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Coatings made from neat vinyl ester and nanoclay reinforced vinyl ester composites are applied onto individual glass fibers as well as rovings to evaluate their barrier resistance against alkali and moisture attack. The fibers coated with clay nanocomposites present a significantly less damage caused by the diffusing alkali ions, giving rise to a much higher residual tensile strength after aging than the fibers without coating or those with a neat polymer coating. The static fatigue test performed on individual fibers verifies the advantage of using nanoclay composite to retard the corrosion process under the combined stress and alkaline environment. Similar beneficial effects of incorporating nanoclay on residual strength are identified for impregnated fiber bundles. The above observations confirm the excellent barrier characteristics of intercalated/exfoliated nanoclay in polymer that are applied in composite structures on both the microscopic and macroscopic scales.  相似文献   
The present investigation focuses on a new approach for the construction of durable concrete structures. Using Pseudo-ductile Cementitious Composites (PDCC) of relatively low water/binder ratio, permanent formworks are first fabricated. Normal concrete is then cast to make structural components. With low permeability and high crack resistance, the permanent formwork acts as effective surface cover to prevent the corrosion of steel reinforcements. The formwork can be made with PDCC alone, or with the incorporation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP) rods. In some structural components, the GFRP reinforcements will be sufficient to provide the necessary load-carrying capacity. When higher loads are to be carried, steel reinforcements can be added to produce a component with very high durability (due to the thick cover to steel) as well as ductile behavior. This paper focuses on mechanical aspects of this construction concept. The development of PDCC for formwork fabrication is first described. The bond between PDCC and concrete, in relation to various surface treatment methods, will be investigated with beam specimens. Test results on concrete beams made with GFRP reinforced PDCC formwork are then presented and compared to theoretical predictions. A design example is performed to demonstrate the use of GFRP/PDCC permanent formwork for constructing the deck of a footbridge. The results of this investigation show promise of the technology for practical applications.  相似文献   
Electrospun hybrid chitosan/nylon-6 nanofibrous mats with fiber diameters in the range of 80–310 nm were successfully fabricated using an electrospinning method. Nanofibrous membranes were prepared by nucleophilic reaction of the chitosan’s hydroxyl and amidocyanogen with the triazinyl chloride of Cibacron Blue F3GA (CB) ligand. This system was used to study the purification of papain. Physical and chemical properties of the affinity membrane were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), contact angle (CA) and element analysis (EA). The equilibrium adsorption capacity (from Langmuir isotherm data) for papain was 93.46 mg/g affinity membrane. Fifteen layers of the composite affinity membrane were packed into a spin column to separate papain from raw material. Significant amount of the adsorbed papain (about 90.4%) was eluted by 1.0 M NaSCN at pH 9.0, and 4.8-fold purification was achieved in a single step. Experiments on regeneration and dynamic adsorption were also performed. It is shown that this system has the potential to be developed for the industrial purification of the papain.  相似文献   

In this paper, I try to cause some good-natured trouble. The issue is, when will we ever stop burdening the taxpayer with conferences devoted to the quantum foundations? The suspicion is expressed that no end will be in sight until a means is found to reduce quantum theory to two or three statements of crisp physical (rather than abstract, axiomatic) significance. In this regard, no tool appears better calibrated for a direct assault than quantum information theory. Far from a strained application of the latest fad to a time-honoured problem, this method holds promise precisely because a large part—but not all—of the structure of quantum theory has always concerned information. It is just that the physics community needs reminding.  相似文献   
Grape seed extracts (GSEs) were investigated in yeast cells harbouring defects in their antioxidant system (regarding the cellular growth and growth recovery from H2O2 insult). GSEs antioxidant activity was detected in wild-type and mutant strains Δcta1, Δgsh1 and Δoye2glr1, while pro-oxidant activity in Δsod1 cells was seen. Assessment of proliferation of prostate cancer PC3 and HBV-replicating HepG2 2.2.15 cells treated with GSEs has shown higher cytotoxicity of red grape seed extract (RW) than white grape seed extract (WW) subjective to dose and period of administration. No antiviral effect was detected by measuring the secreted virion particles in HepG2 2.2.15 cells treated with GSEs. The GSEs play a dual antioxidant/pro-oxidant role in vivo according with the cellular antioxidant system deficiencies and exhibit cytotoxic properties in PC3 and HepG2 2.2.15 cell lines, but no antiviral action against HBV.  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to quantify and evaluate the effects of response time of a portable emission measurement system (PEMS). The PEMS measures tailpipe emissions and vehicle dynamics on a second-by-second basis. Response times of the PEMS for exhaust concentrations were quantified on the basis of fixed periods of measurement of calibration gases for NO, hydrocarbons (HC), CO, and CO2. The time constant was quantified on the basis of the time to reach 63% of the maximum measured value when calibration gas was continuously administered for a period of typically 20 s or more. The time constant was found to be 6 s for NO and 3 s each for CO, HC, and CO2. Measurement errors associated with the response time of the PEMS were quantified. A first-order dynamic discrete model was developed to simulate the instrument measurements. Simulations showed that correction improves the measurement accuracy. Correction with smoothing better improves the measurement accuracy, especially when the noise is relatively large. On a trip level, the average error of the simulated measurements relative to the simulated signal before correction is -4%, which is deemed to be acceptable. For real-world data, smoothing and correction is recommended for major peaks to improve the measurement accuracy.  相似文献   
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