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This article presents a small-area, ultra low-power, low-mismatch differencing transient amplifier for ROIC pixels of micro-bolometer based temporal contrast IR sensors. The two-stage capacitive-feedback amplifier works in the sub-threshold domain, has a voltage gain of 46 dB, a 3 dB bandwidth of about 10 kHz and consumes 85 nW of static power. The amplifier circuit has been fabricated in a 0.35 μm standard CMOS process and consumes less than 2000 μm2 of silicon area, enabling a square pixel size of 50 × 50 μm for the IR sensor array.  相似文献   
In this paper, we show how online management of both quality of service (QoS) and provider revenue can be performed in CDMA cellular networks by adaptive control of system parameters to changing traffic conditions. The key contribution is the introduction of a novel call admission control and bandwidth degradation scheme for real-time traffic as well as the development of a Markov model for the admission controller. This Markov model incorporates important features of 3G cellular networks, such as CDMA intra- and inter-cell interference, different call priorities and soft handover. From the results of the Markov model the threshold for maximal call degradation is periodically adjusted according to the currently measured traffic in the radio access network. As a consequence, QoS and revenue measures can be optimized with respect to a predefined goal. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed QoS/revenue management approach, we present quantitative results for the Markov model and a comprehensive simulation study considering a half-day window of a daily usage pattern.  相似文献   
We give an analytical and geometrical treatment of what it means to separate a Gaussian kernel along arbitrary axes in R(n), and we present a separation scheme that allows us to efficiently implement anisotropic Gaussian convolution filters for data of arbitrary dimensionality. Based on our previous analysis we show that this scheme is optimal with regard to the number of memory accesses and interpolation operations needed. The proposed method relies on nonorthogonal convolution axes and works completely in image space. Thus, it avoids the need for a fast Fourier transform (FFT)-subroutine. Depending on the accuracy and speed requirements, different interpolation schemes and methods to implement the one-dimensional Gaussian (finite impulse response and infinite impulse response) can be integrated. Special emphasis is put on analyzing the performance and accuracy of the new method. In particular, we show that without any special optimization of the source code, it can perform anisotropic Gaussian filtering faster than methods relying on the FFT.  相似文献   
We simulate in three dimensions molecular beam epitaxial (MBE) growth of CdTe/ZnTe/Si using classical molecular dynamics. Atomic interactions are simulated with Stillinger–Weber potentials, whose parameters are obtained by fitting to experimental data or density function theory-calculated distortion energies of the component crystals. The effects of substrate temperature and atomic species flux ratios on epilayer morphology are investigated. The agreement between simulations and experiments suggests that this model has reasonable ability to predict the microstructures of CdTe/ZnTe/Si grown by MBE.  相似文献   
Soot particles and NO(2) are among the most hazardous emissions from diesel combustion engines. Currently, no analytical system exists which allows for the simultaneous, time-resolved online analysis of these two components. Furthermore, state-of-the-art NO(2) analyzers for exhaust gas require particle filtration prior to the analysis, which may induce artifacts and measurement errors. We present a photoacoustic instrument which overcomes these drawbacks. The sensitivity of the instrument (LOD(NO(2)) = 0.3 ppm, LOD(soot) = 0.54 μg m(-3), limit of detection/quantification) as well as the temporal resolutions are dictated by the needs of typical automotive applications. Also required for this specific application, we developed PA cells which can be heated to 80 °C, while the microphones maintain a temperature of 45 °C. Setup and specific parameters of the instrument are discussed, and the results of typical engine tests are compared to reference analytical instrumentation.  相似文献   
In contrast to polymer membranes, ceramic membranes offer considerable advantages for safe drinking water provision due to their excellent chemical, thermal, and mechanical endurance. In this study, porous ceramic microtubes made of yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) are presented, which are conditioned for bacteria filtration by immobilizing lysozyme as an antibacterial enzyme. In accordance with determined membrane pore sizes of the nonfunctionalized microtube of ≤200 nm, log reduction values (LRV) of nearly 3 (i.e., bacterial retention of 99.9%) were obtained for bacterial retention studies using gram-positive model bacterium Micrococcus luteus. Immobilization studies of lysozyme on the membrane surface reveal an up to six times higher lysozyme loading for the covalent immobilization route as compared to unspecific immobilization. Antibacterial activity of lysozyme-functionalized microtubes was assessed by qualitative agar plate test using Micrococcus