1 = 36 ± 5%, IR = 60 ± 7%, and PR = 20 ± 3%. The average prevalence of clinical lameness, hock injuries, and knee injuries were 45 ± 20%, 58 ± 31%, and 16 ± 15%, respectively. Univariable associations between the reproductive outcomes and the prevalence of lameness and leg injuries were tested and significant predictors were submitted to a model that controlled for the confounding effects of herd size, 305-d mature equivalent milk production of the high-producing group, and use of deep bedding. A higher prevalence of lameness was associated with poorer reproductive performance, although the relationships were weak: herds with a higher prevalence of lameness had longer average CCI (slope estimate = 0.16 ± 0.07; R2 = 0.09) and CI (slope estimate = 0.14 ± 0.07; R2 = 0.07). These results indicate that management to reduce lameness may improve reproductive performance.  相似文献   
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