luteus as substrate showing that both the unspecific and the covalent lysozyme immobilization enhance the microtubes' antibacterial properties. Quantification of the enzyme activity at flow conditions by photometric assays reveals that the enzyme activities of lysozyme-functionalized microtubes depend strongly on applied flow rates. Intracapillary feeding of bacteria solution and higher flow rates lead to reduced enzyme activities. In consideration of different applied flow rates in the range of 0.2-0.5 mL/min, the total lysozyme activity increases by a factor of 2 for the covalent immobilization route as compared to the unspecific binding. Lysozyme leaching experiments at flow conditions for 1 h show a significant higher amount of washed-out lysozyme (factor 1.7-3.4) for the unspecific immobilization route when compared to the covalent route where the initial level of antibacterial effectiveness could be achieved by reimmobilization with lysozyme. The presented platform is highly promising for sustainable bacteria filtration.  相似文献   
The reaction of CaO with CO(2) is a promising approach for separating CO(2) from hot flue gases. The main issue associated with the use of naturally occurring CaCO(3), that is, limestone, is the rapid decay of its CO(2) capture capacity over repeated cycles of carbonation and calcination. Interestingly, dolomite, a naturally occurring equimolar mixture of CaCO(3) and MgCO(3), possesses a CO(2) uptake that remains almost constant with cycle number. However, owing to the large quantity of MgCO(3) in dolomite, the total CO(2) uptake is comparatively small. Here, we report the development of a synthetic Ca-rich dolomite using a coprecipitation technique, which shows both a very high and a stable CO(2) uptake over repeated cycles of calcination and carbonation. To obtain such an excellent CO(2) uptake characteristic it was found to be crucial to mix the Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) on a molecular level, that is, within the crystalline lattice. For sorbents which were composed of mixtures of microscopic crystals of CaCO(3) and MgCO(3), a decay behavior similar to natural limestone was observed. After 15 cycles, the CO(2) uptake of the best sorbent was 0.51 g CO(2)/g sorbent exceeding the CO(2) uptake of limestone by almost 100%.  相似文献   
Streptococcus infantarius subsp. infantarius (Sii) and Streptococcus gallolyticus subsp. macedonicus are members of the Streptococcus bovis/Streptococcus equinus complex (SBSEC) associated with human infections. SBSEC-related endocarditis was furthermore associated with rural residency in Southern Europe. SBSEC members are increasingly isolated as predominant species from fermented dairy products in Europe, Asia and Africa. African variants of Sii displayed dairy adaptations to lactose metabolism paralleling those of Streptococcus thermophilus including genome decay. In this study, the aim was to assess the prevalence of Sii and possibly other SBSEC members in dairy products of East and West Africa in order to identify their habitat, estimate their importance in dairy fermentation processes and determine geographic areas affected by this potential health risk. Presumptive SBSEC members were isolated on semi-selective M17 and SM agar media. Subsequent genotypic identification of isolates was based on rep-PCR fingerprinting and SBSEC-specific16S rRNA gene PCR assay. Detailed identification was achieved through application of novel primers enhancing the binding stringency in partial groES/groEL gene amplification and subsequent DNA sequencing. The presence of S. thermophilus-like lacS and lacZ genes in the SBSEC isolates was determined to elucidate the prevalence of this dairy adaptation. Isolates (n = 754) were obtained from 72 raw and 95 fermented milk samples from Côte d'Ivoire and Kenya on semi-selective agar media. Colonies of Sii were not detected from raw milk despite high microbial titers of approximately 106 CFU/mL on M17 agar medium. However, after spontaneous milk fermentation Sii was genotypically identified in 94.1% of Kenyan samples and 60.8% of Kenyan isolates. Sii prevalence in Côte d'Ivoire displayed seasonal variations in samples from 32.3% (June) to 40.0% (Dec/Jan) and isolates from 20.5% (June) to 27.7% (Dec/Jan) present at titers of 106–108 CFU/mL. lacS and lacZ genes were detected in all Kenyan and 25.8% (June) to 65.4% (Dec/Jan) of Ivorian Sii isolates. Regional differences in prevalence of Sii and dairy adaptations were observed, but no clear effect of dairy animal, fermentation procedure and climate was revealed. Conclusively, the high prevalence of Sii in Kenya, Côte d'Ivoire in addition to Somalia, Sudan and Mali strongly indicates a pivotal role of Sii in traditional African dairy fermentations potentially paralleling that of typical western dairy species S. thermophilus. Putative health risks associated with the consumption of high amounts of live Sii and potential different degrees of evolutionary adaptation or ecological colonization require further epidemiologic and genomic investigations, particularly in Africa.  相似文献   
This study aimed to assess the influence of two label conditions on the acceptance of boar meat. A central location test was conducted with 145 consumers each assessing 4 pieces of pork loin.  相似文献   
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